King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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I was a practicing Satanist, devil worshipper, and idolater turned Christian. I am coming out as a witness and have recently come out of and was heavily involved in the New age movement (higher self meditations), occultism, various types of meditations, self-styled Satanism, psychic third eye abilities, summoning and calling up different "spirit guides" ie fallen angels of Lucifer and giving offerings to other idols to obtain Satanic knowledge favors and power through these practices. This was all done in secret. All these things mentioned above and many other practices are a trick of Satan and his demons and their false religions he's established to get you to defile yourself (hooked into him through your sin) like the Bible says.
And guys, don't get me wrong, I knew what I was doing. I was knowingly using these powers and this knowledge to harm people spiritually and to trick people into thinking that these practices these occultic things, these New age beliefs ("higher self power") are okay and being part of spreading these false doctrines on purpose instead of the truth of the Bible. Any occult subject or New age subject to talk about and entice people with was game.. among many other sins.. sin is sin and sin is death like the Bible says. Satan knows the Bible too, And Satan protected me and blessed me while doing these things and operating using this knowledge against people for being a loyal servant to his kingdom. But I was even more dangerous because I knew the ways of God and what Jesus commands us to do and what he says in that gospel and that he looks at all these things as sin but I went against it anyway for the feeling of power, and the pride that comes with it - and I was ruthlessly evil in doing so. And pride is what got Lucifer tossed out of heaven.
I've squandered the last few years speedily absorbing anything and everything in a never ending research in global events - studying all things Jewish - and studying Christianity, attempting to understand what's happening in the world, by whom, why, and what it means - or what I should do.
I know for multiple reasons, there is simply not enough time to come even close to one full reading of the New Testament. If the world doesn't implode, well my health is... quite bad, which i've come to terms with. Life always being overrated imo, yet I have found comfort in Christs words, though remaining conflicted & confused. I know Revelations warns twice not to be deceived I'm hopelessly deceivedconfused.
I'm aware of the "mark of the beast" branded either in the forehead, or the right hand. That being said, I've on occasion heard, or read snippets of something of this above line, Christ's people who reject the mark of the beast, six hundred and sixty six, no buying, selling, being beheaded, and em, much unpleasantries of Tribulation (The general idea of it anyway), but what can you tell me of a mark that followers of Jesus Christ, faithfully, are supposed to haveget?
One other please, I'm familiar with the names, "Lucifer Lightbringer" & "Lucifer Morningstar" and reading an insinuation that Jesus is Lucifer from a randomly encountered commentary bringing me here:
"16I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."
Reading it... didn't dispel their claim. Can this be a translation confusion from Greek to English, or am I just a total idiot? Why is Jesus saying he is the "Bright" (Lightbringer?) and "Morning star" (Lucifer Morningstar?!)
Not even sure if this'll get read, but apologies for the foolish questions. I have a million more, but if anyone responds to these two, thank you.
Cigarettes are more than a bad habit. They are one of the devils "tools". They steal, kill, and destroy. But there is freedom in Christ.
This was a major bondage in my life. The BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST destroyed that yoke! I have been loosed of it, 16 months ago. PRAISE THE LORD! This was a major prayer answered. I couldn't/wouldn't have done it on my own.
When I get a craving I just start praising God. And the craving leaves. (Thank You Lord)
Hallelujah.and glory to God in the highest. So much good has come to my life just from quitting cigarettes.
If you're struggling with an addiction to _________, ask God to make you HATE that thing. He will do it!
I have found God to be faithful, when I am not. To be a merciful loving Father, Savior, Deliverer, Healer, Friend, and so much more!
I'm praying for you.
Since I was very young I had nightmares and images flash in my head sometimes feeling of being watched would overwhelm me at night and I would scream out. I remember coming to age and the understanding of the world.being so painful (my personal life and the wider picture) sometimes I'd feel so out of control and the sadness would feel like my heart was being crushed as if it was a car at a scrap yard. As I became a young adult I would look for distraction from reliving painful mistakes and events in my life I was living with so.much pain and exhaustion from being someone I didn't want to be. one day a friend of mine asked me to join her for church as she was visiting her mum's church and didn't want to go alone. as I joined the church inside I continued to feel uncomfortable and uneasy with the other people finding and distance myself from them.
The music.started and people started to sing I was reading the words and singing to and I get into it and enjoy the music I felt an odd demention of affiliation to the lyrics I looked over at the people and I saw something in the church although nothing had changed and could not physically see anything. It was as if the breath of the people singing was reaching up to the above and as if the very same.something was reaching down to them and finding the church it was beatiful! It seemed to.move.around the room like a great wind I heard the speaker say the words of Jesus " take my yoke apon you and I shall give you rest, " and it just felt so real to me at that moment I felt a pressure on my heart and chest it's as if the cloud in the room wanted to be in me i.felt as if someone was behind me and in front of me and beside me and it got stronger I have in to this beautiful feeling and I know God with me and still do. Jesus is teaching me and his spirit fills me with love and the father tells me what to do and what will happen. God is really it's nuts
HOLY SPIRIT began to convict my heart and slowly but surely convince my mind that I had never given my heart and my life to GOD I had only been through the motions. So there in my bedroom on a Tuesday evening 8/5/75 around 7:25 I gave my life to CHRIST. At the time I was smoking 4 packs of Kool Filter Kings a day. I asked the LORD to help me give up that nasty habit - I did not want to be a hypocrite. PRAISE GOD FROM THAT DAY UNTIL THIS I HAVE NEVER SMOKED ANOTHER CIGARETTE NOR DONE ANY MORE OF ANY KIND OF DRUG. My Christian life has been far from perfect but at this point in my life I start and end every day spending a little time reading my BIBLE and praying. I make an effort to ask every person I come in contact with
" I WONDER DO YOU KNOW THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOR? DO YOU KNOW FOR SURE THAT YOU'RE GOING TO HEAVEN WHEN YOU DIE? The responses I get are varied but I've had many opportunities to share and to pray with folks. OUR GOD IS AWESOME!!!
Our 16 year old son was tragically killed in a car accident in 2012. He had accepted Christ as his savior March 20, 2011, PRAISE GOD! When the police knocked on the door and delivered the news I sat there speechless for a moment. I finally said to them, "If what you are telling me is true, I KNOW where my son is. He is in heaven." I excused myself for a moment and went to my room where I dropped to my knees and prayed. I asked the Lord to give me the courage and the strength to get through this and to give me that "peace that passes all understanding". I believe he did, that very moment. Dealing with such a tremendous loss is something no one wants to go through but I KNOW where he is. He is in the presence of the Lord. I WILL see him again some sweet day. It's been 10 years and I miss him very much. My marriage is stronger than it was before our loss. We have shared his testimony with teens and adults and have had sweet fellowship with other parents in our situation. God has carried us, provided for us, loved us, sheltered us and healed us. Thank You Lord Jesus! Amen
I don't know why this is mentioned.
Why did it not do the same for Mary , who is linked to Jesus by blood.
However, the leadership seems to push "speaking in tongues" over the basics of Christianity (e.g., Jesus says the greatest among you will be your servant and our Father in the faith Paul teaches that prophecies will fail, tongues cease, and knowledge will pass away.) Of course, what I'm referring to isn't really "speaking in tongues." It's a private prayer language that is spewed publicly and privately and is regarded as acceptable regardless of occasion and venue.
What the leadership refers to as "prayer language," serves zero purpose other than a measuring stick for the leadership to separate "the men from the boys" as far who is baptized by the Holy Spirit. So technically, they are not "speaking in tongues." In fact, it reminds me more of the scenario outlined in the story about the Tower of Babel.
In addition, a goodly sum of the people who use this prayer language and are allegedly baptized by the Holy Spirit have anger issues, they are covenant breakers, and they exhibit issues relating to self control - and the list goes on. So even if what that they are experiencing is "the real deal," a significant number of this "true blue elect" are ostensibly lack luster. The Pastor has even cited a friend who "was baptized in the Holy Spirit," spoke in the prayer language, and yet continued on in a struggle with violent behavior.
I'm the worship leader in the church. I do not speak the Tower of Babel prayer language, and while I don't own it, I could easily be made to feel like a substandard, 2nd class Christian. My goal is not to focus on anyone's shortcomings as we must all love each other; however, I feel like there is a HUGE inconsistency in what I know for a fact that the Holy Spirit accomplishes vs. the fruit (or lack thereof) that is regularly exhibited by these spiritual he-men who possess this prayer language.
The fight is unbelievable hard. There are many things I don't understand - unanswered questions.
It feels like I have poured it all out for nothing. Like I'm loosing everything.
But deep inside I know it can't be true, it's NOT how God is or how He works.
It's just many emotions and thoughts that runs through me. And at this point I'm exhausted after standing in a long battle.
If you pray, I'm grateful.
God bless you in Christ Jesus, amen.
I am Allison I am the founder of KTLM (Kindness through Letters Mission) a mission I started by myself to encourage and spread God's love to people all over the USA since I started KTLM (Kindness through Letters mission) I am also disabled I have sent over 1,000 letters and cards . I am from Arkansas I love spreading God's love throughout the world
I started by sending letters to soldiers, prisoners and sick kids my goal with this mission is to bless as many people as I can as I slowly expand this mission into a future non profit as I spread God's love and kindness throughout the world
God lead me to share my story of my faith based mission KTLM
have a blessed day
Today I' m going to tell you a story.
A brother in Christ once dreamt a dream. He was in his house and an angel came in and asked him to follow him. The angel was going to show him his house in Heaven. So they both went into Heaven. They went to a place where there was a marvelous house like a palace. The brother thought "Well, this is my house". The angel as though he read his thoughts told him, " No, No, No, this house is not for you, it is for that elderly woman who sits at the back of the church. She is always praying for her brothers and sisters, day and night". The brother got a bit dissapointed. They kept walking until they reached another marvelous house. The brother thought, " Well, this time this house is definitely mine" " No, No, No, said the angel. This belongs to that humble brother who always goes unnoticed in the church. He always runs to meet his brothers needs and he is there to support everybody who is in any sort of need".' Next time the brorher was not now in any hurry to think anything, but the same thing happened. Not his house. I don't remember how many times he said the same thing was repeated but sometime later on they came to see a house which was not bad but it wasn't a villa either. "This is your house" said the angel. The brother collapsed. But he immediately got the message. It doesn't matter what your position is in the church, it doesn't matter how many talents you were given by God to work with them for Him, but it does matter how well and consistent you work for Him. In Heaven we will be surprised to find out that people who we never thought they had any significance, they will actually have a better wage than others who were the famous ones.
The above story is a real story. The brorher who confessed it to us is the pastor of one of the most significant and crowded reborn congregations in my country. A lesson to be learnt by all of us.
I learned how to fast and pray. After fasting 11 days absolute, 12th thru 21st day water only fast, 22nd thru 28th day two meals fast November 1 - 28, 2020, a hard trial came to my life: December 2, 2020 my daughter a registered nurse noticed I look sick, tested my oxygen concentration, was 83% normally was 97 - 98%, tested me for COVID-19 - positive, called 911 on me, paramedics took me, I brought my Bible, remembered what our Beloved Evangelist Pastor Wilde E. Almeda, end-time prophet of God, in time of danger, call on Jesus, Hallelujah Praise the Lord, which I did, asked Lord if this is your will, I'm not afraid, willing to die and be with you. However, Lord I'm only 3 years old, a baby Christian in your church, let me live Lord, I want to serve you many more years, now adult choir member.
By the time I notice, my nurse finished admitting me, I asked her to leave me, provide privacy so I can pray and meditate. She obliged, turned down the lights, I took off my oxygen, prayed, felt the Holy Spirit in me, my eyes closed I could see a big hand over my head, head a voice open my eyes, it was then my nurse entered my room, turned on the lights, found me without oxygen, said, Mr. Malit you're in big trouble, check my oxygen, shake head, checked it again shake head, asked her, what's wrong, said I can't believe it. It's 95% without oxygen. I told her my Jesus healed me, my nurse, doctor couldn't believe what just happened, they don't have to
since JESUS came into my heart,
I have light in my soul for which long I have sought,
Since JESUS came into my heart!"
May we all be able to rejoice in the LORD and HIS salvation!
I can finally breath without inhaling particles from the wildfires. For however long.
We had the most amazing sky over our city it was beautiful. Praise The Lord!
2 Chronicles 2:14
When I asked Dad about his mother, he said when he was about seven and his brother was about six, they were playing in the woods one day when they heard a woman loudly praying, her voice echoing through the trees. They sneaked up close to her, and discovered that it was their mother. She dared not pray at home. They never told her they heard her praying. My daughter searched grandmother's ancestry and found that she was a Quaker.
The last time I saw my grandmother was when I was only 16 years old. She was sitting in a rocking chair, smiling at me. On the table beside her lay her Bible. I know now that it was a KJV. My dad and uncle went through a hail of bullets in two world wars, both wounded; my oldest brother barely survived a Japanese suicide plane, and I survived the cutting edge of defense in the U. S. Air Force's Strategic Air Command. I believe we all survived because of my Grandmothers prayers, all of them hatched from the perfection she found in the words of her old faithful King James Bible, the KJV. I can't be sure, but I'll just bet you my Grandfather went to Heaven because he found it impossible to get through Grandma's KJV iron-clad prayers to go to Hell.