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Hello Claire. I can relate to you in your search for a church of Lord Jesus. I was born Catholic and married to a Catholic lady - had a successful married life. We have a son and daughter successful in their careers, married with kids. I was blessed as a Registered Nurse, entrepreneur and investor, financially well of, my wife was a school teacher I asked to quite her job just so we have time together. In 2008, she asked to retired and travel enjoy life. Unfortunately before leaving for our plan to travel, she was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer, had surgery and went to rounds of Chemotherapy but without success. I witnessed her slowly get weak and dying, was given 3 months to live. So I asked her if she believe what the doctor said, she said no only God knows. I said I also believe only God knows, so we refused any further treatment and have faith in God. God lead us to a homeopathic doctor in Mesa Arizona who is a believer in God. Our doctor changed our diet to Vegan, lots of fresh green veggies other ingredient of green juice and reading the Bible. On the 11th month of doing this, she was free of cancer, I was healed of all my diseases as well.
However, her damaged immune system didn't protect her from pneumonia a few weeks later, the cancer came back, I b died 09/09/09. This all happened during the financial crisis, my real estate investment and stocks holdings suffered devastating loss.
I told her we pray to God to get me first instead of her, but she rebuked me, said it's God's will and she is happy about it. Before she passed she gave 3 advices: get married, stop chasing money, instead serve God by helping others. After she passed, God confirmed this in my dream. I stopped chasing money. I asked God to give tolls to help me help others and God did. So I prayed day and night to God to give me a Christian wife and God did.
My Bible Study with you in Facebook "What Does It Mean To Be Born Again Christian"
Thank you,,,
Robert Malit
Maybe you can explain it in this way to your spouse: we can say 'we are going to Church', i.e. to a building, but that building will contain the 'real' Church = the believers who meet there.
Another question please.
Matthew chapter 24: 1-46
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 5:2
Revelation 1:7, 3:10
1 Corinthians 15: 51-53
Mark 13:32
John 14:1-3
Luke 21: 34-36; 12:40
Acts 1: 9-11
2 Peter 3:10-13
Hebrews 9:28
Philippians 3:20
Colossians 3:2
Ezekiel 18:4. Revelation 21
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. ((Antichrist is "killed"))
Revelation 13:14
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
Revelation 13:15
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should BE KILLED.
Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revevelation 14:9
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Revelation 13:12
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Comment by Mishael: if you're left behind and Dont take the mark; you won't be able to BUY anything period. You'll be hunted by servants of Antichrist and ordered to take the Mark or be beheaded.
BUT If you gave your heart to Jesus, You Will Go To Heaven.
If You TAKE the Mark there is no more chance to GO TO HEAVEN, EVER.
See John 3. Get saved NOW.
God has brought me comfort and light through darkness, I will praise him and seek his face everyday. if you have cancer or not, seek God every day and stay in prayer listen to his son.
Thank you Mishael for your concern, I'm sorry about your Mom our Moms. Yeshua said
47 Then one saide vnto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speake with thee.
48 But he answered, and said vnto him that told him, Who is my mother? And who are my brethren?
49 And hee stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold, my mother and my brethren.
50 For whosoeuer shall doe the will of my Father which is in heauen, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.
May they both be at rest and I hope with our lord.
Use this websites Search Engine. Makes it much easier.
I have just one question for you seeing that this all about uplifting and speaking words of truth and encouragement, and as you have quoted man will give an account for every idle word spoken. When the Messiah ascended back into heaven; what name did the disciples and Paul preach by which man must be saved?
Seek, and ye shall find ( Matthew 7:7).
In His Service.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg - Nova Scotia, Canada
Heavenly Father:
In Jesus' Holy Name, forgive me for not bringing up my children in the Way, the Truth and the Life. Forgive me for not confessing my sins and for not bearing fruit worthy of repentance. Forgive us as a nation for our failure to properly parent 96% of our children and our children's children. Forgive us for our worldliness, for our pride and for our false idols. We ask that, through our children, you complete your Sovereign Will and command to Go and make disciples of all nations. Help us now to repent, personally and as a nation. We pray this prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Name above all names, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, under which every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord. Amen
Dear Christian Warriors:
Sadly, some parents seem to teach this mantra: "Do what I say, not what I do." Unfortunately, this doesn't work. Even our Perfect Father God sent Jesus Christ as an example so that we would have a role model to follow.
The cure for our failing national morality is for parents to REPENT FIRST and THEN the children will follow.
Scripture tells us to bring our children early to the House of God ( 1 Samuel 1:24) and to train them in the ways of God ( Deuteronomy 31:12,13; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4). Even at a young age children can seek and "speak" God's strength.
We have now largely robbed children of that Promised experience. Recent statistics by George Barna show that only 4% of "millennials" have a Biblical worldview, 96% are open to the changing morays of a humanistic culture. Sin has almost disappeared as a concept. They don't know what they don't know.
Join me in repenting in ways that we have failed as parents and as a culture to train our children to walk in God's Way, Truth and Life. Parents are the most influential role models for our children and we must not allow them to be passively taken over by today's media and declining culture.
Genesis 5:3-4,
Look closely it only mentioned "Seth in his image, likeness of Adam" Luke 3: * Luke 3:38 *
John 21:25 , Hebrew 11:32 if scripture talks about not being able to contain acts in books or even our own time on this earth; then why would we believe it could?
It's been pointed out to me that scripture was written to expose the Messiah, Saviour of the world. 1 Corinthian 15:45-47
PS, I am sure that Samuel meant the Bride in his request to me.
To answer your question, I provide the link to this website, use my email address as links to websites are not allowed.
It is a reliable an trusted source to me for many years.
You have to do some study but the information is there that you are after.
Which perspective of the catching away of the Bribe to you believe?
Look up for Jesus may come today!
But like Jesus Christ said, it's easier for a camel to pass through the "camel gates of a city" than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Heaven & Messianic Age). It's easier to drop a camel's material things but it's harder to do in the case of a man.
Your not understanding what they're(Jews) are saying. They're not saying Jesus is called "yeshua" in Hebrew. They're saying Jesus is not the Messiah and he's boiling in excrement, and this other god called "yeshua" is the messiah. They're saying he will come and all Jews will call him the messiah, but He will be the antichrist we've all been warned about. Now do you get what I'm saying?