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Kathie Ellis; "The Fullness of the Gentiles" will be when the last sheep is gathered into the fold, and the door is shut, for this present age. The Father alone knows when that day is; and that will be the day that He tells the Lord Jesus, "Now go down, and finish the age, to completely fill up the vision!" Then, at the Day of the LORD, Jesus will make Himself known in power and glory to Israel.
1 Cor. 2:16 - " ....., but we have the mind of Christ." Christ is the Word, the Word is the scriptures - which we have; God's will for us is in His Word. So we can know the mind of God to the extent we can read His word. The Bible is all we need to know of Him - until we get to Heaven - then we will know - ALL!!!
Rom. 11:28 states - As concerning the Gospel they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they ae beloved for the father's sakes." This lets us know that we should have any hatred, or become the enemy of the "branches" who were broken off, but that we should have love and mercy towards them. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have been made partakers of the "Root". cont.
Frank: Mark 7:18-23. V:22-----pride, foolishness:23: all these evil things come from within and defile the man.
John6:44,no man can come to me,except
ll Corinthians5:17 Therefore If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
Matthew3:11---He shall baptize you with--
Revelation20:15 and whosoever was not-
How wonderful it is to be in the arms of The Savior! Next morning,Wow! I'm in new world !
Without holiness no man shall see The Lord. Also, this chapter reminds us today that God is not through with Israel, he still remembers all his promises to them and will fulfill every one of them.
Glory be to God! We exists because of him, for we are were created intentionally for an intelligent purpose. He is truly a transcendent entity!! He is the possesser of all things. He is the object of my faith. Amen
some people judge. GOD is the final judge. Thou we are CHRISTIANS we are to follow peace with all men without such no man will see the Lord. we have the good news we are suppose to preach the good news. When something is grafted unless pointed out you can hardly tell where the graft is. Now I say this because they call us step children. yet the word says that JESUS GAVE US POWER TO BECOME SONS AND DAUGHTER OF GOD. I MAYBE GRAFTED YET THE WORD OF GOD IS SO POWERFUL LIKE A TWO EDGE SWORD IT PLACED ME IN THE FAMILY OF GOD AND MADE ME A CHILD OF GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST AND THE PRECIOUS GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST.
God 's wisdom and knowledge is His riches The Grace of God has given me the ability to share in a portion of His riches. All that He has and is , is mine to take hold of. My mere being cannot hold all that God is. But I have the earnest of His Spirit and I can know all things. I will always be getting to know my Lord even through out eternity. Praise God for Holy Spirit that dwells within me.
Reading this chapter today, I praised the Lord for saving us the Gentiles by giving partial blindness to His own people for our sake. But as it says in verse 26 all Israel shall be saved....We have to pray for Israel and her people for these very difficult times that they are going through when almost all the World has turned against them. In Gen 12 God says that He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. so let 's pray for the peace and salvation of Israel, which is so near.
"Fulness of the Gentiles be come in " means that when the Romans have completely captured and overrun the city of Jerusalem, and the land of Israel, then the day of Israel has ended, and the day or fulness of the Gentiles has begun. The teaching that the times of the Gentiles began back in 500 or 600 BC is only imagined by man. From the beginning of Israel, to the end of it, were the times of Israel, not the Gentiles.
Adeyemi Babajide Damilola on Romans 11 - 10 years ago
Romans 11 36. That means every person, every corporation, every stock bond, everything on this planet belongs to God. You don 't really own anything. You need to realize, God owns it all, so that 's why you have to look to Him to have all your needs met.
the gifts and calling of God are without repentance God does not change his purposes when God appoints you to operate in a specific purpose no man or predicament that can overwrite the plan of God Ours is to dwell in the light as his in the light and be partaker of is grace
it does not matter what one believes this scripture says; it only matters what one knows this scripture says; truth is not based on what you believe; but on what you know without a doubt; it is a fact that the lord has come for the jews and gentiles alike;for it is written means old test and jesus is the deliverer that has come for them and there will not be another time for them as god and paul sais they please not god but still can come and be born again like all those that trust the lord only for salvation; he is that deliverer.
I can claim it with ease mark! and so can all who are saved. Here's a new "perspective" with ALL advantages: JESUS IS IN YOU AND GOD TOO (since they are one) We ALSO receive the Holy Spirit upon being saved who is also one with the Father. >>>> 1 John 4:15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.>>> also see ACTS 8:8 and elsewhere on the Holy Spirit! Peace.
It's amazing how many people want to prove Jesus a liar. Why? Self-Righteousness. Remember, my Savior Jesus Christ new what it was like to be a man. He felt what we feel when it comes to sin. He also had a HUGE advantage. The Father in him. No other human being could claim that at the time or since. Perspective people. Perspective.
to complete from Rom.11:19-24 When God is finish with the Gentiles He will reinstate Israel. Israel was set aside because of unbelief. The gentiles have favor because of their belief. Therefore they should not be proud, but intrinsic nature does not matter to or deter God. They should realize that God is capable of setting the
gentiles aside and of grafting Israel in again. this is precisly what He will do.
God is too great for us to understand with the human mind. We will never be able to understand his actions and so by faith we live, breath and have our being. Through Him we move through this earth doing what is that perfect and acceptable will of God. To him I give all glory, honor and praise.
I believe some of Paul's writings is dealing with Israel under the old covenant, while it was still active. However, when the New Better Covenant was established Israel was placed under a new agreement. In the new agreement those who are chosen according to election embrace Jesus as LORD and Savior. Remember, in the new covenant there are no Jews or Gentiles; only saints. Eph. 2:1- The covenant Paul speaks of is the new covenant and it is within that covenant the nation of Israel is covered. Also, the wild olive branch [other nations]are grafted into the new covenant through the blood of Jesus Christ, according to the promise made to Abraham. 'In thy seed shall the nations of the earth be blessed. ( Gen 22:18)Finally, I believe Paul is speaking to two different kinds of people 1 natural Israel and spiritual Israel. Natural Israel must believe and once they believe they are pulled into the new better covenant becoming citizens of heaven. Remember, the body of Christ is totally different from the world.
Saint Paul’s writing to the Romans present us with another challenging theology to deal with. The whole concept which is conveyed throughout this passage can be classified under REMNANT THEOLOGY. Yes, I strongly believe that God is a God of dispensation who works in TIME and SEASON. See Galatians 4:4, Ephesians 1:10. The time line of the history of divine providence from the day of the fall of the First Adam has been that of restoration and the preservation of the remnant of the children of Israel. Despite the providential struggle for restoration and preservation of the remnant of Israel, God has been working through CONVENANT THEOLOGY. In each historical age of the dispensation of restoration, God had always made himself manifest to his children through what I called COVENANT. That is why we cannot really disassociate DISPENSATIONAL THEOLOGY, CONVENANT THEOLOGY, and REMNANT THEOLOGY:
Saint Paul in Romans 11:5 is trying to convey a transcendent Truth about God which is through the GRACE of God, a remnant will always be preserved in all generations, irrespective of the circumstances. The word remnant itself should not only be understood within the light of all those who are being saved or the kept aside by the LORD, but the word remnant should be understood with the mindset of those whom God has chosen as an instrument to save the lost. The word remnant does not necessarily mean that they are those whom has chosen through his Unconditional Election to go to heaven. For example, in the days of Joseph, he was chosen as a remnant to preserve his brothers from the great famine which was to later befall the land. See Genesis 42. In the case of Joseph, we can see that he was unconditionally chosen by God’s election of Grace, and by means of this divine election of grace, his salvation was assured by God himself but his being chosen was for the preservation for the remnant that was to go through moments of hardship.
This again takes us to another argument in the book of Revelation 7:4-8 where in every twelve tribe in Israel God had or God has preserved at least twelve thousand people to be saved. If we have to make a multiplication of the twelve thousand people by the twelve tribes of Israel, that God had or has preserved in history, then we will come to the conclusion of having 144,000 remnant preserved as it is described in the book of Revelation 14:1- Does it mean that only 144,000 people are going to heaven? I say no. why? This is how I explicate myself. This 144,000 people stands for the remnant which God has kept for himself which he will use to work out the salvation of those who have not yet been saved so that through them others will be saved and come to the complete knowledge of the saving grace of God. If we can logically agree with Genesis 42 that Joseph was sent into Egypt because God in his master plan wanted to use him to preserve the remnant that was going to survive the famine, then it is obvious that the 144,000 people have the same providential role to play like Joseph.
In conclusion, the theology of Unconditional Election has never really meant to mean God has chosen others to be saved while he has predestined others for perdition. It does not suffice quoting the story of Esau and Jacob, but one thing remains certain that anybody who has been uncondionally set apart by God’s Unconditional Grace is only a bridge through whom the unsaved are saved. E.g, Esther.
Maria Concepcion Alvarez-Alcantara on Romans 11:29 - 12 years ago
The word "without repentance"(KJV) or irrevocable "(NIV)would direct to the only purpose why the Lord Jesus Christ was sent by His father and that is to REDEEM those who were under the law (the Jews)Gal.4:4-5...Redemption of a thing is unconditional if the owner is committed to buy back the thing he loves, be it defective or not as long as he loves it. The gentiles do not fall on this verse.. John 3:16 applies to all people who believes in Jesus Christ so that by faith in Jesus Christ they could be grafted on the branches of the olive tree.In Ezekiel 36..God said it is not for the sake of His People but for the sake of His name which was profaned by His chosen people, God will sprinkle water on their faces to cleanse them, that is why even "without repentance" God would still redeem His people.
When we fully understand how much God loves His creation to have sent his only begotten Son to bring salvation to us all - then we must understand that He would indeed leave a "remnant" (vs 5) until His Son,Jesus, returns again! Amen. He will not abandon His love - that would be us - even though the nations defy His existance - religions discredit Him - and people mock Him in their belief (not His) of who He really is and what He really wants from His children. Simply put - we must serve Him in His fullness, in His Glory, and in His love. Be Blessed!!
John6:44,no man can come to me,except
ll Corinthians5:17 Therefore If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
Matthew3:11---He shall baptize you with--
Revelation20:15 and whosoever was not-
How wonderful it is to be in the arms of The Savior! Next morning,Wow! I'm in new world !
gentiles aside and of grafting Israel in again. this is precisly what He will do.
Saint Paul’s writing to the Romans present us with another challenging theology to deal with. The whole concept which is conveyed throughout this passage can be classified under REMNANT THEOLOGY. Yes, I strongly believe that God is a God of dispensation who works in TIME and SEASON. See Galatians 4:4, Ephesians 1:10. The time line of the history of divine providence from the day of the fall of the First Adam has been that of restoration and the preservation of the remnant of the children of Israel. Despite the providential struggle for restoration and preservation of the remnant of Israel, God has been working through CONVENANT THEOLOGY. In each historical age of the dispensation of restoration, God had always made himself manifest to his children through what I called COVENANT. That is why we cannot really disassociate DISPENSATIONAL THEOLOGY, CONVENANT THEOLOGY, and REMNANT THEOLOGY:
Saint Paul in Romans 11:5 is trying to convey a transcendent Truth about God which is through the GRACE of God, a remnant will always be preserved in all generations, irrespective of the circumstances. The word remnant itself should not only be understood within the light of all those who are being saved or the kept aside by the LORD, but the word remnant should be understood with the mindset of those whom God has chosen as an instrument to save the lost. The word remnant does not necessarily mean that they are those whom has chosen through his Unconditional Election to go to heaven. For example, in the days of Joseph, he was chosen as a remnant to preserve his brothers from the great famine which was to later befall the land. See Genesis 42. In the case of Joseph, we can see that he was unconditionally chosen by God’s election of Grace, and by means of this divine election of grace, his salvation was assured by God himself but his being chosen was for the preservation for the remnant that was to go through moments of hardship.
This again takes us to another argument in the book of Revelation 7:4-8 where in every twelve tribe in Israel God had or God has preserved at least twelve thousand people to be saved. If we have to make a multiplication of the twelve thousand people by the twelve tribes of Israel, that God had or has preserved in history, then we will come to the conclusion of having 144,000 remnant preserved as it is described in the book of Revelation 14:1- Does it mean that only 144,000 people are going to heaven? I say no. why? This is how I explicate myself. This 144,000 people stands for the remnant which God has kept for himself which he will use to work out the salvation of those who have not yet been saved so that through them others will be saved and come to the complete knowledge of the saving grace of God. If we can logically agree with Genesis 42 that Joseph was sent into Egypt because God in his master plan wanted to use him to preserve the remnant that was going to survive the famine, then it is obvious that the 144,000 people have the same providential role to play like Joseph.
In conclusion, the theology of Unconditional Election has never really meant to mean God has chosen others to be saved while he has predestined others for perdition. It does not suffice quoting the story of Esau and Jacob, but one thing remains certain that anybody who has been uncondionally set apart by God’s Unconditional Grace is only a bridge through whom the unsaved are saved. E.g, Esther.