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Revelation Chapter 21 Discussion Page 5

Revelation Chapter 21 Discussion Page 5

  • Richard on Revelation 21:2 - 4 years ago
    My friend and I always end up in an Argument about Paul's teaching(s) about who Paul says plainly whom The Bride Of Christ Is ...and book of Revealation seemingly saying The Bride is The Holy City ...I keep mentioning that it states "as a Bride " ( a metaphor ) ... Do you mind helping me out to settle this discussion and put this subject to Bed

    Thank You
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    Hi Harold, No one knows his position, but if that's the case his living in sin, however show him in the scripture. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (KJV) Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

    And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
  • Harold Olson on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    My son Nicholas is not married, but living with a woman and fornicating. Will he and her go to HELL
  • Cher - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    Thanks for clarifying this chapter and it has surely given me great understanding of the coming end of days.
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    God's re-creation of a new Heaven (may also refer to the sky/universe) & a new Earth, is the final great Act of God to remove the stain & stench of sin from the Earth. Satan, his demons & all who followed him have been cast into the eternal Lake of Fire (chapter 20), so now this new Earth will be for all the righteous ones to live on, with God Himself reigning with them.

    It appears that with the creation of the New Jerusalem, which comes down & is established on this new revamped Earth, that there will be no other countries or cities, as all of God's people will be eternally with the Father & His Son in this new City. Those who have been raptured, or had died in Christ earlier, along with the Old Testament saints & martyrs, will have 'physical' bodies so fashioned, that we will be able to live in Heaven or on Earth. That is why the "dead in Christ will rise first" at the coming of the Lord ( 1 Thessalonians 4:16), that their reconstituted bodies, with those living, will be physically with the Lord & not just 'spirits in Heaven'.

    The 144,000 that you read about in Revelation chapters 7 & 14, apply to the 12,000 from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel. We are not told how these will be known & selected (except it's stated that they are virgins ( Revelation 14:4), seeing that present day Israel is largely of mixed blood. Yet aside from these, there will still be the number of redeemed Gentiles ( Revelation 7:9) who will, together with all the other inhabitants of Heaven, worship the Lord into Eternity.
  • Cheryl on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    Revelation 21 verse 1 a new heaven and earth , why if everyone is suppose to be spiritual beings no body and physical needed is there a new earth what happen to everyone being caught up in the Rapture and taken to heaven , then it said only the 144,000 are going to heaven explain
  • Bruce on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    CH 21 v 8. Who is the fearful & unbelieving. ??
  • People in Church MAKE it HAPPEN on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    The Sabbath is a bone of contention in here. Sorry to say so. I have not found a scripture that says Thou Shat Go to Church on Saturday; Friday, Sunday or any other day.

    It DOES say to not forsake assembling together.

    Church is whatever day your Church chooses to come together corporately.

    Purpose: praise and worship, tithes or offerings to the Lord. Prayer for the sick to be healed. Hearing the message. Invitation to be born again.

    Personally for me, I think children 6 and up should sit with parents. Children see, they do. Jesus said: suffer the children to come to ME. Show what you believe. Give them a dollar to put in the offering basket.

    There should be announcements In the bulletin so church members can see who needs home visits. Matthew 26. Preach that.

    I realize that some churches operate on rituals, traditions, "that's how it's always been done", etc.

    It's JESUS'S CHURCH. I do not perceive from Him: stern, inflexible or too modern. I think coffee, donuts and chat, belongs after church is dismissed. Let all things be in an orderly fashion.

    We should be learning WHO the Holy Spirit is; What is the 5 Fold Ministry Gifts to the Church; the Gifts of the Holy Spirit & how they are received and how they operate.

    Lastly. Teach WHO the Body of Christ is.

    People need to hear this taught often. See: most people do not even know what it is.

    Wednesday Intercessory Prayer meetings are for learning the real Meat: how to pray for souls to be saved and set free from the devil. Teach Spiritual Warfare.

    Ignorance is not blissful. Ignorance allows demons to do their dirty work and kidnap your kids, your finances, your sense of peace and joy. Teach people how to live in the Power and Freedom that is in Christ.

    If your church does NONE of those things, find one who does. Listen to church on FM Radio when you wash dishes.

    Stuff Bible in=and when you get squished, it just flows out like a stream of life.

  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    Revelation 21:8 gives a list of those that not only not enter Heaven, but are ultimately cast into the Lake of Fire where Satan, the Beast & False Prophet are also cast into, in that final day of dealing with the sin problem.

    I see that list as revealing the whole spectrum of sins: those without faith in God through His Son, those that partook of abominable things or did abominable things in God's Sight, idol worshippers, those practising in witchcraft & clairvoyants, & those given to lies & deception. So even if we don't see things like drunkenness, drug use, rape, child molestation, etc. in that list, I see that these are also covered under what God sees as abominable behaviour.

    And all these will be judged for their sinful lives & the saddest thing is that they will suffer the same fate as those who never did any good, but only evil, as Satan & his cohorts did. Which speaks to me that in spite of all the good that man can do for others, still if there is unconfessed & unforgiven sin in his life, his pitiful end is certain.
  • Bruce on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    CH 21 v8. Don't understand the types of people to not enter Heaven.
  • Efficient on Revelation 21:7 - 4 years ago
    Who was Philip.
  • William Joseph Byers on Revelation 21:4 - 4 years ago
    I don't want to upset any of you but from what I am reading in the comments alot of you are not getting it yet. I want to help Because I want very few tears to be streaming from my eyes that the lord will wipe away. Let me start with the judgement day. That great and terrible day! We all will be standing in like a court room but serprated, Goats from the sheep. You know your standing infront of the judge/God. You know what you did in your life. Youll see everyone you could have lead to the lord, but for some selfish reason like embarrassment or something you didnt, You failed to take your children to church, or just something like you didnt have the time. Well your standing there in the sheep side, the side that is going to heavan. You look over to your child or kids as you both are crying leaning forward crying for each other. Why daddy, whay mommy didnt you help me get to heaven??? as the tears fall from your eyes. This would be a very sickening time. You see your child condemned to hell forever and as you see this your enduring the most unimaginable. But its to late to do anything. I cant imagine this happening to anyone, its way to horrible. Dont be afaid to speak up in a crowd. Dont stop trying, On that great and terrible day you will see your loved ones in heavin rejoicing with you forever and ever. Take your friends, brothers, sisters, strangers and children with you to be with Jesus Christ forever and ever amen.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Revelation 21:4 - 4 years ago
    Likely the Accuser of the Brethren sent that message. Demons can oppress people if they listen, get angry and react hastily.

    Believe what theBible says about you. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand. He will comfort you; but sometimes he convicts us too, about things we do. Listen to that calm Voice and not that voice that confuses or condemns.

    You may even ask the Holy Spirit to give you the gift of discerning spirits.

    If you forgive him, you release The Lord to go to work on him. That's how it works.

    You can even ask the Lord to bring new (Christian) friends into your life. He did it for me.

    Go read Matthew 5:11-12
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Revelation 21:4 - 4 years ago
    I would assume that person don't believe that you don't believe in that verse. And wants you to think about what it means.
  • Question on Revelation 21:4 - 4 years ago
    What verses in the bible refers to, "The Bear will conquer the Eagle:

    and the "Eagle will fall from within"
  • Danette on Revelation 21:4 - 4 years ago
    What does it means if someone sent you this verse revelation 21,3,4 . Someone that had treated you very badly
  • Jim on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    The old thing will past away and everything will become new. Our lord will receive his children and we will be in heaven with the lord for ever. No more crying ,sorrow no more anything that will hurt you. Nothing but joy and happiness and peace and the lord that will flow continuously to god people. Jim on revelation21
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    Mathew 7:15-23
  • Will - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    If you are Israel. Repent and

    Keep the Commandments of God
  • Daughter of Christ on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    I definetly want to go to heaven. We see here that the twelve apostles of the lamb each have there own stones. In a earlier chapter t talks abut how WE will get our own stones that will have our new names on it... I wonder what my new name is!!!
  • Tessie Miller - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    God Calls the man He created "Adam" in the second chapter and states that he should not be alone.

    Genesis 2 : 18 - 20

    18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

    19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

    20And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
  • Naya - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    Jesse, so Psalm 146:4 Which explains in the very day that we die, all of our thoughts perish indicates that we're in an unconscious state after death. I've given other scriptures which explain what happens at death, but okay. I'm not going to debate about it. We're all entitled to our beliefs. I'm not upset at your disagreement.

    And about the Rich man and Lazarus, if you read through that chapter and really see if for what it is, it is clear that "that" even takes place in the future. That has not happened yet. That rich man was in the Lake of Fire, which we all know hasn't even been created yet. No one is currently burning in the lake of fire. The Lake of Fire will be in Jerusalem, just like the Kingdom of God will be in Jerusalem. A gulf will be fixed between the two places.

    Abraham is still dead/asleep, has not been resurrected yet. So how could the rich man have seen Abraham? That story takes place after the Lord returns and sets up his kingdom on earth.

    The Lord will return & raise every human from death, great and small at his Coming, either in the first resurrection or 2nd, So how can any human be awake now?

    But again, I understand your position. I will not go further into it.

    Jesus finished his ministry on earth as it pertains to fulfilling what was testified about him in the Old Testament. All of that is the first half of his ministry and yes, he did complete that.

    Everything the prophets testified about concerning Jesus' coming was fulfilled and completed.

    The last 3 1/2 years "or" days in the week talked about in Daniel will be the 2nd half of his ministry when he returns and teaches in the wilderness.

    By the way, I am NOT a Jehovah's witness at all and not even close. Not saying that you called me one. But I wanted that to be clear. I do not agree with their teachings, like at all.

    I'm of no denomination. I just study the bible as it is written.

    No need to reply. We've had a nice chat.

    Nice talking to you too.
  • William hayes on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    KJV book genesis 1;27 says god created man did not say Adam
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago

    Amen, all praise, honor, and glory to Him. We are all just vessels for His purposes!
  • Mishael - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    Praise God! Jesse
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago

    Yes, I did read the scriptures you sent. However, those scriptures do not change my view to match with yours. Here's where we differ:

    I do not agree that "no one is in a conscious state after death." The story of the rich man and Lazarus would show me that both were in a conscious state after death.

    I do not agree that when we die (Physical death) "our body and soul dies and we're asleep until the appointed time." I believe this is a teaching held by the Jehovah's Witnesses. I believe the physical body (Flesh) will die and be in the grave, and one day we will receive our glorified bodies. But I believe the soul lives on forever. The soul of man will never die, or cease to exist. I don't believe in "Soul Sleep" either.

    I don't agree that "Jesus did not finish his ministry." Jesus Himself said, "It is finished right before He died on the cross." If His ministry and work were not complete, what would be our hope for salvation? I do believe Jesus finished His ministry here on earth. I do not believe that any human power could have stopped Him from finishing what He came for. To say that they killed Him halfway through His ministry doesn't make sense to me.

    No human power could have taken Him before He completed His work. There was a mob of about 1,000 men who came to take Him after Judas pointed Him out, but even that many men with clubs and swords could not have taken Him if His time to be taken was not then and there. Jesus blew that crowd of men backward on their behinds twice just by the power of His voice. You would have thought that by that time, they would have turned and ran. They couldn't have taken Him no matter how many men came to do it. Jesus surrendered Himself freely. If He was not finished with His ministry, He would not have freely surrendered Himself at that time.

    Thanks again for the conversation.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    It's a spirit of false religion.
  • Naya - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    Mishael, I just realized you're speaking of what I've said in regards to Revelation 21. I've been conversing with Jesse so much on here, I can't remember how it got started.

    But again, I don't believe I'm scrambled on Revelation 21. It's pretty cut and dry the end of the Book.

    Thank you
  • Naya - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    Mishael, no offense taken at all. Not that my cup is so full that I have no room to learn, but on the things that I have posted, I have studied over 20 years and I'm pretty solid that it's sound. And everything I posted I laid out scriptures I got it from.

    I'm not sure what specifically you're speaking of that I've said which you find to be scrambled, but I have no problem waiting whatever it is out until the day the Lord Returns to clear it up.

    Again, no offense taken. Thanks for your input though.
  • Naya - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 4 years ago
    Jesse, well, on Rome you will have to research history, deep into history and encyclopedias and match it with Bible history. You're sure to find what I have said is true if you do. A lot has to do with the Ten horns and what they represent dating back to the defeat of the Herulians, Vandels, Ostrogoths, Justinian and even Napolion, and so forth. It's Revelation 13 stuff you have to use world history with to piece it together. I would be writing and replying until the coming of the Lord if I went further into it. But I guarantee it's Rome. So I say to you just keep studying everything. Pray for more understanding, etc.

    You said it's too hard to keep the 10 Commandments??? Those are the very commandments mentioned throughout the bible that will assure us eternal life if we "strive" to keep them. You see I say "strive" because we're human. We cannot give up and say they're too hard to keep. What's so hard about not stealing, lying, committing adultery, coveting, keeping the Sabbath day holy, not worshipping idols and other gods, etc.? The first 4 commandments show us how to love God, the last 6 commandments show us how to love our neighbor (the way God instructed us to love our neighbor). So the 10 commandments is the law of love. As long as we're trying to keep them, we are showing love to God and our neighbors spiritually and physically.

    Now, there are other ways outside of that...but those are our basics. I think the only one most Christians have a problem with is the 4th Commandment. But I'm not trying to go down that rabbit hole. I gotta work out my own salvation with fear and trembling.

    The goal is to do what's required to make the First resurrection.

    And I forgot, yes, I agree the second resurrection is for the Lake of Fire; however, they still must be judged at the Great white throne judgment.(Scary) I plan on and hope I'm a spirit being doing the judging by then.

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