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I don 't really have to much thought into this but just noticed how the words really stood out and as I prayed this evening I prayed that I was eligible for his love and forgiveness of my sins I felt the words stood out more as a message I needed to perceive
Before I asked the Lord to come into my heart and to make me new I sinned continually That was all I knew to do.I committed sin on a habitual basis Now that I am a new creature in Christ I do not habitually sin I sin but I do not stay in it .I have the right to get out of it through Jesus Christ. 1John 3 all of it . Especially v. 9. Sin is missing the mark it is death Seperation from God. To be separated from God is Hell. I would shutter at the though that I would ever be separated from my Lord Jesus Christ. I am not a sinner. I am a Christian that sins but when I recognize that I have sinned or willing sin I immediately turn around. I am not a habital sinner any more !!!! Praise God !!!!
I had someone speak to me about being above the law. She don 't read the BIBLE she just speak what she was brain washed to say. She still breaking the law. And rationalizing it with scripture. She don 't understand that the only thing that 's above the law is the fruit of the spirit. GAL.5 22 23. JESUS himself said he did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. Sin is the enemy of GOD and GOD is the enemy of sin. Praise GOD PRAISE GOD
the sin of man has brought all kinds of shortages into his life, shortage of peace,health,joy,life and what have you.Summarily,short age arising from untimely death and short lived hope.It is only by retracing his steps back to his Reedemer and liberator, Jesus Christ who bled and died on the cross on his behalf that he can be set free.
Our very need for grace is an admission that the law still stands When we reach out and by faith take a hold of grace we are establishing the fact that the law still stands If the law were voided we would have no need for grace Recently there was the story on the news of a policeman who pulled a young man over for having the registration on his car expired The man admitted he was wrong but told the policeman that he had no money to renew the registration He had to choose between feeding his children and registering his vehicle The policeman gave him a ticket and left The man opened the ticket and found where the policeman had put in a hundred dollar bill to pay his fine and to renew his registration By paying for the man s ticket grace the policeman established the fact that the law that says your registration needs to be current was still in effect Grace was shown to the man by paying the man s debt that the law required thus establishing the fact that the law was in effect
Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh The holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and these three are one For there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God and The Holy Ghost and these Three are one
This very verse of the Scripture Romans 3 23 is actualy refering to that man woman who has not accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour according to Romans10 9 and 10 Why do we need to come to God through Christ Jesus Because every man born of a Woman is born into the world of sin and he has Adamic Nature nature of sin When Adam committed high treason sinned he died a spiritual death which means he was totally seperated from his creator God he lost the glory position fellowship and communion he had with God before the fall It s only in Christ we can be made one with God and have this glory restored back to us JOHN 17vs22 Colorsian1vs27
I believe that His righteousness became mine because of Christ, that He is the source of it. My only part and response would just be believing in Him. When I am thinking of His salvation on me, Oh it's all from Him, It's all because of Him. He gave me this salvation and I thank Him,I believed on Him and I am believing in Him.
to come short mean that we've taken on another position and condition a fallen one. we are different then what God's original creative picture of us was prior to the fall. therefore we cannot represent His glory, His image, and His character because we are able to reflect who his is because of what we have become. we are a fallen creature, it's like having a hunch back that can never be corrected unless the potter God makes us over again.
Here is the essence of what free grace does for the true believer. We are never justified by works because our works are all tainted by sins. The only way a person can ever become justified, that is, declared not guilty before God, is by the free grace of Christ through which we are redeemed. This is why a true Christian can never lose their salvation. It has been divinely sealed by the free grace of Christ. Since He was the one who redeemed us, He has stated that He will never lose any of us. ( John 6:37 KJV) All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. Those who swallow and follow the free will heresy have no concept of the free grace of Christ in redeeming His children. They, in essence, declare themselves justified based upon their actions and not on the action of Christ. This is why many who believe they are saved are not because a spiritually dead person cannot enact their own salvation by their own volition. It is simply not taught in Scripture but is forced upon certain Scriptures so man can retain his pride, even in salvation. Justification not only declares us not guilty of all our sins but places the believer in a position of righteousness. Amen glory to God for saving me...
This verse teaches the very plain truth about every human being and that is that everyone has sinned without exception. The word “come short” carries with it the meaning of “inferior or failure.” Man’s sin has caused them to fail in grasping the glory of God, even though man in his pride likes to think that his track record of works bring glory to God. ( 1 Ki 8:46 KJV) If they sin against thee, (for there is no man that sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them to the enemy, so that they carry them away captives unto the land of the enemy, far or near; Even in the Old Testament the fact was made clear that there is not one person on Earth who has not sinned.
In answer to Rosalina's Romans Chapter 3 comment on 9/14/2013, 11:52am...If we have faith in the blood of Jesus Christ--then we will BAPTIZED IN JESUS name. Then and only then can/will the blood be applied for the REMISSION OF SINS. Peter said on the day of Pentecost--BAPTISM WAS FOR THE remission of SINS.
Matthew 26:28 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Acts 2:38 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Just believing is no good--we must FOLLOW the INSTRUCTIONS found in the word of GOD>
In the beginning of the unknown beginning God Almighty created the visible and invisible universe. Gen 1:1. Job 38:4. He alone knit me together in the womb of my mother (same to everybody) Psalm 139:13-15. Deception from satan stole me from the LOVE of God. (Same to every mortal being) John 10:10. We believed untested ideology of man rather than the WORD of God. We are lost. Luke 19:10. Yes "Let God be true and every man be a liar" Rom, 3:4. The Son of man came to seek and save a wretched man like you and I. I need Jesus Christ for my salvation (same to you as well).
(This is my response to "NOT TRUE" comments. The issue is not whether the law is good or not. The issure is in our inability to keep the law. As Paul said in Romans 7: "I don't understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate." Then he says, "But I can't help myself, because it is sin inside me that makes me do these evil things."
So how can we "be perfect" as Matthew 5:48 tells us to? We do this by letting Jesus take away our sins. This happens when we place our faith in him. This washes away all our sins, present or past. Anyway, all sins are "past" once we have committed them.
By not "making void the law" Paul is simply saying what we all understand. That is, it the law's purpose to expose our sins. It does this by always being a part of the Bible. And it has done its job well. It did it so well it killed Jesus for our sins. But once it had done its job, its administration over us ended. Because as Paul said, "We died with Christ on the cross." And as any legal student knows, the law has no power over someone who is dead to its effects.
Paul summarizes it like this. "So this is the point. The law no longer holds you in its power, because you died to its power when you died with Christ on the cross. ... Now we can really serve God. not in the old way by obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way by the Spirit."
(Verse 23) "For all have sinned ..." This means that because of our sinful nature we are going to commit sins. This applies to all people, whether we live under the law or grace. The issue is then, how do we get rid of these sins. Or stated more plainly, how do we make ourselves righteous.
Paul states plainly that we do this by letting Jesus take away our sins. "He has done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away our sins. For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us." He goes on to say, "We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us."
In other words, the death of Jesus was a subsutitute for our deaths. That is, it was supposed to be us dying on that cross, but Jesus took our place. This is what it means to say that we are saved by grace. Because in his gracious mercy, God did not punish us, but instead placed the punishment for our sins on Jesus.
I use the terms "God" and "Jesus" to mean the same because as it is expressed in John 1:1, "... and the Word (Jesus) was God." That's why Paul in 1 Timothy 2:3 calls Jesus "God our Savior."
(This is my response to Rev. Autrey's comment dated 8/14/2013 at 1:19pm on Romans Chapter 3):
It is "NOT TRUE" that God saves us by faith "EVEN" we didn't keep the law.. It is "NOT TRUE" that trusting in Jesus Christ makes us righteous in the sight of God "EVEN" by not obeying the law.. LET ME CLEAR THIS.. Our Lord Jesus Christ himself said be ye therefore "PERFECT" even as your "FATHER" which is in heaven is "PERFECT" ( Matthew 5:48).. The book of Romans Chapter 3 was telling us that because of the LAW our SINS were revealed.. Therefore, there is NONE RIGHTEOUS.. If we come to the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD.. then we shall have faith in the BLOOD of our Lord Jesus Christ for the REMISSION of SINS that are PAST.. Meaning they our SINS shall NOT be REMEMBERED on the day of JUDGEMENT.. That made us be found PERFECT in the sight of God.. But that doesn't mean we shall make VOID the LAW through FAITH.. YES.. We ESTABLISH the LAW ( Romans 3:31).
(Verse 10) "No one is good, not even one." "... for there is no man that sinneth not" ( 1 Kings 8:46)." Man is a sinner by nature. He cannot keep God's laws, nor does he want to. That is, when man sinned in the garden, God locked his mind into the sinful mode that he told God he wanted. This means that we are naturally evil, and we cannot make ourselves un-evil, no matter how hard we try.
Let's say it this way. By trying to do good we still remain evil. This is true, even when we try to keep God's law. "... For the more we know God's law, the clearer it becomes that we are not obeying it" ( Romans 3:20)
That's why God saves us by faith. Meaning, because of our belief in him, he gives us credit for keeping the law, even though we didn't keep it. It like a teacher erasing an "F" from a students report card and writing in an "A." The teacher does this because the student believes or has faith that the teacher will. Paul says it this way. "But now God has shown us a different way of being right in his sight, not by obeying the law but by the way promised in the Scriptures long ago. We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. ..."( Romans 3:21-22)
What a gloriously freeing Word from the Spirit of God through the infallible pen of Paul.. No one has excuse and need not make any!! Paul is identifying the obvious condition of all humanity including those who think they follow the minutest tennants of the Law and prescribes the only healing option for mankind.. Jesus Christ!!! paying it forward by taking the emotional anger of God for every sin down through His Story. And providing the way of continual communion in the Spirit of Christ through dwelling within the heart of evil man!!! wow, ****s my mind, especially in a day of SELF improvement and SELF effort.. In a day when we say "I am rich, and have need of nothing" the resetting of the human comp*** back to , "you are poor, miserable, blind and naked." Thank you Lord God for your Word.. Judge us by your Truth, Your Word is Truth
Many other believers say that with this p***age that we are no longer bound with the law and with it the sabbath is abolished... you are absolutely wrong. Romans 3:31 clearly states that we do not abolish the law, we stablish it. therefore, we must make the sabbath holy....
All humans are guilty of this 1 Kings 8:46a (for there is no man that sinneth not). Job 15:14, 'what is man, that he should be clean?’; and he which is born of a WOMAN (Adamic nature) that he should be righteous? So until you allow Jesus into your life Today, that glory is absent. Colossians 1:27 says Christ in me the hope of Glory. Receive your glory now by saying after me 'LORD JESUS, I believe in you now, all that sacrifice was for me, I accept you today, come into my life an restore the Glory. AMEN. GOD bless you.
I think it's important to see that we're all unworthy of this marvelous Grace. We're all sinners and none of us was seeking God. Thankfully he was seeking after us and he gave us the measure of faith that we have. The object of our faith is the only thing that matters at this point. We must place it in the Lord Jesus and his substitution death. That's the faith that will see you through! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!
Matthew 26:28 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Acts 2:38 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Just believing is no good--we must FOLLOW the INSTRUCTIONS found in the word of GOD>
So how can we "be perfect" as Matthew 5:48 tells us to? We do this by letting Jesus take away our sins. This happens when we place our faith in him. This washes away all our sins, present or past. Anyway, all sins are "past" once we have committed them.
By not "making void the law" Paul is simply saying what we all understand. That is, it the law's purpose to expose our sins. It does this by always being a part of the Bible. And it has done its job well. It did it so well it killed Jesus for our sins. But once it had done its job, its administration over us ended. Because as Paul said, "We died with Christ on the cross." And as any legal student knows, the law has no power over someone who is dead to its effects.
Paul summarizes it like this. "So this is the point. The law no longer holds you in its power, because you died to its power when you died with Christ on the cross. ... Now we can really serve God. not in the old way by obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way by the Spirit."
I hope this clears up this matter!
Paul states plainly that we do this by letting Jesus take away our sins. "He has done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away our sins. For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us." He goes on to say, "We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us."
In other words, the death of Jesus was a subsutitute for our deaths. That is, it was supposed to be us dying on that cross, but Jesus took our place. This is what it means to say that we are saved by grace. Because in his gracious mercy, God did not punish us, but instead placed the punishment for our sins on Jesus.
I use the terms "God" and "Jesus" to mean the same because as it is expressed in John 1:1, "... and the Word (Jesus) was God." That's why Paul in 1 Timothy 2:3 calls Jesus "God our Savior."
It is "NOT TRUE" that God saves us by faith "EVEN" we didn't keep the law.. It is "NOT TRUE" that trusting in Jesus Christ makes us righteous in the sight of God "EVEN" by not obeying the law.. LET ME CLEAR THIS.. Our Lord Jesus Christ himself said be ye therefore "PERFECT" even as your "FATHER" which is in heaven is "PERFECT" ( Matthew 5:48).. The book of Romans Chapter 3 was telling us that because of the LAW our SINS were revealed.. Therefore, there is NONE RIGHTEOUS.. If we come to the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD.. then we shall have faith in the BLOOD of our Lord Jesus Christ for the REMISSION of SINS that are PAST.. Meaning they our SINS shall NOT be REMEMBERED on the day of JUDGEMENT.. That made us be found PERFECT in the sight of God.. But that doesn't mean we shall make VOID the LAW through FAITH.. YES.. We ESTABLISH the LAW ( Romans 3:31).
Let's say it this way. By trying to do good we still remain evil. This is true, even when we try to keep God's law. "... For the more we know God's law, the clearer it becomes that we are not obeying it" ( Romans 3:20)
That's why God saves us by faith. Meaning, because of our belief in him, he gives us credit for keeping the law, even though we didn't keep it. It like a teacher erasing an "F" from a students report card and writing in an "A." The teacher does this because the student believes or has faith that the teacher will. Paul says it this way. "But now God has shown us a different way of being right in his sight, not by obeying the law but by the way promised in the Scriptures long ago. We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. ..."( Romans 3:21-22)
Isn't our God Good?