King James Version (KJV)
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Where does it originate?
after the Church the body of Christ is resurrected or gathered together. It will be set up by Satan and it will be a system
that if you don't worship basically you'll be toast. There are things transpiring now that are building up to that
happening, but as long as the church is here it cannot rise to full fruition. This is my understanding.
As for the context in which "causeth" is used, I interpret it differently. First, we know we are unredeemable if we take the mark, and the believers and followers of The Way are written in the Book of Life, so surely The Most High would not force death upon those who are His or those with an option to be. Secondly, "causeth" doesn't necessarily mean "by force"; I see the cause as by deception. And when we look at it thru that lense, it lines up. This plandemic is built on a mountain of lies.
In order to understand scripture we must first understand that Christianity is a product of the Roman Catholic Church and the RCC a product of the paganism of the Roman Empire and that Rome is Edom and is Edom is Esau. Romans 9:13 tells us, As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
Lastly, we must know who the true Children of Israel are. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 both mention those who say they are Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan. Without this truth, we are not able to accurately interpret the scriptures. Interestingly enough, the very people who are downtrodden and seen as worthless are the "apple of his eye", aka, the so-called African-American and other so-called Black people scattered across the four corners of the earth by way of captivity. The rabbit hole goes leagues deep.
These earthly smaller kingdoms to this day are where God's Providence continues to work miracles. If Satan were not bound with chain, there would be no weakness in the World for an escape into the Spiritual Kingdom of Christ. This Heavenly Providence is Grace and a way of escape.
This is the door of Grace into Salvation in Ark of Jesus Christ and his Church and by the Providence of God. From the beginning of His Kingdom until now the door of the Ark is opened to all whom confess their sins, turn from them and by faith enter in by faith which is freedom.
When the Providence of God in the little governments of the World ceases, then Satan will be released fully and the route to escape becomes impossible because God will not prevent Satan's killing lusts. Worse yet, for the protection of the souls in the Ark of Salvation, the spiritual border crossing will be forever closed.
The tourists Ark in Kentucky may well be an example for some that are like the foolish virgins. They once entered the Ark of Salvation and instead of remaining steadfast in faith they exited a remaining open door to a gift shop to walk around and buy memories of the Ark.
The time of the Covid also seems to be under appreciating the Providence of God as a sign of the times. The day of Provocation is at hand and we as Christians are complaining about the World when it is the World (by water) Spiritual Grace that saves the way of escape across the border to the open Ark.
No rebuke taken - or even seen in your comments. I'm sure the things you've heard are true, but the other side is, if police orders are disobeyed, then we must expect a response; as in the Melbourne woman (she was arrested for "pursuing a course of conduct which would involve the committing of an offence", under stage three/four lockdown). Whether an order is right or wrong isn't the issue - following it or not, is. Sadly, Australia has gone the same way as many countries have, giving God & His Word no place, prohibiting strong discipline at home & school, quashing minority voices that go against righteous behaviour, etc. etc.
Having said that, we have a very strong connection to the States, my wife having spent over fifteen years studying & working there, mainly in Orange County, Ca. So our friends over there are scattered all over the country (East to West), some of them very fine believers. And yes, we too over here look at the U.S. with sadness, a singularly great nation being at the forefront in every field of service, now being decimated by evil forces seeking her ruin. As you pray for us here, be assured that my (& many other's) prayers for America are specific & for her govt, especially that believers will remain strong & resilient to those forces, resting on the Promises found in God's Word to all who abide in Him. Every blessing.
However, the point in this thread I referred to was that there's a mass door-to-door program going on to force 'the Mark' onto people. I trust you will disagree with that absurdity.
Revelation 17:10
Daniel in his vision of four beasts looked ahead from his time. Three beasts of kingdoms were more clear: Grecian, Persian and Babylonian kingdoms. More vague was a forth kingdom.
John in his vision looked back from the vision's point in time past the time of Daniel to the Assyrian and Egyptian kingdoms. At the time of the vision the vague kingdom was clearly the Roman kingdom. A total of six kingdoms with one to come after the Roman kingdom.
The seventh Kingdom is of the domain of Jesus Christ and is the last Kingdom in earth.
For your meditation.
Philippians 2:13 For it is God who worketh in you both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.
Thank you and God bless you.
915682: Resident received vaccine per pharmacy at the facility at 5 pm. Approximately 6:45 resident found unresponsive and EMS contacted. Upon EMS arrival at facility, resident went into cardiac arrest, code initiated by EMS and transported to hospital. Resident expired at hospital at approximately 8 pm 915880: Patient died within 12 hours of receiving the vaccine.
915920: Resident received vaccine in am and expired that afternoon.
921175: Resident received Covid Vaccine, noted after 30 mins with labored breathing BP 161/77, HR 116, R 38, T 101.4,
921768: Vaccine received at about 0900 on 01/04/2021 at her place of work, Medical Center, where she was employed as a housekeeper. About one hour after receiving the vaccine she experienced a hot flash, nausea, and feeling like she was going to pass out after she had bent down. Later at about 1500 hours she appeared tired and lethargic, then a short time later, at about 1600 hours, upon arrival to a friends home she complained of feeling hot and having difficulty breathing. She then collapsed, then when medics arrived, she was still breathing slowly then went into cardiac arrest and was unable to be revived.
927189: Patient was vaccinated at 11am and was found at the facility in his room deceased at approximately 3:00pm. Nurse did not have cause of death
929764: The patient was found deceased at home about 24 hours after immunization. Date of Death:: 12/29/2020; estimated time of death 6:00pm 933578: Pronounced dead 1/9/2021 at 12:42. Received first dose of vaccine 1/8/2021
I would like to expand the truths of your comments a little farther.
Revelation is two judgements, the first being the saints of God, as you said ( 1 Peter 4:17).
The gospel of Christ hasn't YET been preached to the WHOLE WORLD (from ADAM to CHRIST they had already died). This will happen after the first judgement of the saints, which is happening in the TIME of their suffering in the FLESH. When all the saints have been gathered, THEN, the second resurrection, at which time the saints with Christ, will declare (judge) the gospel to the WHOLE WORLD ( Revelation 10:11).
Judgement is not PUNISHMENT, as most believe, but is coming to TRUTH, by the words and works of God. In this AGE, ONLY, to those CHOSEN (to be saints and judges, GIVEN eyes to see and ears to hear. Everyone in God's APPOINTED TIME.
The whole world has been RECONCILED to God, through JESUS CHRIST; they just don't KNOW YET ( Colossians 1:20).
Matthew 13:11 He answer and said unto them, Because it is GIVEN unto you (the saints) TO KNOW, but unto them (those not called to the first resurrection) it is NOT GIVEN.
Christ creating HIMSELF in HIS SAINTS, how else can you JUDGE RIGHTEOUSLY, unless you have HIS MIND.
God always CHOOSES MEN, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Samson, Gideon, Joshua, the twelve, Paul, etc., etc. In THIS AGE, first death (to Christ, to his Word), first resurrection (his and the saints resurrection), first judgement (into TRUTH, THE LIFE, THE WAY) he is choosing ONLY THE SAINTS.
All others will be resurrected back in their FLESH and be JUDGED in CHRIST (HIS WORDS) by THE SAINTS and CHRIST and brought to the TRUTH that God HAS RECONCILED the world to himself through his Son Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:28 When ALL THINGS shall be subdued to him, then shall the Son himself be subject to him who put all things under him, that GOD may be ALL IN ALL.
You don't CHOSE me, I CHOSE YOU.
This word, Tartarus is NOT in the Bible. Now when I googled CHINA in the search engine of this website, it revealed 3 scriptures. On describes China's National colors. I quizzed the search engine to discover where the PANDEMICS originated. All corona viruses have originated in China. BUT, some middle eastern countries are named with Ancient names. Use ancient maps to find the names yourselves. HUMANS DID THIS.
Bottom Line is= Jesus said these things would happen. It's a sign of the impending END OF ALL THINGS, The time of the End; LAST DAYS, etc.
The nations surrounding Israel are Palestinian. They are determined to steal the Covenant God made with Abraham. God blessed Ishmael with Princes, Wealth in a separate Blessing. They will deal with God in this treachery of this day.
If American politics withdraws help to Israel, every man, woman, child will suffer for Our Treachery. If we don't speak up with our VOICES AND VOTES, do not be surprised what happens as a result. Covenants that God makes are set in stone. Read Leviticus 26. No amount of crying and pretending ignorance will stop what is going to happen. Book of Daniel is happening now.
Australia is being prematurely persecuted. Tartarus, Tataria could be Principalities. Ephesians 6. Fast and pray Corporately as a nation.
Look people 2 Peter 3: it is all going to burn up. from the North Pole to the South Pole. It's not optional. We must get ready to go with Jesus!!
He can come any day now. Signs support that. Be joyful that you will not have to see the destruction of earth. Google: Revelation Station Movie.
It's imaginary, but it makes you Think Forever.
I speak peace over you, child of God.
I don't expect to find TV evangelist much different.
They can easily be proven false and their followers are the real losers for not seeking the truth in the scriptures. A special place in hell for these fake preachers .
A sure sign .
I know the answer just pointing it out .
The only way to be ready is become a Christian now. Not much is left that's left to appear. The end times were described as a woman giving birth. Starts off slow, speeds up, pain increases.
The only way to survive is to choose Jesus. They'll force people to take the Mark to receive food; but there won't be enough food and water for everyone. Later in the Tribulation all the water will turn to blood. You have to preach to your children & tell them about the signs. Tell them to search YouTube videos of disasters happening today! Things are getting worse. The USA doesn't even really have a president anymore. He's too old. He's not Leading!
Watch a preacher, Greg Laurie on YouTube. He teaches often on the End of Days (the Rapture).
Keep coming back in here. Don't worry too much.