
THE GENERALL Epistle of Iames. Chapter 2

(Original 1611 KJV Book of James)


Viewing the 1611 King James Version of The Epistle of Iames (James) Chapter 2, also known as: THE GENERALL Epistle of Iames. , James, Jas, Jm,.

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James Chapter 2 Original 1611 Bible Scan
James Chapter 2 Original 1611 Bible Scan


It is not agreeable to Christian profession to regard the rich, and to despise the poore brethren: 13 rather wee are to be louing, and mercifull: 14 And not to boast of faith where no deedes are, 17 which is but a dead faith, 19 the faith of deuils, 21 not of Abraham, 25 and Rahab.

1My brethren, haue not the faith of our Lord Iesus Christ the Lord of glorie, with respect of persons.

2For if there come vnto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poore man, in vile raiment:2

3And yee haue respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say vnto him, Sit thou here in a good place: and say to the poore, Stand thou there, or sit here vnder my footstoole:3

4Are yee not then partiall in your selues, and are become iudges of euill thoughts?

5Hearken, my beloued brethren, Hath not God chosen the poore of this world, rich in faith, and heires of the kingdome, which hee hath promised to them that loue him?5

6But yee haue despised the poore. Doe not rich men oppresse you, and draw you before the Iudgement seats?

7Doe not they blaspheme that worthy Name, by the which ye are called?

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8If ye fulfil the royall Law, according to the Scripture, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe, ye doe well.

9But if ye haue respect to persons, ye commit sinne, and are conuinced of the Law, as transgressours.

10For whosoeuer shall keepe the whole Law, & yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

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11For he that said, Doe not commit adultery; sayd also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressour of the Law.11

12So speake ye, and so doe, as they that shall bee iudged by the Law of libertie.

13For he shall haue iudgement without mercie, that hath shewed no mercy, & mercie reioyceth against iudgement.13

14What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say hee hath faith, and haue not workes? can faith saue him?

15If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of dayly foode,

16And one of you say vnto them, Depart in peace, be you warmed & filled: notwithstanding ye giue them not those things which are needfull to the body: what doth it profit?

17Euen so faith, if it hath not works, is dead being alone.17

18Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I haue workes: shew mee thy faith without thy workes, and I will shew thee my faith by my workes.18

19Thou beleeuest that there is one God, thou doest well: the deuils also beleeue, and tremble.

20But wilt thou knowe, O vaine man, that faith without workes is dead?

21Was not Abraham our father iustified by works, when hee had offered Isaac his sonne vpon the altar?

22Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?22

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23And the Scripture was fullfiled which saith, Abraham beleeued God, and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnes: and he was called the friend of God.23

24Ye see then, how that by workes a man is iustified, and not by faith only.

25Likewise also, was not Rahab the harlot iustified by works, when she had receiued the messengers, and had sent them out another way?

26For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without workes is dead also.26

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Original 1611 KJV Sidenote References for James Chapter 2

2 Gr. Synagogue.
3 Or, well, or seemely.
5 Or, that.
11 Or, that Law which said.
13 Or, glorieth
17 Gr. by it selfe.
18 Some copies reade, by thy workes.
22 Or, thou seest.
23 Gen.15.6 rom.4.3. gal.3.6.
26 Or, breath.

* Some content courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania


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