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Revelation Chapter 22 Discussion Page 5

Revelation Chapter 22 Discussion Page 5

  • Lee on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    A few years ago I was in a horrible spot in my life. Long story short I had an abortion and I'm under serious conviction ov it. I want to know if I'm going to hell ? My life has gone down hill every since. I truly regret the decision
  • A prayer for David on Revelation 22:19 - 4 years ago
    Heavenly Father, I pray that you will cover this problem with your loving hand. While my mind is confused and struggles to find the right path, I know that you can heal any situation. Bring your peace and hope to my life. Hold me close to you so that my heart and mind may be kept safe. I pray that you will use the power of your truth to transform any darkness into your love and light. You are my fortress and my place of refuge. In times of difficulties, I turn to you for protection from harm. Thank you for protecting me and giving me your blessings in my life , Amen.
  • Clev on Revelation 22:19 - 4 years ago
    This light can also be the hope of humanity. The hope of eternal life. All of the sorrows of life, with it's disappointments, betrayals, illnesses and such likes cannot extinguish this eternal hope of mankind.
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 22:19 - 4 years ago
    Your comment is appreciated Hugo. Indeed, the Church has been blessed with many gifted with abilities from God. And prophecy was one of them. Some would argue the prophetical content of those so gifted: are they establishing the published prophecies in the Word, or are they proclaiming something added to existing prophecies, or even something totally new as some have been prophesying on future events from present news. To this, I am very concerned & of course, the truth of the prophecy can be verified by its outcome: Deuteronomy 18:20-22.

    The Bible, in totality, is God's Word, past, present & future, to mankind. Prophets in the past have received God's Word directly to them which they have faithfully passed on. Others such as the apostles, in the new Church age, took up those prophecies & shed further light on them as they were led of the Spirit. Sometimes, they declared a 'mystery', something which was not revealed or clearly seen before (e.g. Romans 11:25, 1 Corinthians 15:51, 2 Thessalonians 2:7, & others). And the union of believing Jew & Gentile in Christ's Church is seen today in full measure.

    In the Church now, which has the whole counsel of God in the Word & by His Spirit, any prophetical utterance has to be seen & tested by what has already been revealed. The fear that I expressed concerns the volume of cults & other God-centric religions that proclaim & prophesy matters that are not in the Bible, even anti-biblical & anti-Christian in content. And we also have a plethora of those who want to tingle our ears with something new so that we might be drawn to their 'prophecies or delusions', even donating money to keep their ministry going & our accepting them as fact rather than seeing them as 'an opinion', yet to be verified. Where is that "one prophet" of God out of a 1000 false ones that will make our hearts & spirits burn with joy & hope, rather than tingle our ears with nonsense? Blessings & peace on you too brother.
  • Hugo Zyl - In Reply on Revelation 22:19 - 4 years ago
    God bless you brother Chris

    You speak devoutly but we must not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Ephesians 4:11 clearly tells us that there are still prophets in the Church age. There may be 1,000 false prophets, but there will also be 1 who truly has received the office of being a prophet from Almighty God.

    Let us get the Holy Spirit and then we can not be deceived.

    Peace & Love in Christ
  • Rob - In Reply on Revelation 22:19 - 4 years ago
    Proverbs 30.6

    Add thou not unto his words , lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar .

    There is another verse similar to this one .
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 22:19 - 4 years ago
    The warning in Revelation 22:18,19 is specifically to the prophecies of the Book of the Revelation given to John. However, the warning is relevant in regard to any extra-biblical treatment to any of the other books of the Bible.

    It comes to us as a solemn warning that up to this point (i.e. the final revelation in the Bible), Jesus has only given this much news of the Church present & that which is to come upon it & the World. Many attempt to add more to it by way of special revelation, or as supposed prophets coming after the close of this Book. Their prophecies are false & their adherents usually have to reject the Bible in part or whole & cling onto the proclamations of their prophet as the final word 'from God'. We can think of Islam & the cults & a myriad of religions that have given their own versions of the present & future, that ultimately will fail as they are in direct conflict with the revelation from Heaven. These verses truly come to all of us as solemn warnings.
  • Revelation 2219 - In Reply on Revelation 22:19 - 4 years ago
    From the Commentary on This Website. Free to everybody :)

    Wesley's Notes for Revelation 2:19

    2:19 I know thy love - How different a character is this from that of the angel of the church at Ephesus! The latter could not bear the wicked, and hated the works of the Nicolaitans; but had left his first love and first works. The former retained his first love, and had more and more works, but did bear the wicked, did not withstand them with becoming vehemence. Mixed characters both; yet the latter, not the former, is reproved for his fall, and commanded to repent. And faith, and thy service, and patience - Love is shown, exercised, and improved by serving God and our neighbour; so is faith by patience and good works.

    People's Bible Notes for Revelation 2:19

    Re 2:19 The last [to be] greater than the first. "That thy last works are more than the first" (Revised Version). Instead of retrograding, their works grew more excellent.

  • Rob - In Reply on Revelation 22:19 - 4 years ago
    Excellent question .

    We need to be very careful we are not changing the truth of scriptures, any time . Always confess your errors to the lord , we all make them , the truth will set us free from the errors .

    Deuteronomy 4. 2

    Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you , neither shall ye diminish ought from it , that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your GOD which I command you .

    Psalms 138.2

    Isaiah 55.11

    Psalm 119.160
  • Audrey hardie on Revelation 22:19 - 4 years ago
    is the lord speaking of Revelation 22 19 or is this for the entire Bible?
  • Lionjudah - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    You the man bro in Christ Earl.. we going back to the garden of Eden taking the fruit of life. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." the tree of life spirit brothers those that have an ear have an ear.
  • Stephen - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    Susan lucarelli, The bread and wine in church are symbolic.... to Discern the LORDS body goes waaaay deaper than communion in the church.... This speaks of what "FOOD" we take into our body. im not talking about actual edible substance here like eggs or cheese in an overall sense. even though in the old testament there are plenty of warnings of what to eat and what not to eat.... im talking about the spiritual food we ingest. For we cannot serve both GOD and mammon. Also im NOT trying to be impolite but your second comment you made is incorrect thinking ( i speak this as one whom had the same type of thinking for over 25 years now). Paul speaks of this: When someone has been done wrong they JUSTIFY their own behavior (not saying you are, but i did, and i encourage you if you are not to let that hinder you on the BAD stuff you have been through. ) Dont let it change your choices in life. perfect example for myself is this: My friend Chris smoked pot in front of me today even though i was trying to quit, I said if he is gonna smoke it in front of me then i might as well smoke it myself (self justification). That is how i was for many many years. I also suffered from deppression and anxiety so i understand how you feel. I only ask you for you to take into consideration my words and if you want me to backup the scripture paul speaks of id be glad to search for it for you. Steve
  • Fred Scanlan - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    Jesus said to his disciples, "Be not afraid only believe". How simple, how to the point, and yet even the most knowledgeable, Bible learned , have yet come to grips with death. This is the subject that is the underlying reason why Christ came and died on the cross! As many times as I have read the scripture, physical death is and remains thee most difficult reality we face! It is in fact, the most unnatural occurrence we face in this life! Oh, that I could say the words of Thomas as he put his fingers into Christs side, and felt the wounds in His hands!"My Lord and my God"! Comprehending Christ words, understanding His will,are as simple as only believing! Unlike anything in this world, hearing His word, prayer, these are what we have, even the promise of eternal life! I believe the kjv is the spoken word of Jesus Christ! When you read this BOOK, you are hearing precisely from the creator of heaven and earth! My heart yearns to know Him as He is! Is this the same yearning we have when we loose a loved one? I have lost my little brother, and yet even after all these years ,I feel like He has never left. God Bless You, give you comfort in knowing that He is the great "I AM".
  • Mishael - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    To Barbara:

    I am so blessed to hear of how you are doing now. I lost my Mom a few years ago. Every time I start missing me, seeing her in her rocking chair; I think of her in heaven. It truly makes me happy.

    Another story: after I was saved I lost my bar hopping friends rapidly. I invited them to sit with me at church. I was so lonely. I asked Jesus to help me make some new friends. Bam! I met an older gentleman at church who counseled me after I was saved because I had been in the occult; and had to learn spiritual warfare real quick.

    He introduced me to his daughter and her husband who had a storefront church; all of sudden I have lots of new friends. That's when I got into street ministry. I had so much fun! I bless the Lord for carrying his baby lambs to all the right places and people.

    Since I had been delivered from evil spirits, I was afraid when they would want to pray with me to receive the Holy Spirit. I had to be taught Who he is. John 16 and 17. Years later I knew the Holy Spirit was with me that first day I met Jesus.

    Find a Church that greets you when you show up...every time.

    Find out if they have a singles group, people your own age. We had potlucks or went to I-hop and got nachos for 6 ! It was great to hear how everybody came to believe in Jesus.

    I guess to have friends, you have to be friendly. This is a whole change of direction in your walk with Jesus. Your mother is happy where she is; and probably making all new friends too. There's many gems of wisdom in Proverbs about making friends.

    Song of Solomon is a book about how much Jesus loves us: I am My Beloveds...and my beloved is Mine!

    One time I was trying to move a huge cedar chest down a hallway with un-tacked carpet. I was exhausted and prayed: I need my Beloved to help me move this, because I can't do it alone. Thank you Lord. I get up, put my hands on it and it moved easily where I had wanted it to go.

    Give Jesus a Chance to be a friend.
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    Page 2.

    I am also concerned that maybe you have not experienced a new birth in Christ. This is essential as I shared in my initial four pages to you. Without being transformed by the Spirit of God, all you'll continue to have is an outward semblance of Christianity without the forgiveness, new life & power of God in you. Is that how you feel now or have you experienced a spiritual change in your life?

    You also said that you haven't found a Church yet. I really feel that in your transitional position, you need a Church Pastor or Elder to counsel you & guide you in ways that we can't do here on this Site. Maybe if you find a Church near to you (as I mentioned in my previous comment) & call them & explain your position & grief since losing your Mother, they may be able to send someone to visit you to share & advise you. Please don't neglect attending a Church fellowship as Jesus has built His Church - His Body for a special reason (i.e. not Protestant or Catholic, etc.) but those that have come to Him by faith through the Cross. You're not saved by attending or belonging to a Church - salvation is through Christ alone. And when you meet with other believers & learn from the Bible together, then you grow in your faith & knowledge of God & you have folk who will support you in prayer & friendship. Do try to speak to someone to get help with this matter: it's very important.

    May the Lord be with you at this time. Our prayers are with you Barbara.
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    Page 1.

    Hello Barbara. I remember you well even though over two months have gone by. Thank you for writing again & letting us know of your welfare. You know, we're always around to share with you, help & encourage you in your often difficult life. So sorry to learn of your medical issues, but the Lord has brought you through & sustained you, for which we can praise & thank Him.

    In regards to prayer & the Roman Catholic aspects of it, I realize that that is what you've learned & are accustomed to, but prayer is just 'talking with God': praising Him for Who He is & the life He has given you; praying for your concerns & for those you are concerned for; & asking Him to help you understand His Word, the Bible, that it will become real & precious to you. The Hail Marys, reciting the Rosary & any formative approach to God achieves nothing; what God wants from you are the words from your heart. I know that this is something you may not feel comfortable in doing but just get on your knees & talk to God as you would have talked & shared with your dear Mother. No appeal is needed to Mary or the saints - only to God alone. He always listens and He always answers when we come in faith & love.
  • Barbara S - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    I cannot believe a couple of months have gone by since I found this site, and remembered to come back to it. I am humbled that you all came to help me. Thank you so much. Just having someone to talk through is a blessing in itself. I have since bookmarked it.

    I haven't found a church yet, as I don't get out much. Since my Mother passed in '95, losing my best and dearest friend, and the other friends all moved away, as life goes, I more or less pulled inside myself with my grief. I did try to make new friends, but I do not seem to be the person I was, and just couldn't get past or trust my aching heart. So I just kept to myself. I know now that I should have gotten some grief counseling, as I ended up have carotid artery surgery and then a tripe by pass, which really brought me down, and that is a very long story.

    I did buy a bible, however, after I found this site, although I am not sure I am getting much out of it. But I am going to do as Mishael suggested and start at the end...John. I say my prayers most every night, the RC Act of Contrition, The Hail Mary, the Lords Prayer, and end with the Glory Be, like on the Rosary beads. I am now starting to wonder about the Hail Mary. I have listened to The Growing Awareness, on Utube as well as GoodDog. And have heard so much stuff that quite frankly amazes me, and they claim it's all in the bible. Some is quite amazing and uplifting, some seems a little frightening, and some, I really cannot quite wrap my arms around.

    The Satanic stuff really scares me. And the human trafficking is overwhelming. But since learning about the vatican etc...I am really glad that I got out of that. I believe my eyes are open now to a lot of the things that I did not see.

    One thing I do know, is that God is great and he has been with me through my trials. I know that now. He has been leading me where I believe he wants me to go, and he has healed me when I needed it most. God Bless.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Revelation 22:4 - 4 years ago
    Jeremy, most, if not all, of Revelation contains symbols that has spiritual truths that can only be discerned by the workings of the Spirit within you. Throughout the Word of God, as you study, the Spirit will reveal the key to the symbols. An example would be: Psalms 89:36 His (Christ) seed (whose seed we are) shall endure for ever, and his (Christ) throne as the sun before me (the Father). (vs) 37 It (Christ throne) shall be established forever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven (us, spiritual heaven, our minds [foreheads]). Selah. These verses give insight to other verses such as; Revelation 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven (us, our mind [forehead]) a woman ( Galatians 4:26 new Jerusalem, the mother of us all, in travail, waiting to give birth) clothed with the sun (Christ), and the moon (Christ) under her (us, the woman) feet..... Revelation 1:5 And from Jesus Christ (sun and moon), who (Christ) is the faithful witness..... Joel 2:31 And the sun (Christ the light of the world) shall be turned in to darkness (death), and the moon (Christ) into blood (a spear was thrust into the side of Christ and out came water and blood) before the great and terrible (wonderful) day of the Lord come (Pentecost, the outpouring of the Spirit on mankind).
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    Marilyn, most, if not all, of revelation are symbols that represents teachings of the spirit that are hidden from our carnal eyes. Trees are symbolic of man, Jesus being symbolic as the tree of life, when we have our minds renewed, by becoming one with Christ, ( the coming of the Lord or the day of the Lord, which began at Pentecost) we also become one with the tree of life. Therefore, the tree (singular) on either side of the river is the first fruit of Christ (us). 1 Corinthians 15:20 but now is Christ risen from the dead, and is become the first fruits of them that slept. 21 for since by man came death, by man also the resurrection of the dead. 23 but every man in his (Gods) on order: Christ the first fruits; after ward they that are Christ at his coming. Isaiah 6:13 but yet in it (the land) shall be a tenth (first fruit), and it (first fruit) shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree (us), and as an oak (us), whose (Christs) substance (holy seed) is in them (first fruit), when they (first fruit) cast their (first fruit) leaves; so the holy seed (Christ) shall be the substance thereof. Romans 11:16 for if the first fruit be holy, the lump is also holy;and if the root be holy so are the branches. Ezekiel 47:12 and by the river (living water) upon the banks thereof, on this side and that side, shall grow all trees (of life;us) for meat (spiritual food; word of God), whose (tree of life,us) leaf shall not fade, neither shall the (first) fruit thereof be consumed (12 baskets left): it (tree of life) shall bring forth new fruit according to his (Gods) months; and the (first) fruit thereof shall be for meat (spiritual food;word of God), and the leaf thereof for medicine (healing of the nations). Matthew 12:33 the kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven (spirit of God) which a woman (new Jerusalem; the mother of us all) took, and hid in three measures of meal (the meal offering to God, us), till the whole (lump) (all mankind) was leavened (by the spirit of God).
  • Susan Lucarelli - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    AMEN AND AMEN. What is righteous and just and well, God show me I am a Libra a true Libra at that and my entire life I can only judge based on all of the wrongful judgment that was placed on me since childhood. Righteous and true our gods judgments because only God can understand all the brokenness and hurts and what others are feeling or have been through.
  • Then most and it is strange no one else understands the guy told me there is onl - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    I totally get what you were saying here, It makes more sense than you could ever possibly imagine when it is compared to whom Jesus told me I was. I have literally lived this all Roman family and all. Well Italian that is. I know what God told me when I died in surgery three years ago, and then after the Holy Spirit came on me I carried too long in the Old "Jew-Ruselum". Thus, I "fell back to Earth because I did not heed the call I was sent back to do". Don't forget Jesus comes to say did you first then the gentile are well I can give you another word but it probably would not be the best to put. I am my father's daughter and I can only do or say what my father taught me. He was like a king Solomon a very wise man who grew up at a very young age and I was his mini me. So I see things in a whole different dimension Then most, and it is strange no one else understands the guy told me there is only one way!
  • Marilyn dickinson on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    hello, i would like to talk about revelation ch.22. verse.2. where it talks about the leaves of the tree of life were for the healing of the nations. can you please tell me what this really talking about in the King James Bible. thanks
  • Travis - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    Off course Last Supper and Communion are not pagan.

    My point was the Greek Corinthians had brought drinking and feasting into the church even in communion.

    Also Paul's instructions to the Corinthians about hair, head coverings and women being silent is in response to the Greek Pagan tradition of female oracles.
  • Communion - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    Before Paul's message concerning communion, was Jesus's message on Communion;

    Which is where Paul passed on that message to the Gentiles. (We being grafted in). It's not pagan if Jesus instituted it.

    Luke 22

    15. And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:

    16 For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.

    17 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves:

    18 For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.

    19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: THIS DO in remembrance of me.

    20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
  • Travis - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago

    We live in a time where Satan seeks to distort and complicate the Gospel making you doubt it's truths. This has been so through the ages. Christ wants us to come to him as little children with the faith, love and belief as little children.

    2nd Cor. 11

    3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple. Eternal life is promised for those who believe. This is made clear again and again and again.

    Faith, Belief and related words are mentioned nigh 600 times in the New Testament alone. What are the scriptures telling us?

    The scriptures are clear that it is grace through faith and not works. How can the unrighteous do works to gain righteousness? They cannot for all have sinned.

    Jesus Christ through the sacrifice of his atoning blood paid the price for our sins. All we can do is believe, have faith, believe in this free gift of grace. Believe that Christ is the Son of God, God in the flesh who knew no sin, who was sacrificed for our sin. It takes the blood of the innocent to atone for the sins of the guilty. Christ is that sacrifice. He is the Lamb without spot.

    After 3 days Christ arose defeating death. Sin and death vanquished not by our works but by the work of Christ sent by God the Father.

    Not only does he give those that believe eternal life, he declared his righteousness on us who have no righteousness.

    Repentance is the turning toward Christ. Repentance is Godly sorrow, knowing that without Christ we are doomed to a Devil's Hell.

    Once we turn toward Christ with faith and belief we are saved. This is the Grace of God. Our sins are forgiven, all of them. Our bodies may continue to sin but our soul, our spirit is saved.

    Paul's message about communion was to the gentile Corinthians who still held onto their pagan traditions of feasting and brought that into the Church as communion.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    If I offended you, I apologize. None was intended. It's been a strange day in here. I know nothing about the Catholic religion.

    In the prayer request room I do meet people who have spiritual needs that greatly exceed what their religion provides to them.

    Have a blessed evening.
  • A Bible believa - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    Umm... I don't see your intent. Are you agreeing with me or disagreeing?
  • Judging - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    John 7:24

    "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
  • Adam - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    Hello, there's a page on this website that shows steps on how to be a Christian, so if you have any doubts just follow the steps to be sure: Link
  • A Bible believer - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 4 years ago
    Remember, there is a a lot cults and heresy going around the church. So you cant simplify it and say "become a Christian". And do you not know 1 Corinthians 6:2 and 6:4-5? Here is it"2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?" and "4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

    5 I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?"

    Though it depends on how you judge one another. In this case we should judge every doctrine even if it is your church or mine! Hope this gives you understanding.

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