King James Version (KJV)

Why is Susanna shown with the King James Bible?
1 There dwelt a man in Babylon, called Joacim:
3 Her parents also were righteous, and taught their daughter according to the law of Moses.
6 These kept much at Joacim's house: and all that had any suits in law came unto them.
7 Now when the people departed away at noon, Susanna went into her husband's garden to walk.
10 And albeit they both were wounded with her love, yet durst not one shew another his grief.
11 For they were ashamed to declare their lust, that they desired to have to do with her.
12 Yet they watched diligently from day to day to see her.
13 And the one said to the other, Let us now go home: for it is dinner time.
16 And there was no body there save the two elders, that had hid themselves, and watched her.
19 Now when the maids were gone forth, the two elders rose up, and ran unto her, saying,
23 It is better for me to fall into your hands, and not do it, than to sin in the sight of the Lord.
24 With that Susanna cried with a loud voice: and the two elders cried out against her.
25 Then ran the one, and opened the garden door.
30 So she came with her father and mother, her children, and all her kindred.
31 Now Susanna was a very delicate woman, and beauteous to behold.
33 Therefore her friends and all that saw her wept.
34 Then the two elders stood up in the midst of the people, and laid their hands upon her head.
35 And she weeping looked up toward heaven: for her heart trusted in the Lord.
37 Then a young man, who there was hid, came unto her, and lay with her.
38 Then we that stood in a corner of the garden, seeing this wickedness, ran unto them.
44 And the Lord heard her voice.
46 Who cried with a loud voice, I am clear from the blood of this woman.
49 Return again to the place of judgment: for they have borne false witness against her.
51 Then said Daniel unto them, Put these two aside one far from another, and I will examine them.
64 From that day forth was Daniel had in great reputation in the sight of the people.