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17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Rev 22
In these last days before the return of Jesus Christ the Spirit and Church are saying the same thing, Come. There is a spirit of invitation, a spirit of grace, a spirit of love reaching out from the church to whosoever will!
Will you come?
There are many different religions and denominations of Christianity. But the only people who are working correctly with the Spirit of God are the ones reaching out in love to others. This reaching out does not mean we are to fellowship sin, no! We are to reach out to every blood washed one, every child of God, every person who had accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Are YOU reaching out to others in LOVE?
1. The Bible was not originally written in English, so unless you plan on learning to read Greek, Hebrew and Latin, then we need a translation.
2. When translated, not all words perfectly match. For example, English has one word for love, but Greek has several. So, when scholars translate they sometimes have slightly different interpretations of what it is. It's not significant, just very minor differences.
3. Languages evolve, so some newer translations are made to accommodate that. The English language is not the same as it was in the 1600s for instance. So, when people read the 1611 King James Bible, spelling and grammar appear to be incorrect, but the language was different then (they would think the same about our language today).
- God Bless You!!
- God Bless You!!
Let me frase a poem from "old time" when the Human changed into something, which the Revalation is the result of.
Whats New - Man has got a Hard time
Who Triumphed - Man's Creator Great
What's New - The Holy Saints retreat
Where - To the Blessed Holy Seat
What's New - The World is Saved again
How so - Yea, through Jesus' pain
What's New - The Heaven has opened it's door
To whom Now - to the one's the Cross Adore.
That's why it is all over in the year 2016 and not 2012 as the "Mayan" says.
"Man" replaced with "They" reason for this is that it makes the scripture to include woman, not just Man, Ps 34:8 "...blessed is the man that trusteth in him" "..." are they "
" " "
By the way - Thee is the wery old word for "man", which is a short term for "man-kind". You know - Human Beings which contains both woman and man.
"Wo-man" - the mankind who gives Birth
"Man" - the mankind who makes is possible
But what about my Gold?
You ARE in Heaven - You appear in the Garden - but only man makes it hell.
Thats why it has to stop, because of the fact, that man not just destroy "itself" but everything around.
When you dream at Night - you know that I'm right, which offcourse is of no surprise.
Well - you got some of it right, but be aware of the Devil in your "satisfaction".
The Devil likes to appear as the Holy - but only the few can recognize the truth.
Revelation?? I'll give you revelation if you do not give me you most "loved". Really - I do not want your Soul, I allready got it. I want the Money that you dearly keep by your Heart.
You have been giving the data - Now the Ball in on your Corner.
Who do you believe??
What do you believe??
As I see it, you do not want God to intervent problems, because God is the ruler of Life and Dead. The Ten Commentments - which was given to Moses, was the most simple rules for human Kind to follow.
No one took notice - so therefore his son Jesus was sent til Earth to give you and excample for living af decent life as Human.
A needed development in the understanding for the power of the force of the Humand mind.
You still cry out for the whip.
Well - taste it.
The Islam belief still denies to grow into a personel and individual respect.
You want sanctions, punishment, laws, models to follow.
If you really believe in God - you have learned, that God is in contact with everyone of you. In your dreams. In your senses and in your behaviour and most of all, in your understanding of the fact, that God is of no Human flesh.
The "bibles" have tried to tell you that. The Gospels tell you - in a language told even in pictures - what you should do.
I've decided that 2016 (not 2012 as the Mayan say), is the final countdown.
You seek and live for Gold(money). Now you again have a choice.
Spread the word.
Change has to come - will come. Therefore be sure and make the payment asap.
That is your right. If you believe in only one - there is only one.
To make this happen - pay as much as you want to Stenus - Steen Hansen - IBAN SE8380000840 38033372 8368. BIC: SWEDSESS
The plans were dropped - and the Bible got the "picture" as we know it today. Also the time about King James were excluded
A manifestation of the words, that the winner alvways make the history - but sometimes there are even Gold in dirt
Who has given you "the right" to plant seed for "batle between Stars"
NONE of them.
If you refre to the oldest "paper" I do not know :o) - but perhaps you should read further...
You see - there are thourgt's of an philosofi of earlier thourghts, which also was written. Those symbols "writing" are again a believe, which also were forced on the human brain to comprehend accept and obey.
But in the (?) there's only one to decid and that's is an "consious"-"thing" and a behavior-"thing" which is planted in the understanding of an understanding of the force of human kind - placed by an suprime understandness of the need for every atom and the compacity to accept that placed im a body like the human kind.
Is'nt that beautyfull??
Only human kind has the force to see the "its-self" an can behave accordingly.
Or not??
The human kind has broken every seal in each one and there's nothing to build on. The human kind has - again - broken the most secret seal - and that is trying to get involve in things "which" are and not "for human-kind-to be" and that is sience in "being man" and not reponding to "why" i'm acting.
The Bible - which ? - has the "force" to guide and not to obey. Still it is, that "thinking" is an absolut world, which - again - is a matter between "of the beholder and God".
But you can make "Gold" by twisting those "holy matter's" - so therefore you see (I hope) - that we make more "Engle" than "Devils". Orh - sorry - the other way around"
Every bibel has in the "end" - "and If you do not choose the common-power giving by the human-to-human-way, you are to be punished or even excludet off the "force" and therefore are to be the "animal" on which "laws" are buildt.
The Astal-way goes both ways.
Every "being" has it's own star - and some of them are "at a distance" and the "feeling" has gravity to make a "great deal of problems" in the Human brain to comprehend.
The Bibel also "speaks" about development build on acceptance, respect and love between "individual's".
Every "star" has it's own "sun" to shine.
Pandora - because of the distance.
Life is when you respond to the spirit which given to you by the planet your own.
Now'a'days the word should be in respect of that or they/we are expelled in the universe and therefore as a "human".
A bibel is a "step-to-step" contact between this "star" given on Earth to live a life as an individual
So if you ask me, which one of the Bibel's that are most "Natural" - King James - ofcourse, thoug it is "not written" on so many different "understanding of spirit"
I feel mostly Jewish - but according to history I'm also to Catholics, Cristian, Pagen and Heathens, devils and Angels.
When a person comes to me and tell me, that he has a thing, which is holy for him. I even that "lucky", that the "Holy thing" is a book which I can read.
I just - also - believe a truht, which is beyond the truth, which was to be respectet as "the only truht". Prejudice and Lies - you have to dicover in all It's glory. :o)
I do believe in the King of Solomon, which gave us David.
I do believe in GOD and his son Jesus.
I do believe in the Holy Qur-An
I do believe in fathers and Sons/daughters and I do believe in Love.
But look around.
The Human Being has forsaken its own being for Gold etc.
Easyly we slaughter - just because we can.
We slaughter for space to grow by increasing the space of others. Not because hunger etc. but just for fun and the thoughts of a eternal life.
Who - in the end - has the power of life and dead?
Please read it again, and comprehend that the words are written by someone who wants to testify, that he believe to be a "message from GOD"
If it should be a King (James) he denies the truth of the individual and wants to place his own instead.
You write "anything which is not written belongs to GOD" Nevertheless the written words should be GOD's ??
Power - real Power - is not taken, but given which also make a point. 22.18 talks about Power from an individual who just wants more Gold.
Thats why the revelation is unfinished.
At the time around Jesus, there was some Irish Munks, who placed individuals in very small rooms. No connection with the outside world. Just the needed food. The found out, that the Human Brain was empty - and not empty.I believe that you still keep the brain of the deceased Jesus in a Bowl - somewhere.
Well - anyway. You can read that much, that your head is spinning - and still you do not know anything.
But you can only be sure of one thing. That is, that the "things" you are reading, is someone elses thoughts and doing. For seeking - you have to not only read - but even look at the surroundings. Both Politicaly and Human-wise.