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Paul cries out in Romans 7 24, O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? The apostle s unredeemed soul was working in league with his body, holding him back from serving God. He refers to it as the law of sin and death Rom. 8 2 . But in the same verse Paul reveals the secret of victory over this law. It is another law, the law of the spirit of life in Christ which frees believers from the law of sin and death. Some call it the law of counteraction. credit James Hollandsworth 3 Tenses of Salvation
It 's clearly outlined in this chapter that God makes us free moral agents, but in that freedom we see ourselves weak and powerless to perform all that God commands. So what does one do? For every command there is an empowerment to do, but the only way to perform it, is to believe it, against what we see or how we feel. Hope that is seen is not hope. The centurion said, "Speak the word only. " And Jesus called that "GREAT FAITH " It 's something to consider deeply!
The bible is such good food. Whenever I would do go evil is always present. I want to do the right things but the things I hate that 's what I do. We have to understand that there is a war going on between darkness and light, sickness and health good and evil. But, if we walk in the spirit because this is truly a spiritual walk. The bible tells us that those of us that worship God must worship him in sprit and in truth. Walk in the spirit and we won 't fulfill the lusts of the flesh. God bless!!
This indicates that,what i see in the mirror is not the actual me.I am the soul which is trapped in the body which is physical.JESUS has taught us not to sin even in our taught.The old testment and the quran only teaches us about our bodily deeds but JESUS teaches about our soul and that you are the soul and not your body
This is a revelation of our inheritance of being born of good and evil. The Spirit is revealing that we have a way to receive a new nature of Life. Too many think it is about being good, not realizing they are two sides of the same tree. We dont just need forgiveness but deliverance from the old nature because it has a sin nature. Once convinced, we accept the death of Christ ,our old nature ,and begin to live by the new Spirit . My experience is that i know i have been changed, but i am not robot. I did not become perfect ,but is being perfected more and more each day.
There is nothing worse when after the flesh wins ,My thoughts focus on all My Jesus has done for Me ,even Life Eternal and Yet..the battle rages..WRENCHED describes it quite well,Mr.Paul...
Romans 7 13 ch. 8 brings tears to my eyes...my fleshy sinful desires haunt me everyday. But i want so badly to live right and to stay in my bible!please God take those desires and wants and bad dreams away from me! In Jesus name i pray Amen!
I purposely looked up this bible verse, because I remembered that Paul spoke about his struggle within, the flesh vs. the spirit. I think most Christians come to this fork in the road. There are so many temptations in this physical world. But often it is not those temptations to lie, to steal, to gossip, to kill, to be promicuous, etc. that we are fighting against. For someone like myself, it is the thoughts not the actions that can give one pause and cause one to question their commitment to Father God and Christ. Christ died that we may live and by His spirit, we are healed. My problem, on a purely personal level, is how to cut off sinful thinking. I don 't dare even consider the actions. Most christians and non christians have no desire to kill or covet or disrespect our parents. But it is the temptations generated by our own physical bodies and minds that is the enemy a constant source of temptation. We have to continuously remind ourselves that by Christ 's sacrifice, we are dead to sin, and we must unceasingly ask forgiveness for our failure to consistently cling to righteous being and thinking. God knows our weaknesses, so if we continue looking to Father God and Christ as we walk this path in the physical world, we will emerge victors.
What is sin Sin is the transcration of law i understand that as long as ther is law ppl will sin specialy those who walk in de flesh de bible declares that flesh will not enter the kingdom of God so we ought to worship the master in spirit and in truth because he deserve such worship
Shall we send GOD forbade Don t think that the spirit of GOD will let you or lead you to sin We are delivered from the law because we are in JESUS and not in sin The law is a ritual where the flesh had to perform to feel he was righteous In JESUS I am righteous because JESUS IS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD There JESUS continually performs the work of GOD in me that he began until the day of JESUS CHRIST Don t be deceived we are to worship GOD in spirit and in truth The deliverance from the law is not liberty to sin GOD IS HOLY BE YE HOLY FOR I AM HOLY SANCTIFY YOURSELF AND THE GOD OF PEACE WILL SANCTIFY YOU HOLY
i understand where paul is coming from we shall always struggle with the flesh in this life but when we pass over to the other side and jesus receives us into his arms we shall truly be free from the claws of sin victory in jesus
i understand where paul is coming from we shall always struggle with the flesh in this life but when we pass over to rhe other side and jesus receives into his arms we shall truly be free from the claws of sin victory in jesus
we are no more under the law, which bring forth death; the spirit bring forth life though Jesus Christ. If you want to live get Jesus get the holy ghost in Jesus there is life. Grace and truth came though Jesus Christ.
@ Vanessa So many Christian church goers claim they can't cease from sin. Jesus died so we could conquer sin in our lives. To have the victory you must read your kjv Bible daily. Jesus said my words are spirit and they are life.'. If you pour yourself into reading you will find new strength in your spirit and will be able to overcome. Commit your works unto God and your thoughts will be established.
I am about to teach Sunday School this weekend about judgement, and this will help prove that only God can do this fairly. We are not qualified as the verse will prove.
Thank You
I think of this scripture often. I can remember most of the words, but I can't always remember where to find it. I apply it to my life. I don't know if I'm just having a pity party for myself.
I know very well what's right and wrong, but always find myself, doing the wrong thing, or saying the wrong words. I'm not a bad person. I don't drink or smoke or do any illegal drugs, but I don't attend church as I should. I go to bible study as much as my physical health would allow. I don't know. I think it's mostly guilt I feel for avoiding to worship with others. I don't know why. What's wrong with me. I know that going to church on Sunday is traditional, and also necessary for my relationship with God.
(My comment to Lopez garvens): your still in the flesh because your even now claiming it... John 6:63, it's the Spirit that gives Life, the flesh counts for nothing, John 5-30, Jesus: In the flesh I can do nothing, as I hear... John 3:8, those born of the Spirit, it is like the wind. Right after Jesus recieved The Spirit like a dove descending on Him, it's states right after that He Was (led), into the desert for 40 days, The Holy Spirit takes you to places you do not want to go...that's the proof were not in the flesh, he didn't go into the desert for 40 days to find a Starbucks... As he hears... In the flesh, like Jesus, He was told by The Spirit to go, so He went, we choose to live in our flesh. You want evidence your not in the flesh, be willing to go where the Holy Spirit tells you, the same is for me, you, even Jesus...
even though we have been born again by the holy incorruptible seed of the word of god we still live in fleshly bodies and our flesh or the carnal nature is always trying to dictate to us what to do or obey the lust or desire of the flesh
Romans 7:4 is the only verse that the Adventist Brothers have nothing more to argue. But will they accept the reality that we are completely died to the law and free to be with Christ forever.
I love the spiritual insight of being married to the law..while married to him you are subject to him. (In our day and age what wife could really say from her heart, like Sarah, "I am subject to my husband.") But once the bride enters into death through and in Christ it releases her from the obligations of her husband. The Apostle Paulgets personal and points to his carnal continued struggle and forgetfulness of his death in Christ. An almost cryptic verse (V21) points to the central problem of the new creations walk. "I find then a law, when I would do good, evil is present with me." The most accurate translation of the Greek aligns itself to the entire rest of the Book we call the Bible. All 66 books by the 40 or so different authors over a period of almost 1500 years says the same thing. Our awakening to know good and evil has been the curse. It has seperated cultures and caused death and destruction all because one person in pride would say this is good while another says this is evil and niether is being led by the Spirit of God. The whole of human history declares this truth. All our righteousness is like a dirty menstral cloth. Our righteousness must exceed that of the doctors and lawyers of the day!The pride of mankind to know good and evil is the antitype of God. Pride is the complete state of Anti-God and it comes through this belief that I am good and you are not. Nothing feeds the carnal nature of a Christian (who has been awakened to the things of the Spirit of God but are not being lead by Him) than thinking in their flesh they are doing good. Who can deliver me from this body of death? Paul writes of an ancient practice of tying the dead body of the person you killed to you as punishment for killing him. You could not cut away the dead person or the authority who tied it to you would come and take your life. Often times because of bacteria and germs and the stench would kill you anyway. Isn't that the same thing as carrying this carnal desire to be good around with you? So what is the remedy? Paul would encourage you to read on!!!
7:1ff Paul shows that the law is powerless to save the sinner (7:7-14),the lawkeeper(7:15-22),and even the person with a new nature(7:23-25).The sinner is condemned by the law; the lawkeeper can't live up to it: and the person with the new nature finds his or her obedience to the law sabotaged by the effects of the old nature. Once again Paul declares that salvation cannot be found by obeying the law. No matter who we are, only Jesus Christ can set us free.
Thank You
I know very well what's right and wrong, but always find myself, doing the wrong thing, or saying the wrong words. I'm not a bad person. I don't drink or smoke or do any illegal drugs, but I don't attend church as I should. I go to bible study as much as my physical health would allow. I don't know. I think it's mostly guilt I feel for avoiding to worship with others. I don't know why. What's wrong with me. I know that going to church on Sunday is traditional, and also necessary for my relationship with God.