King James Version (KJV)

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Then another day and shaking begins and mountains and islands and it don't matter who you are, if you have been whoring after the antichrist and bowing down and helping his system along you will be a shamed and want to hide your face, and if your not standing on the Rock of Jesus Christ, the true Christ! You can be rich or poor but if you were following that little rock of evil, you will hide from the LION of God Our LORD. God gives us these warning because He loves us and cares. Who will stand. The elect and anyone who love Him and waited for Him. He wants all His children back and I pray that all that love Him will be Home with Him.
God won't let their blood shed slide. Pain will start at the pulpit and anyone miss leading so I say, study! The souls are told just wait a little while until fellow servants join them. That's the two witnesses. God has told satan not to kill anyone when he is here in that half of hour of temptation. Not to touched them that are sealed inside their heads, not a hair on our heads. Satan and his bunch can brow beat us with a stern face. The testimony from the elect who maintain a blank mind and as the Holy Spirit speaks through them makes satan very unhappy when the elect witness against him and his bunch of vipers. God will talk! Listen to what God says! As long as your in the flesh you can be saved. Listen and turn away as the 144000 do and be a child of God. The truth is going to be known. God is truth and love. Men and woman of God will be convinced because because its the Holy Spirit that speaks. God created you because He loves you and your special to Him. Study.
with a sword or a mouth full of lies for that is the weapon used against us. ( Revelation 12:13 to 16 the woman/Elect and out of his mouth is a flood of lies as in Rev. 9:18. Their weapons are lies.) And the hunger is for the true Word of God, with the son of perdition and with the beast. This Greek word beast means, poisonous, venomous, beast of earth, or think harm. Not good. Their like Scorpions of the earth because the scorpions grab their prey by their claws and digest a fluid into their victims using their victims as a stomach because a scorpion has no stomach to digest its food in. The scorpions turn their victims backbone to must and can do whatever they want with their victim. These soft spoken ministers of light will do the same and lead you to antichrist.
This beast is the system of the kenites, the small people, sons of Cain, a generation of people of spoken all through the word giving us warning and even in the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13:36 to 43 Jesus Himself explains it to the disciples when He was just teaching to them alone. Satan will have his beast system in place to steal the souls of the unlearned. Oh! It looks religious. It takes on the appearance of a church with all its beautiful glitter and it will look like a place of God and people will think they are in a place of God but what lead them to being lost from the truth is from traditions of men who preached out of their own minds and hearts instead of seeking the truth. So, when you see one who comes and heals a deadly wound that saves the world from some destruction and who can work miracles in the sight of men as bringing lightning from the sky and the great falling away, the apostasy happens where people leave their church’s and follow this new political religious leader who is the false prophet, the antichrist, the serpent, that old dragon with his new world order church’s, you will know that it’s time not to buy and sell but to wait for the true Christ to return. Two and a half months period we won’t buy or sell but barter only. Be prepared by watching for the two witnesses.
Furthermore, the Lord Himself stated "Did I not say thay you are gods?" and the root wood of "gods" means "judges."
If you supposedly "looooovvvvve" so "muuuuuucccch" and don't judge you give license to sinners to continue in their waywardness.
Deceived, the vaile, is upon the mind where: yee Iudge, spread lies, of a God Damner. Thee see, not He, only to thee nose tip. Spread Bless-He, Phemy, into the fight Pyre.
The language of the Bible is ONLY UNDERSTOOD upon Receiving the Divine Light of Grace. Don't See it yet? The put the Book down and work on these: building Love, offering others Patient Guidance & Kind Influence, forgiving others that paves the way to Grace, recalling & giving Thanks for Blessings which paves the way to Loving Admiration of Life in Joyful Gratefulness which in turn births Hope and BE COMPASSIONATE. Do these things and when you're ready, Receive the Light of Divine Grace. THESE THINGS ARE OF THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST.
You IUDGE Yourself.
The first white horse referred to america: and he that sat on him had weapons of mass destruction; and a choice of presidency/authority was given unto him; and he went forth conquering to conquer (judging and punishing as truth, liberty, and justice allows).
The red horse referred to Saudi Arabia and power (gathering others that did not want the freedoms americans worship forced on them: Having a god before God, worshipping made idols, taking the Lord’s name in vain, Remembering the Sabbath to keep it Holy, Honor your parents, kill, adultery/fornicate, steal, lie, and/or covet. And with the other citizens knowing this also, Bin Laden had no problem with power to vow, ‘I will take peace from the earth’. His tongue was a great sword.
The black horse (death); and he that sat on him Obama justifying the murder of BinLaden. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say (Obama on national media giving his justification, ‘He took a tooth from us and we took an eye from him’. Thou not hurt Saudi Arabia (Oil and Wine).
Bush had to start it, Obama had to be the big one, but Osama had to be the one that won.
Differ opinions? Well, think of it on a whole picture, all over the world. BinLaden is dead, so they say. The way they handled it, I am certain that american officials are torturing him to get as much info as they can, but it’s too late; he did what he said he would do, not only for our generation, but for all generations in all parts of the world to come. Figure how much he cost america and other countries in security upgrades, uncomfortable time processing and having to wait for hours for conveniences: flying, bussing, subways, and most all forms of public transportations. Compare this to price rises prior to 9/11/2001. The biggest inconvenience is knowing that anywhere and anytime, another abused person will be heard: Suicide bombers, bombs, self-made weapons and larger destruction devises. Then, when one finds another that feels the same, there is a bond. This makes it easier to find others with more of an impact. It doesn’t have to be another air crafted mastermind; it’s done.
Remember, it doesn’t take a high school diploma to learn to read the internet about how to make a bomb, strap it on, or donate it, intending it for a total devastation in revenge to show they are fed up with americas corruption in and on the world. Who is going to pay for all of this, americans every day by all of the natural and great freedoms lost to men that vowed to do exactly what they did!
The stars of Heaven are the martyrs for Christ.
They came from the fig tree of ISRAEL, as they were cast down to the earth.
Then in rev 12:3 we find Nero, the great red dragon casting 1/3 of the stars of Heaven to the earth. Remember he burned the city of Rome, then blamed it on the Christians. The stars of Heaven were the seed of Abraham.
Praise God for that.
The Anit Christ will be on Earth for a 5 Month period then the Seventh Trumpit will sound. The real Christ will appear, We will all be truned into sprit form, every Knee will Bow and there will be a 1000 year period.