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Revelation Chapter 6 Discussion Page 13

Revelation Chapter 6 Discussion Page 13

  • Sherrel on Revelation 6:8 - 11 years ago
    The Pale horse is what is interesting to me for translation' depicts it the 'pale-green horse'. This is interesting to know that world wide climate control/ modification and the People and their policies are called 'Green'regarding are treading down and destroying People. Through GMO,vaccines, chem trails, Eugenics to name a few.
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
    Remember that when you read about most all these that are dead or being killed through Revelation it's speaking of spiritually dead as in dead men women walking still a live in the flesh but dead in the spirit. You read in Revelation about the sword that is the weapon, Satans sword is lies and his bunch that come with him are here to steal your souls, dead, understand. He comes as if he were Christ and he acts like Christ. You wait for the true Christ Jesus whos Sword cuts both ways and if you waited, His Sword, you won't have to worry about because you waited for the true Husband, for the true wedding that will take place and didn't partake with the antichrist or instead of Christ. Don't chase the dragon that looks like the Lamb that has power given to him and who that is the dragon. They always think a Roman church will be a part of Satan's system but it's the whole world and all will run with the one world system. Wait for the One Who is the true Christ Jesus who is the Power to give life or take it away.
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
    my opinion is when you see the whole world believing, chasing, and following a man that looks like the Lamb but that speaks like the dragon who controlls a one world system and stands up claiming to be a god you better remember this it ain't Jesus Christ and if you love the true Jesus Christ you better not bow down to the devil or buy or sale for two and half months.
  • OGUNOJUWO OLAMIDE OYEDIRAN on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
    Those that died for the word of Jesus Christ, those that truly carried His Cross will rise up on the last day with great glory. They will be clothed with a glorious garment. They will be crowned with a glorious crown, with palm front in their hand. They will fly to meet Jesus Christ. They will never to tired nor sick again. Halleluyah will be their song. Knowing that this great blessings awaits true believer, I believe that it is high time we do away with those little sins that easily draw us back and serve Jesus Christ truly because time is running out.
  • TERRY BROOKS on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
    Yes all of this is very true. we all must repent and ask for forgiveness. i ask the lord jesus christ to forgive me of all my sin's and i repent of my sin's but i know that i still make mistake's
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
  • Jose on Revelation 6:1 - 11 years ago
    i think we should know the power of god and know what he can do if we dont change are ways and serve him
  • Lance on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
    Wow really all these opinions on the book of revelation I am shocked! Well preacher men Christ would be there for me if any of this stuff happens? I mean some of it is pretty scary you should hear my opinions!
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
    why would the set aside ones that are God's true church called the elect put on the gospel armor on and in place to fight Satan for the hour of temptation. There is no rapture in the Bible and it says in the old K.J.V. in Ezekiel chapter 13 speaking of the battle in the day of the LORD where God is speaking of false prophesy from false prophets of the false doctrine of souls flying. Then if you go to Zechariah 5 and read of the flying roll that covers the world because it would be good for rapture people to read that in verse 7 the woman that sitteth in the midst of the religion or ephah. ( Rev. 19 is the harlet) 8 sealed with the mark 666 and verse 9 that wind in the wings is those who think they are ready to rapture and that stork is a dirty bird, unclean and they never made it cause they were shot down with hail stones of a talent, 110, to 180 lbs. 10 says where do they bear the ephah or where is this religion going to end up. 11 to build a house in the land of Shinar and Shinar is Babylon or the land of two rivers. and what happens is that is where all the confusion, babylon is esablished and has it's the harlets own base. all the rapture people will gather caus they think they will fly with whom they think is Chrsit but it's anti-Christ. Do you really want to listen to people who want to create their own salvation or wouldn't it be better to do it God's way and wait for the true Christ.
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
    6:9 are all the ones who have died for Christ.
  • Edward on Revelation 6:9 - 11 years ago
    In Rev 6:9 are these the Martyrs that come after Christ time on earth to the time of the fifth seal opening? Looking for Scriptural help here...
  • David on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
  • Garyloyd on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
    Protected because they are not tempted nor deceived by Christ false Jesus that the whole world believes is a god just because he has powers given to him, so don’t believe that lie lest you follow him to he'll; for he will be buying souls.
  • Dennis on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
    Please let’s set the record straight on the rapture. The rapture is a sixth seal event of the large scroll. It will happen during the tribulation, not after. When the sixth seal is opened you have the sign in the sun, moon and stars. Then you have the sealing of the 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe of Israel. These are protected from Satan’s wrath. Then the next event is the rapture. In Revelation 7, it is very clear because the elder in heaven says in amazement: "who are these and where did they come from?" and the answer is “…they come from great tribulation”. Then I believe the next event is the 7th seal.
  • Duncan on Revelation 6 - 12 years ago
    According to the bible, you must be an Israelite to teach the word of God to the nations. If you are not an Israelite, your teaching is vanity, and God is going to kill you for your deceit and sinister behavior.
  • Bman on Revelation 6 - 12 years ago
    God’s Word is clear Jesus says in Matthew 24:29, Immediately after the tribulation, (Verse 30) Then shall appear ... Then shall they see The Son of man. Verse 31, With a great sound of a trumpet. Friends if you truly want to understand end time events do a study of the Feasts of The Lord. Jesus fulfilled the Spring feasts, The Fall feasts are yet to be consummated. The next will be the blowing of the Trumpet of Yom Teruah. The Day of the awakening blast, when the Feast of Trumpets begins. The 3 Fall Feasts. Feast of Trumpets then Day of Atonement then Feast of Tabernacles explains it all. Leviicus 23 lists all seven Feasts. God Bless you all.
  • Trubeliever on Revelation 6 - 12 years ago
    I caution all readers of these comments to recognize that the only truth we must take from the Bible is that our salvation resides in our faith in Jesus, and that we must be born again ( John 3:3, 16) by calling on Him to forgive us of all our sins, and come into our hearts, and be our Lord and Saviour. After that it is clear that good men may disagree honestly about what is going to happen in the last days, in many respects, but not all. The one who denies that the body of believers in Jesus will be "caught up" by His holy angels and thereby spared the wrath of God to follow, is dangerously in error, as Matthew 24:31 clearly attests. Beyond that, sincere and honest disagreement as to "pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation" is irrelevant, as the scriptures are purposely uncertain on the matter in order for us to see the need to constantly pray and meditate on His Word, on these and many other points of scripture. But when scripture clearly and emphatically states that something will happen, as in Matthew 24:31, the discussion is over. For the true believers in Jesus, the exact timing is less important.
  • Garyloyd on Revelation 6 - 12 years ago
    @David Francis,
    If you want to learn the revelation or any book in the Bible google search shepherds chapel, get its address and order it. Don't ask any of the people around you or any so called preachers about Arnold Murray's teachings, just do it and learn the true word of God. I started listening to him over 20 years ago and he is the best teacher. I listen to them, all preacher, Ken Copland is good in learning faith and many have done so good but Arnold Murray teaches the scriptures so they all come together for you. Once you go through the Bible with him you will understand the truth.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Revelation 6 - 12 years ago
    Revelation 6:17 For the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? This is a question that we must answer now, before his wrath comes. For Christians are not appointed to wrath, but unbelievers are. Receive the Son, Jesus is the Son of God, and who ever believes in Him shall be saved. The book of Revelation, is about the unveiling of Jesus Christ in all of His glory. We may not understand every verse, but the most important thing is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved from the wrath to come.
  • David Francis on Revelation 6 - 12 years ago
    Please help me I want to study revelation I wanna know lord Jesus please if u want to help 57 moris st Albany ny thank u
  • James Maxey on Revelation 6:8 - 12 years ago
    Read verse 2 chapter 6 of the only authorized Version of the King James Bible of 1611. It is not Revelation 6:8. He who does not speak the truth is traitor to the truth.
  • Cabel on Revelation 6 - 12 years ago
    The four beast that says "come and see" is the world saying look at these things
  • Garyloyd on Revelation 6 - 12 years ago
    Timothy wayne george,Caught up where? Christ Jesus is coming here. All, all, changed at the 7th trump. Count 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Gods beloved children that are the set a side ones and that means church ,ekklesia, "ek" means completely out and "kaleo" meaning called out ones that know the plan of salvation will put on their Gospel Armor but the people that sit in your church and they all say the same OUR Church will fly away EZEKIEL 13. Oh! You don't read that whole chapter that was written on chicken flyers that God hates. You rather listen to a Church Doctrine from 1830 from Europe that says your going to fly away. To hell is where the chicken flyers go with the antichrist. Whhat I can't figure out is why are you guys going to fly. You said you know of the 70 weeks. Read the rest of Daniel it will tell you the vile one comes in peace and flatteries and takes over in peace. Just go down to church at that time when he takes over all the churches and they will be telling you they will fly you out because that's satans lie and you will be happy to die with him in his gathering place of take off. Oh! In your chicken suit you`ll need a hard hat. God makes it a point to drop 180 hail balls of ice on your take off to hell. Have a nice trip. Oh, the scriptures say that them that preach that fly away doctrine take on all the sins of them that hear it from them that spread it and will pay a heavy price at judgment. Best thing for you to do if your going to be suckered at the end by satan in his acting role of instead of Christ, or antichrist, is just be quite as you walk this green mile and take the flames alone.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Revelation 6 - 12 years ago
    The Lamb is the Lord Jesus Christ, and in heaven he will open the the seven seals. The first horsemen of the book of Revelation is the white horse, and this is the antichrist called the man of sin. He will come as a conquering ruler with a bow, and a crown out of the EU by signing a seven year peace treaty with Israel. This will be the beginning of the 70th week in Daniel 9:27 and the Church will already be caught up into heaven ( Rev 4:1) There will be a series of 21 judgements the seven seals, the seven bowls of wrath, and the seven trumpet judgements. The Messiah will come in Rev. 19:11 on the white horse, and the armies of heaven with him to bring in the everlasting kingdom. Holiness shall be on the bells of the horses. Satan shall be bound a thousand years, and then after that released for a short time to deceive the nations again. Fire shall come down from heaven, and devour them. The devil will be cast into the lake of fire with the antichrist, and the false prophet. Praise God Jesus is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
  • Susan Dalton on Revelation 6 - 13 years ago
    "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." ( Revelation 6:2)

    I also find interesting that the word "bow" in this verse is Greek #5115; which definition says "a bow (apparently as the simplest fabric): -bow." (Strong's concordance)

    It says the word comes from Greek #5088, which says, "...to produce (from seed, as a mother, a plant, the earth, etc.) lit. or fig.:-bear, be born, bring forth, be delivered, be in travail."

    I find that interesting.
  • Susan Dalton on Revelation 6:8 - 13 years ago
    "...to kill with sword..." ( Revelation 6:8)

    I find it interesting that the word "sword" here is the same word used for sword in Revelation 1:16; Revelation 2:12,16; Revelation 19:15; and Revelation 19:21. ([Greek #4501 - in a James Strong concordance [cover and pages missing])

    In other usages, #3162 is used for sword.

    The #4501 is always referencing Jesus and the Word of God; whereas, #3162 seems to reference a physical sword.

    Once in Hebrews 4:12, the #3162 is used saying the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword... So the word of God is being contrasted with a physical sword.
    Also, in Ephesians 6:17 the #3162 is used; but, the sword we are told to take (the sword of the Spirit) is the Word of God.

    I find it interesting that the sword in Revelation 6:8 is #4501.
  • Garyloyd on Revelation 6 - 13 years ago
    Let's not jump the gun. Right now we are in the 2nd stage of the locust known as the swarming of the locust from Egypt to Syria. These countries are good and bad figs are fighting and I might add killing Christians. Bush and men of the flesh may help the 10 kings of the flesh to take over but the ones in office will be used by satan to set up his one world system. Then he comes and fixes the deadly wound to his system and takes over with 10 kings supernatural that he brings or gets booted out with him by Michael.
  • Dann rivera on Revelation 6 - 13 years ago
    The Four Horsemen. These events are taking place right now. 1st - The White Horse - George W. Bush Jr - after 9/11 declared World War III - the War of Terror across the Middle East which ended with the fall of Libya - at the same time he declared war against the United States - raped "LIBERTY" and left her in the street for dead. 2nd The Black Horse - Barack Obama - he killed and burried "LIBERTY" with the NDAA and he went on with World War IV (undeclared so far)- a World Domination War between the US/NATO and allies vs RUSSIA/CHINA and friends. This will bring about One World Government under the United States of America (the Beast out of the Earth). 3rd - The Red Horse - Pope Benedict XVI - after orchestrating the robery of the treasuries of the world of their gold (replacing it with worthless funny money) will bring about One World Economy. 4th - Dr. Ron Paul - The Pale Green Horse - the next President of the United States will witness Famine, Pestilence and Death. He will offer a solution to the world's ills and usher in the NEW WORLD ORDER - One World Government, One World Economy & One World Religion. This Kingdom will be established in Jerusalem (the Second Temple of Solomon) ruled by the Roman Catholic Church (the Beast out of the Sea) together with the United States of America (the Beast out of the Earth).

    This will be the beginning of the 3-1/2 days/years of Great Tribulation. The 7 Trumpets will sound in quick succession! until finally the Second Coming of YAHUSHUA.
  • Donna on Revelation 6:9 - 13 years ago
    Revelation 6:9 makes me ready to pour my blood out for Jesus. How about you?
  • Donna on Revelation 6:8 - 13 years ago
    The book of revelations is telling us to prepare for the coming wars & the second return of Jesus Christ. May the King of King be praised for He is worthy to be praised.

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