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Kaden, if they repent and turn from their sin and ask forgiveness in Christ, then that is my opinion yes Bestiality and sodomy can be forgiven. But there comes a point in time when the Lord sears one's conscience with a hot iron. in other words the door of salvation is slammed shut and then nailed tight.
1 Timothy Chapter 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
Romans 1: 26 For this cause God GAVE THEM UP (gave up on them?) unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God GAVE THEM OVER to a REPROBATE reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
If the Holy Spirit convicts them, it is time to repent. When someone seeks and wants the Lord more than their sin they shall find the Lord.
Hello, I believe the answer is yes. God forgives deeply. The man who authored more books of the Bible than anyone else used to murder Christians before he transformed into a strong Christian evangelist. I believe to be forgiven there needs to be genuine repentance and regret. For example, I think a Christian is on shaky ground if they intentionally repeatedly sin with the mistaken idea that they will be forgiven regardless and just try to follow the world and enjoy sin as much as possible. Lately there's even Christians spreading that idea that sin, which I believe comes from satan. There's no downside to following Jesus 'too much' or being 'too obedient'. Hebrews 10:26, John 14:23.
Mathew 12:31 All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven but blasphemy against the holy spirit shall not be forgiven, Does that mean bestiality and homosexuality shall be forgiven theres only one unforgivable sin?
Leigh;These six(6)things doth the LORD hate:yea,seven(7) are an abomination unto Him:A proud look,a lying
tongue,and hands that shed innocent blood,an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,feet that be swift in running to mischief.He hates a froward mouth.
ET/everything was made by God. What a fantastic statement. When i think of that; When i think of etccc.... How great thou are. and another favorite is All is well with my soul
You tube and Hymn supply a treasue of relaxing very enjoyable hymns
and he walk with me and talks with me and what a wonderful way to develop my mind, ET was made by God. Consider that and all those little microbes of the soil and sea that he made to give us such habitats all over the world and Adam to look after ET but he was a little lower than angels and a man capable of Sin as we all are. and all have sinned. But luckly , we have Jesus and look what they did to him when he came; and they would do the same today One day at a time; Dear Jesus, that all I am asking of you; etc.... Do you remember ....and of ourse he never forgot ; but it is worst now than then etc,, You would be surprised on al the things God [ and teach your old people before they get too old That Gpd make ET;and as long as they remember; they will feel happy and it should be the last tht they will forget; Unfortunately yoday a lot of Alzheimers people Forget that God made ET but sill I find themand autistic people the best to r talk to.
Willie, in Matthew 5:17,18, Jesus spoke to His disciples concerning the full meaning & requirements of God's Laws. Jesus spoke about the preciousness of God's Laws & that not one of them would be removed until they were completely fulfilled. We know that the Law was given to God's Chosen, the Jews, as one of the marks of identification with Him. But it was given not only for their understanding of their relationship to their Creator, but also in their relationship to their fellow men. And they soon found out that they couldn't fully obey God's Laws because they were sinners & had no hope to obey Holy Laws. So every year sacrifice was made by the High Priest on their behalf for their sins.
So, all these Laws, including those that applied to their ceremonies, sacrifices & moral behaviour, were given as a temporary measure as God planned for the future when His Son, Jesus Christ, would come into the World to be the Perfect & Final Sacrifice for mankind's sins ( Rom 5:6). Also read Romans 8:3.
Then what you're reading in Mt 5, is Jesus saying that He had come to fulfil God's Laws: He fulfilled prophecy given about Him & alone could completely obey God's Laws & therefore would never need to sacrifice for Himself, simply because he never sinned. In fact, His Love was so great for us, that He willingly became the sacrifice in death in our stead - for our sins: He became our Substitute, our Saviour to save us from sin's penalty which is eternal death. So, if Jesus perfectly fulfilled God's Laws & became our Sacrifice, then all who believe in Him through His Blood, are also now freed from the curse of the Law ( Gal 3:13). In other words, if we still want to obey the 'old Law' to satisfy God or contribute to God accepting us, then Christ's death is counted as nothing. However, Rom 8:4 says, that "the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us"; the letter of the Law failed, but the Law of the Life giving Spirit (8:2) is put in our hearts to help us correctly obey God.
God is telling us how strong our faith must be for loving someone we havent seen or havent heard but to them that keep the faith what a glorious day it will be I'm keeping the faith
Mishael comment on Titus - In Reply on Titus 3 - 4 years ago
I looked at the commentary on this website.
Put the verse you're searching in the search box.
Touch the screen and it will turn yellow.
Scroll down to the Commentary Box. Click
You should be seeing basically what the verse means. We can also google too.
It says Paul was up in years and we know he had been abused every way imaginable by all kinds: especially Jews. Yes he tells us to avoid what they are yelling, etc.
Don't invite them to your church or meetings unless they are believers in Jesus!
The commentary refers us to the Book of Galatians for more information on this.
My comment: God has a plan for the resistant Jews; but it will not be in force until the fullness of the Gentiles is completed.
I like a book by Arthur E Bloomfield;
written in the 70's but read it alongside today's daily news and your mouth might drop.
*Before The Last Battle (Armageddon) 1971
*Understanding Revelation (2002)
*Signs Of His Coming (Olivet Disclosure) 1962
*How to Recognize The Antichrist (1975)
He has other books: early 70's
End of Days: Daniels Vision
The Changing Climate (Bible Story of Water)
These books are very inexpensive and easy to obtain from my favorite bookseller:
Lavan, this Scripture only applies to conduct within the Church Body. A heretic is someone who attends a Fellowship but wilfully rejects or opposes the established doctrines/teachings of the Church. And this was very important especially in the early Church as there were a lot of other divergent doctrines entering in (e.g. gnostic teaching) that attempted to water down or introduce new teaching that would lead believers away from the Truth.
So Paul was warning Titus about this matter (along with other warnings) that a heretic should be first warned first but if he refuses to repent & come back to apostolic teaching, he should be rejected (maybe dis-fellowshipped or being avoided altogether).
Anyone who have been taught the scriptures and have read them should know that what they are reading and what they have been taught is the true Word of God and that we should believe and obey the Word of God. To reject the scriptures when someone tries to share them with you is utterly destruction for that person's soul. God tells us that " If we love Him , we will obey Him. " " God's children know His voice". If we reject the child of God , who was sent to warn us about our sinful actions, not only are we rejecting the messenger but we are rejecting God; we are condemning our own souls! God does not condemn us- He does not have to- it is mankind that makes the choice of sinning against God with no remorse because the heart has been seared with a hot iron.
for verse 8: good works profitable for men women...that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven Matt 5, these are the things to strive for and go a long way to showing the world the Love of God at work in you. Unlike the "works" in verse 5!
Note how in Titus, God our Savior, and Jesus our Savior are spoken of almost interchangeably. This may be true somewhat of other books or letters, but it stands out here in a very obvious manner.
To MPHATSO - the 'more' you need is - ACTS 2:37-38. If you need more than this - then you're out of luck.
Acts chapter 2 is where the of Jesus Christ began; chapter 2 is the very 1st message preached in the church. All the books hat follow are to ALREADY established churches; they are instructions on what GOD (not man) expects of His people. There is an ORDER to God's word; it's not hit or miss.
Yes we should have works in our lives as Christians,but we must be careful that our works are the result of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and not based on human effort. All of the striving in the world does not impress God.A Christian artist once wrote,"striving for perfection when the only perfect thing I had was weakness" Think about it! He is the source of fruit and Christian works! Trust Him!
Titus lets me know that I was apart of a world that spoke evil of all men whether saved or unsaved, where people brawl against one another did foolish things, served as diver lust and pleasures for men, people lived in malice and envy being hateful and hating one another, but when they accepted the Lord as their savior according to his grace and mercy they were washed and regenerated and renewed of the holy Ghost, they began to take on the spirit of meekness and gentleness toward all men and walk in obedience of the word of God. They had to take off the old man and walk in the newness of Christ. Being justified by grace we are heirs according to the hope of eternal life. We are to maintain good works unto all men, works that can be justified as fruitful until Christ himself return to rapture us.
The kindness and love of the Father our Savior appeared to all people and appeared to us. It 's not through our own work of righteousness, but according to His mercy He saved us. With washing Spiritual cleansing to cause a complete moral reformation in us, and to renew us in the Holy Spirit. And to strongly built us through Jesus Christ our Savior. We are justified by his grace, and made heirs to the hope of eternal life. Believers must be careful to continue in good works. These things are good and profit all people. As God 's people we are to be ready to every good work, submissive, tame, patient, and humble. Running the race to the end.
verse two says speaks evil of no man whether those in the govt that are not performing well or the boss that is like pharaoh or the friend, brethen or church leaders that have disappointed us. and also says we should show meekness unto all men even our employees, officers that are lower in rank, our children or dependants- all men even if they are unbelievers while we remain pure in the will of GOD. Ipray that the sanctifying power in the blood of Jesus enable us to obey HIS word with all meekness, purity and gladness of heart. It takes only HIS grace .
1 Timothy Chapter 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
Romans 1: 26 For this cause God GAVE THEM UP (gave up on them?) unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God GAVE THEM OVER to a REPROBATE reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
If the Holy Spirit convicts them, it is time to repent. When someone seeks and wants the Lord more than their sin they shall find the Lord.
tongue,and hands that shed innocent blood,an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,feet that be swift in running to mischief.He hates a froward mouth.
You tube and Hymn supply a treasue of relaxing very enjoyable hymns
and he walk with me and talks with me and what a wonderful way to develop my mind, ET was made by God. Consider that and all those little microbes of the soil and sea that he made to give us such habitats all over the world and Adam to look after ET but he was a little lower than angels and a man capable of Sin as we all are. and all have sinned. But luckly , we have Jesus and look what they did to him when he came; and they would do the same today One day at a time; Dear Jesus, that all I am asking of you; etc.... Do you remember ....and of ourse he never forgot ; but it is worst now than then etc,, You would be surprised on al the things God [ and teach your old people before they get too old That Gpd make ET;and as long as they remember; they will feel happy and it should be the last tht they will forget; Unfortunately yoday a lot of Alzheimers people Forget that God made ET but sill I find themand autistic people the best to r talk to.
great comments
a treasure
The same was in the beginning with God.
ALL things were made by him: and without Him, was not anything made, that was made.
Verse 14: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.
I don't see how you can write these things and not believe Jesus made it. This is mockery.
So, all these Laws, including those that applied to their ceremonies, sacrifices & moral behaviour, were given as a temporary measure as God planned for the future when His Son, Jesus Christ, would come into the World to be the Perfect & Final Sacrifice for mankind's sins ( Rom 5:6). Also read Romans 8:3.
Then what you're reading in Mt 5, is Jesus saying that He had come to fulfil God's Laws: He fulfilled prophecy given about Him & alone could completely obey God's Laws & therefore would never need to sacrifice for Himself, simply because he never sinned. In fact, His Love was so great for us, that He willingly became the sacrifice in death in our stead - for our sins: He became our Substitute, our Saviour to save us from sin's penalty which is eternal death. So, if Jesus perfectly fulfilled God's Laws & became our Sacrifice, then all who believe in Him through His Blood, are also now freed from the curse of the Law ( Gal 3:13). In other words, if we still want to obey the 'old Law' to satisfy God or contribute to God accepting us, then Christ's death is counted as nothing. However, Rom 8:4 says, that "the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us"; the letter of the Law failed, but the Law of the Life giving Spirit (8:2) is put in our hearts to help us correctly obey God.
please explain this verse
Put the verse you're searching in the search box.
Touch the screen and it will turn yellow.
Scroll down to the Commentary Box. Click
You should be seeing basically what the verse means. We can also google too.
It says Paul was up in years and we know he had been abused every way imaginable by all kinds: especially Jews. Yes he tells us to avoid what they are yelling, etc.
Don't invite them to your church or meetings unless they are believers in Jesus!
The commentary refers us to the Book of Galatians for more information on this.
My comment: God has a plan for the resistant Jews; but it will not be in force until the fullness of the Gentiles is completed.
I like a book by Arthur E Bloomfield;
written in the 70's but read it alongside today's daily news and your mouth might drop.
*Before The Last Battle (Armageddon) 1971
*Understanding Revelation (2002)
*Signs Of His Coming (Olivet Disclosure) 1962
*How to Recognize The Antichrist (1975)
He has other books: early 70's
End of Days: Daniels Vision
The Changing Climate (Bible Story of Water)
These books are very inexpensive and easy to obtain from my favorite bookseller:
AbeBooks. They're not easy to find locally.
So Paul was warning Titus about this matter (along with other warnings) that a heretic should be first warned first but if he refuses to repent & come back to apostolic teaching, he should be rejected (maybe dis-fellowshipped or being avoided altogether).
Testament salvation thru faith & obeying the gospel. How are you doing sis Irene?
That was me in above name Mark B. I just realized that misspelled letter) Be strong in Christ.
Acts chapter 2 is where the of Jesus Christ began; chapter 2 is the very 1st message preached in the church. All the books hat follow are to ALREADY established churches; they are instructions on what GOD (not man) expects of His people. There is an ORDER to God's word; it's not hit or miss.