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It is difficult to imagine that this exhausting struggle between flesh and spirit would be occurring in the life of the beloved Paul. Yet here he comes completely clean in admitting that indeed he does have the struggle going on in him. There a continual internal warfare going on inside of Paul and of every righteous Christian. Thank God that the resolution of this raging series of battles is resolved in Christ who redeems us from the curse of the law and raises us with Christ to the victory of the Spirit through our precious Redeemer Jesus Christ. The weak difference in me is made up in the mighty power of Christ and when I truly team up with and surrender to Him I know I will eventually and always win.
I believe that our flesh is alays trying to pull our spirit to reject the goodness we desire of God. Its origin can be traced to our free will in the Torah.
Verse 18 is the quintessential question for all Christians since the resurrection, that is this “for to "will" is present with me, but how to "perform" that which is good, I find not". SO, does that mean there is not an answer to "performing" that which is good? NO, there is an answer!! First, quit trying to perform, labor to enter His rest. Second, Abide in Christ Jesus, not yourself (own strength). Third, when using His name, and praying, reading His word, do it all from the standpoint (foundation) of "BEING" in HIM. That is where the power is, anyway, that's where the "performance factor of verse 18 comes from!!!!!
Chapter 7 is a clear instruction to all people to free themselves from the law of sin.
1.First we have to abandon completely our desires for worldly pleasures.When we do this we die in Christ as symbolized by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross.
When we get rid of our sinful desires then we are free from sin because those who are 'dead' cannot sin.We become free through death in Christ like a woman whose husband is dead is no longer bound by the law of the husband.
2.We should then ask for God's forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ, the Messiah so that we start a completely new life that leads us to etrnal life in the glory of God as symbolised by Jesus Christ's resurrection from death into the glory of Heaven.Once we die in Christ by His Grace
God lifts us to His Glory.Once we abandon all the worldly persuts and desires by His Grace God lifts us up to His Glory.
We have two choices dear brothers and sisters.
We either
1. Obey our fleshly desires and become servants of sin leading to our permanent death.
2. Obey the Word of God,Jesus Christ, the Messiah and become servants of righteousness leading to Salvation and eternal life in the glory of God All Mighty.
Remember you can only become a servant to that which you follow.
Christians should no that living your spouse and marrying another lady is a sin so the word of God cannot change no matter the situation so pastors should discourage remarriage.
I love this chapter cause it tell you about the truth about marriage. There so many people that is getting marry just for a season,than remarrying like there no problem to do that. Thats a SIN,and GOD do not like sin. The word says that cant make it to heaven without GOD,so if you a sinner than u cant go to heaven. Then the chapter end with it talking about the flesh in thats a member by its self. JESUS die on the cross for are a sin so that we can have life. We have power to tread on serpents and scorpions,and over all power of the emenys.So get your house in order before its to late,cause tommrow is not promise.
In V. 19, I feel, Paul is defining the flesh aspect of his person before he elaborates on the marvelous spirit of life in Christ Jesus of 8:2-6. The religious efforts of a christian who dwells on his obvious failures and wills to overcome them before feeling presentable to God, are sure to fail, whereas the same person who "reckons himself to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord"(Rom.6:11), will be surprised at the victories being wrought within him. I think, Paul was walking in victorious freedom, but reminding us not to turn back to will effort. As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him( Col. 2:6). Claiming the promised new creation in Christ and denying what we see and feel, is not a lie. In Eph. 6:10-18, Paul tells us to dress ourselves with the virtues of Christ; truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Spirit(which is God speaking). Paul believed the promises, that in Christ, he had these virtues, and he knew how to apply them to his life. The enemy tries to get us to limit the,"exceeding great and precious promises, that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature"(2 Pet.1:4).
Firstly I pray that free course may be granted that edification of these first 7 chapters befall not only me. How wonderful is enlightenment when humility grants and entrance into the realm of the understanding of which is given us freely that we may know the err of our ways. Interpretation is not for our minds to make the evidentuality of truth. So how shall we know? Thanks be to God for Jesus Christ the risen Lord of Glory and Mercy that through His obedience the free gift of the Holy Spirit might be given unto man. As frightening as the revelation of the worthy damnation we all rightfully deserve is this knowing also gives us hope to use the attention to our own situations on bended knees that mercy might be found and the door of mercy through which the Lord Jesus was ordained for as it is writen, none goeth to the Father but by Him. I've found not yet that which I seek but this is which I know, while breath is yet in me I will continue to ask in my closet of His Fatherly burden of forgiveness. Only to know what manner of man I am so long as I sin I know to whom I've yielded my members to obey. Terifyingly I continue onward just wondering how much longer free justification and mercy will be granted the fool that is in me. Yet peradventure the hope of mercy might yet abound to the end I might dare to be found of the lowest estate in His presence in that wonderful and fearful day.
How condescending of God desiring not only to be reverenced as God but desiring more to exercise the roll of The Forgiving Father, Patient and so Kind, Forebearing and still attentive to the stripes that I might bear the punishments I face now and willingly for they are for my correction if so be His Patience endures to my end. He's making a family, humble and ever so thankful, never desiring more than the joy of Love to come. Showing expressly through these dark tribulations the efforts of Love. If our own childeren disobey to be murder them? God forbid! But rather patiently we give it the sincere milk of truth that it may grow thereby until that time when meat may be partaken to know more as faith increases with the learning. Does it matter if the streets are really paved in gold if we've obtained His forgiveness? What more in our bodily ends is to be desired? Hopeful that the enemy within our very selves has been vanquished with its ways that with boldness we may percieve His fearful return as our Mighty Father's return.
Therein is the confidence in which we stand that we might live long enough to rather be known by Him. Recounting in our hearts before Him the wonderful things He's done to cleanse us patiently that the kiln we must pass through might fashion us endurably for keeping and of use. That the fountain of live giving water, even his witness, might give everlasting sustenance to those to truly befall the understanding of His grace.
How mighty and lofty are the ways shared thus far and I know that for these past 11 of my 39 years despite my foolish infidelity's more still has been continually as I admit His glory and righteous judgement that I might know my transgressions to in my closet open my heart to Him for justification that I may yet fight another day.
Everyone thinks that Sodom and Gomorrah are gone but take a look around. We see them all over now. Spread despite the demonstrative power that showed us the end that awaits the such that has prevailed since and even now.
To me this is clear as day. I wish pastors would stand up and preach this. People are often confused with what adultry is. It is not cheating on your spouse. It says it here in the word. If a man/woman put their spouse (divorce) and mary another while that one who is put away live he/she will be called an adulter/ess. people need to know this GOD is not pleased with people divorcing and remarrying and we still have spouses living. The vows says it all till death do us part. It took a death to free us from our sins so what more then it will take a death to free us from the union of marriage.
understand through the reserection of Jesus we can be no more thans sin with the law, that grift from the Lord of the Holy Spirit we can promote goodness in life, as we can be no more than sin in this life.
Yes, jesus said that he came to fulfill the law. They found fault in the old law, so yes he made this law the perfect law of liberty and when he died on the cross, he nailed the old law to it (not literally). Yes, we are under the new law, we use the old law as a learning tool. You must rightly divide the word of truth.
Jesus said that he did not come to destroy the law but to fulfil it, MATT 5:17 so the law is still valad, it is only valad by us obeying the two greatest commandments Matt23:36-40. AND WE CAN ONLY DO THIS THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.
In Romans so many people has misunderstood Paul as saying the law was done away or if you keep the commandment you are under the law. I understand grace, but why say the law is done away with and to say we are new testment believers.
1.First we have to abandon completely our desires for worldly pleasures.When we do this we die in Christ as symbolized by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross.
When we get rid of our sinful desires then we are free from sin because those who are 'dead' cannot sin.We become free through death in Christ like a woman whose husband is dead is no longer bound by the law of the husband.
2.We should then ask for God's forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ, the Messiah so that we start a completely new life that leads us to etrnal life in the glory of God as symbolised by Jesus Christ's resurrection from death into the glory of Heaven.Once we die in Christ by His Grace
God lifts us to His Glory.Once we abandon all the worldly persuts and desires by His Grace God lifts us up to His Glory.
We have two choices dear brothers and sisters.
We either
1. Obey our fleshly desires and become servants of sin leading to our permanent death.
2. Obey the Word of God,Jesus Christ, the Messiah and become servants of righteousness leading to Salvation and eternal life in the glory of God All Mighty.
Remember you can only become a servant to that which you follow.
How condescending of God desiring not only to be reverenced as God but desiring more to exercise the roll of The Forgiving Father, Patient and so Kind, Forebearing and still attentive to the stripes that I might bear the punishments I face now and willingly for they are for my correction if so be His Patience endures to my end. He's making a family, humble and ever so thankful, never desiring more than the joy of Love to come. Showing expressly through these dark tribulations the efforts of Love. If our own childeren disobey to be murder them? God forbid! But rather patiently we give it the sincere milk of truth that it may grow thereby until that time when meat may be partaken to know more as faith increases with the learning. Does it matter if the streets are really paved in gold if we've obtained His forgiveness? What more in our bodily ends is to be desired? Hopeful that the enemy within our very selves has been vanquished with its ways that with boldness we may percieve His fearful return as our Mighty Father's return.
Therein is the confidence in which we stand that we might live long enough to rather be known by Him. Recounting in our hearts before Him the wonderful things He's done to cleanse us patiently that the kiln we must pass through might fashion us endurably for keeping and of use. That the fountain of live giving water, even his witness, might give everlasting sustenance to those to truly befall the understanding of His grace.
How mighty and lofty are the ways shared thus far and I know that for these past 11 of my 39 years despite my foolish infidelity's more still has been continually as I admit His glory and righteous judgement that I might know my transgressions to in my closet open my heart to Him for justification that I may yet fight another day.
Everyone thinks that Sodom and Gomorrah are gone but take a look around. We see them all over now. Spread despite the demonstrative power that showed us the end that awaits the such that has prevailed since and even now.