King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)
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I was at a bible study with my friend and her husband came home with a severe ankle injury. They were extremely upset, since her husband is military and this injury was a potential surgery and Medical Discharge. I just felt the Lord telling me to pray over him and as nervous as I was I did. I prayed for healing and the peace that comes only from Jesus, along with other things.
The first doctors exam showed a severe ankle injury. Then the weekend hit which means no referral or further treatment til monday.
After the second exam to confirm the referral, the doctor apparently made a shocking discovery. That the injury was somehow very different now. Instead of a severe ankle injury with a referral, it was just a minor sprain. That amount of relief for that family is something few experience. No one can explain the drastic different between these examinations, but God. He hears prayers and He answers them. I waited a month to hear any news, some people wait much longer. No matter where you are in your wait for the Lord, just know that he hears your prayer and an answer will come. He has a picture that is much larger than us and His timing is perfect because of that. Keep waiting on the LORD.
What I have shared up until now is only the beginning of the real story that I wish to impart.
I read my Bible everyday. My method is to start at the first chapter of Genesis and end with the last chapter of Revelations. I'm not sure how many times I have read the entire Bible(mostly the NIV But some King James as well but my educated guess is at least10 times. I do skip around at times seeking different passages for specific reasons also but when this happened yesterday in the normal course of my reading I find myself in the book of Psalms. The 38th to be exact. l will lave it to the readers desire to truly watch how the Hand of God guides those of us who are willing to listen and accept his truth in our spiritual journey to our home in his eternal presence.
Know that on this night it came as a revelation and epiphany to me and my walk with my Lord Jesus. May he bless each reader with his almighty and everlasting wisdom and to him alone belongs all thethe glory and praise.
Another time when we were going out, the forecast said rain and my husband told me to wear some raingear; I told him "NO, I have FAITH that the Lord has stopped the rain for years now so I/we would not get wet. I have FAITH that He would stop me from being rained on today as well." When we were on way to our destination, as we turned onto the buildings' walkway, I noticed something on the ground I picked it up and it was a round - I call it a token - on the one side it has the word FAITH, on the other side it had our church Benediction!! - it was Jesus telling me He knew I had faith about the rain stopping and He let me know that He had heard me. God's children HE IS HERE! I now help him + speak to Himself every day. He blesses me in so many ways every single day... This is NOT a fairy tale nor a lie. I really am on speaking terms with Lord Jesus!! I tell non Christians it takes BELIEF that Jesus lived and died like in the bible. I tell them to have FAITH that He is with us, TRUST that His PROMISES are true, and that He wants us to LOVE EVERYONE (we don't have to like them, or see them a lot) and to HELP anyone who we come across that needs it. Belief, Faith, Trust, and to Forgive + Love each other always. If you are a Christian you already do that!!
When i think back and see what darkness i lived in, it is with shame. Because I did not give Jesus my heart before. For I lived in the world without God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I was doomed and did not understand! But then i think: Could i have been awakened as Jesus did for me, if i had not been in this darkness? No, so here i see that it was the Lord who did / wanted / loved / raised me from the dead!
Everything came from Him both to darkness and to light. Because He wants mr to Honor and Love Him who is Worthy Jesus Christ therefore lives in me, Thank Almighty God for Your goodness and Greatness.
God the Father has seen me from the beginning. He wanted me to come to the knowledge of the truth. Live with God in the Spirit through Jesus Christ to His glory with body and soul and spirit for the rest of my life. Oh, nothing can separate me from His Great Love.
He knows about all my hair, all my thoughts. My chores so Is He there. When thoughts swirl here and there, in my head. I look at the Love of the Lord. And get a feeling of purity and closeness that does not touch anything in this world.
For in Him i can overcome everything, in His Love. In this state I can feel invincible, loved and forgiving in every way.
It is true love that overflows, it threatens to overflow. So that the Love i walk on propagates in the people i meet on my way. And the day will come when i will see Jesus, see Him as He is and my heart then?
He Is Patient, am I? Yes i will Lord, show me patience in love. Show me closeness in love. Show me today in love. Jesus Christ i love You, and u
We were married in a Methodist church, by a Methodist minister, under the eyes of God and witnesses. But we still encounter people who say it's forbidden. In fact I just ended a relationship with a good friend over this issue. I was insulted. What are your thoughts please !
Please send references from KJV only as this is the only Bible he reads.
I have preach the word for over 50 years.
This past year i had 3 heart attachs in less than 8 hours the Dr told me i should be dead God pull me out.
In April 1990 after 16 years of marriage and four children. My life was ruined because of alcoholism. After an argument, I left home to sort my self out. Although I had tried in the past, I just couldn't change.
Why is my life a mess?
In desperation I called out to God-"The sun rises and sets every day for thousands of years but I am only here for a short life. Why am I here, why did you make me, why is my life such a mess? God if you are there please help me! I went home and found a leaflet in my letterbox asking, "Who is God? The one who answers of course!"
Immediate and remarkable change
I went to a meeting and heard the full Gospel message. I believed in God, but I never seen or heard evidence of his power in any other church. When it was shown to me from the Bible what I must do to be saved, I decided to be baptized by full immersion according to the scriptures ( Acts 2:38).
I awoke at 3am the next morning to feel an amazing peace and joy come over me and I spoke in tongues. From that moment my life change. My marriage healed, aggression and alcoholism healed. God proved himself to me - why not you.
In February 2013. I was diagnosed with a tumor. "The surgeon told me" The tumor is very close to your right eye, after your operation you may lose your sight in the right eye. I went in to hospital for keyhole surgery and they could not find any tumor it disappeared, thank you Lord. I thank God for he is a God who hears and answers prayer.
Having a personal relationship with God is the promise of the bible. The New Testament of the bible describes a church that changed the world. It talks about salvation as a foundational experience from an answering God.
In Jude 1:3 (KJV)
Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.
do want to share something though. a few weeks ago during testimonies at a church service, this dear sister stood up and said " i can't fix my daughter to become saved, but i can continue to pray." those words just kept going over & over in my mind. jesus had sent me another word. for years ive tried to fix people around me even being saved, but you can fix no one. only jesus can. my walk has been hard in that im a nurse and when we have a situation we use our training the good lord allows us and we fix what we can. but when you really realize he is truly in control and let go of the worries of this world, your walk with him becomes so much sweeter. it's been hard to let go, by his grace and mercy i have let go and laying up my treasures in heaven with my masters guidance. we sing a song in your choir called stand still and let god move. people are in a hurry to do this or run there, when we all need to take quiet time to commune with jesus. he is waiting now to hear from you, won't you let this be the day you no longer walk around filled with anxiety, worry, depression. he loves us all equally and has no respect of persons. we are all his children whether we choise to live for him or not for we were all created in his image. god bless everyone who reads this. he is coming soon, please be ready to meet him.praise his holy, holy, holy name now and forever in the name of the lord hesus christ amen
Those lonely evenings coming from work I would pray to Him...He heard my cry
1/ We lived next to a catholic famly and a great wind storm came from the east to the west and I was blown horizontal, on our side holding onto a post of the fence between our two properties while all sorts of objects flew past me.
2/ A group of people complete with backpacks waiting on the northern grass siding of the Riverhead Road. Dad approached me from across the road. I noted his bright eyed face. Sparks fell around us as we lifted heavenward. Malachi 4:3. Rev 6:11. *GODS*wrathful DAYafter sifting tribulations.
3/ I was sitting in a round craft above the earth, two beings looking over the edge and one said to the other."Theres another one." As I looked to my right in the distance I could see the city of GOD bordered with a rainbow. Matt 24:31, Mark 13:27 GBU.
at age 10 the abuse ended cuz i got older n was able to avoid him or say no more or fight or run off more than i was able to before. at 11 i started self harming via cutting myself with whatever i could get my hands on. i also started strugglign with my sexuality from age 7-25. thinking i was bisexual. hating being a woman/female and gender issues. so it was an awkward time. and of course i didnt tell anyone of the sexual abuse and rape until i was 14. i told when i was 14 because i was going to commit suicide but backed out cut instead n the next morning told my family. my nana tried taking em to church around that time n id go and pretend to be Christian but my heart wasnt in it.
from 14-25 i struggled with mental illenss and suicde plans and i got to a point i was going to save up and buy a gun to kill myself at age 25. God reached out to me june 10 2018 at 3am with the movie "woman thou art loosed". and it set me free. the God i thoughbt abandoned me and that i abandoned in return, loved me. forgave me. saved me. was always theree. and was calling out for me to return to Him. the following weekend i was in church and 3 months later i was baptized. my life hasnt been the same since. He set me free from sooo many things. from my sins, from myself, from the enemy. and He is ever healing me steadily now. i am 28 going on 29 and im getting my life and growing in my love and knowlege of the Lord. wont He do it!