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Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/lib/lsphp/session/lsphp80) in /home/kjv.site/public_html/Book-Discussion/bookdiscuss.php on line 2 Tobit Chapter 6 Discussion
I stumbled upon this book when looking into the name Raphael. The heart is about worldly love, the gall is about innocence (spiritual meaning). Burning the heart and the liver before entering the marriage chamber, is about casting out worldly love (hearth) and the false idea of innocence in this world: When an embryo develops, at first all nutrients are provided through the liver, hence the spiritual connection to innocence. Nobody is innocent in this world, not even a baby for its foundation (of the world) is sin. This is the real meaning of the chapter that I personally perceive from the chapter.
Healing from God or Magic - In Reply on Tobit 6 - 4 years ago
There is a distinct difference between those that practice magic and those that treat people medically. Many cultures have both, even to this day.
If we are sick we go to a medical doctor of medicine. Not a witch doctor; not those who practice voodoo, etc. To do so, will invite demonic manifestation or death.
"The Jews seem early to have consulted the teraphim (q.v.) for "oracular answers ( Judg. 18:5, 6; Zech. 10:2). There is a" remarkable illustration of this divining by teraphim in Ezek. 21:19-22. We read also of the divining cup of Joseph ( Gen. 44:5). The magicians of Egypt are frequently referred to in the history of the Exodus. Magic was an inherent part of the ancient "Egyptian religion, and entered largely into their daily life." "All magical arts were distinctly prohibited under penalty of death in the Mosaic law. The Jews were commanded not to learn "the "abomination" of the people of the Promised Land (Lev." 19:31; Deut. 18:9-14). The history of Saul's consulting the witch of Endor ( 1 Sam. 28:3-20) gives no warrant for attributing supernatural power to magicians. From the first the witch is here only a bystander. The practice of magic lingered among the "people till after the Captivity, when they gradually abandoned" it. "It is not much referred to in the New Testament. The Magi mentioned in Matt. 2:1-12 were not magicians in the ordinary "sense of the word. They belonged to a religious caste, the" "followers of Zoroaster, the astrologers of the East. Simon, a" "magician, was found by Philip at Samaria ( Acts 8:9-24); and Paul" "and Barnabas encountered Elymas, a Jewish sorcerer, at Paphos" (13:6-12). At Ephesus there was a great destruction of magical "books ( Acts 19:18, 19)."
"Heb. hartumim, ( dan. 1:20) were sacred scribes who acted as" "interpreters of omens, or "revealers of secret things."
I was given a vision one day while the quarantine was just starting. I was shown at least 7 different experiences each more complex than the last, until I was only a blue glow in a colorless realm that even without color it was still light and endless. I talked to the one who was there as if we had a relationship. When I first entered the higher realms as I was lifted out of my body i heard my voice and felt the emotions behind the words as of my senses were acting independently of one another and I was my ears for a bit, but the white one did not speak like we do it was more than that. During the event I did not experience time as I went from one dimension to the next, 90% of what occurred im not sure how to say or if I should even.. but I was allowed to play with raw elements in the last stage in my blue form. It was apparently a lot of fun, until I began to move continuously faster in time until the one cloaked in white grabbed me and we went back down. As I glided back down from the cloud level I looked back up to say bye or something, it was only then was the heavy white hood was removed leaving me gazing into the face of a beautiful woman with eyes and features ive never known a human to possess. She was more than i ever dreamed I'd see on earth, she was closer to a light skinned anime character. There was so much more.. only known by traveling outside the physical world into the spiritual. I came back as a whole new person totally clean and after my spirit got re acclimated to the body and my mind started back up i was experiencing time loops like I instantly began writing my experiences in my journal but after I wrote what felt like a paragraph or 2 I would awake to writing the same sentences over and over. Uhmm I forgot what my point was but maybe since I was aware during and can recall things that make sense even now maybe it was important. Fallingintograce33 gmail if anyone feels me shoot me a email we can chat.
Nicole. keep at it.. giving up is never an option.Walking away from GOD because people are fools, is not very clever. Every thing we have about GOD, has a value, we do need to determine it's truth, as WE see it. not as someone else see's it..Study to show yourself approved.. doesn't mean to study for someone else's benefit.. He who adds or removes from this book.. is there, to let us know, "Someone is going to mess with them" most likely all have been. The Preserved WORD of GOD is Jesus.. not a bible. We're told this :-In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." :- I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." preserved through time. from the Beginning to the end. Be safe, be well. study on Nicole..
Nicole, I had never heard of Nag Hammadi Library. So I went to their Site and learn immediately that it's a library of 13 ancient books discovered in Egypt in 1945. And these contained a 'large number of primary Gnostic Gospels', viz Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Truth, etc. Nicole, BE WARNED. You say that these are 'helping you find God again'. I also understand that you have been put off the KJV as it doesn't make sense to you. Maybe you have never studied Gnosticism. This wicked belief system permeated even the early Church, as even today. The apostles were aware of it & struggled hard to keep the Church untainted with their anti-Christian teachings (1 John). Some of their teachings: knowledge is superior to virtue; non-literal sense of Scripture is correct & can only be understood by a few; evil in the world precludes God being the only Creator; no incarnation as God can't unite with a body; no resurrection, etc. Is this what you want to believe in? It is devilish
I think as a non believer of the kjv , these are important to read because I know the kjv doesn't make sense as a whole. It's to contradiction. Yet I searched for more and between these and the lost books, I was able to find god again however when I read some comments from so called Christians, my stomach turns and I think it's a waste of time yet again. I encourage others to read the nag hammadi library in addition then make your own decisions
I think as a non believer of the kjv , these are important to read because I know the kjv doesn't make sense and between these and the most books, I was able to find god again however when I read some comments from so called Christians, my stomach turns and I think it's a waste of time yet again.
Have any of you smelled fish innards cooking Why does it have to be magic or faith Maybe the demon had a reason for hating the smell of such. He actually did , I choose not to go into on this forum . It forever ran him away . The Angel knew the demons name and his weaknesses as per knowing beforehand the weapon needed . Demons as well as Angels have personalities and different issues as humans do.
It seems you have on your Apostle Thomas eyes that is good that is very good. By the way have you ever heard of the Slave Bible?
In African American History Sinful Slave owners removed several key books and Verses from the Bible; in Jeremiah regarding paying your slave when their bondage came to an end. The biggest Biblical Testament of all time, The Book of Exodus. I wonder why in the world would someone go to such lengths as too remove Moses from the Bible.
Perhaps it was God ending slavery who knows.
The thing is if people choose to remove Moses from the Bible then I certainly wouldn't put it past them too remove other Bible Books as well; yes this would include, Tobit.
Did you know up until 1885, the word Dragon was used 35, times throughout the Old Testament. As Christians is not our Bible a book of Faith? Then why did the church fathers commit such and egregious offense against God? Okay, you're probably wondering what's Dragons got to do with Tobit? 1885 the American Bible Society didn't understand Dragons because in their opinion Dragons didn't exist. They, never saw a living Dragon know one had. Is not our Bible a Book of Faith? We believe in God right? God created Us beginning with Adam right? Dragons were being discovered; their new names are Dinosaurs. So What's wrong with Tobit again?
Through his Spirit i believe it will be revealed to the heart according to the scriptures.maybe the boys faith was tested.maybe it wasn't magic but power of faith i reckon by seeking we shall find.
A perfect example of manipulation of the scriptures to fit mans agenda. Im appalled at this since the topic is adding to or taking away books of the spriptures and the punishment therefore. The scripture quoted was not talking about whether or not the one the saducees quoted was a true part of the Word, it was reference to the fact that they err in thier INTERPRETATION of the quoted scripture.
I don't see where using the fish parts is magic. I think it was faith. Like when moses picked up the snake it turned into a staff. And when he touched the staff to the water, the water parted. NOT MAGIC FAITH!
have read it just like ruth,esther,ezra,joel,jude etc so is the book...I cannot fully ascertain there ordainment as far as the spirit of God is concerned but I get a gist of important world controversy.
There are 39 books of the old testament which lacks 1 to make a completion of 40. Add the new testament of God and you have 40 which is a complete number in God's word. There are 27 books in the new testament which is 3 x 3 x 3 or 3 threes and three is the number of the trinity so God places His stamp of approval on the new testament as the 40th book of the Bible. God's Word is complete with these books 40 books and we need no more to complete Jesus statement the "It Is Finished" when He hung on the cross. God's Word is complete with the 40 books of the Bible. To add to the Bible or To take away from the Bible is to invite God to administer all of the plagues that He administered to Egypt when the Children of Israel came out of Egypt. Yes, these books are good for reading just as Jesus used the book of Enoch in his discourse and they are good to know what life was like at the time of the making of the Bible but they hold no authority from God.
When we use the words ( I think) we use our own understanding and not the lords.
We should not add to or take away as to preserve what is perfect and holy for future generations, man and his wisdom is folly to God.When God speaks it is therefore perfect and no need for change,yesterday,today,tomorrow and forever.Go by his standards and not your own or you may Cause others to stumble.
Tobit chapt 6 is correct with the other parts of d bible in that a prophet like Elisha also make such an act as he used salt to heal the water of the land.Also Jesus used saliva and sand to heal the eyes of the blind.So,there is different act for different condition by prophets
Tobit 6:5-8 is neither consistent with the teaching and theology of the Old Testament nor with the teaching, theology, and doctrine of the New Testament. Therefore I think it should not be part of the any Bible.
Clearly JESUS Himself was confronted with this self-same issue, when the sadducees (that DENY The Resurrection) came along TEMPTING Him.
Here (below) they clearly cite verses 13-14 of Tobit 6. This means that these sadducees knew about this writing. Must have been MADE UP by someone with a desire to be "a prophet" if the sadducees were citing it in their "Temptation of Christ".
JESUS Confirms this with "ye do ERR" below (Verse 29)
Anyhow, everytime a REAL Angel Shows Up - man has difficulty standing up in their Presence, let alone having a nice chat over lunch, and calling the angel "brother". Also, The Angels generally keep their names Hidden, except for The Archangels, Michael & Gabriel.
azarias was NOT AN ANGEL - No -el suffix...
Not Holy Scripture - DEFINITELY - Amen †
† Matthew 22 : 23- 29 †
"The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,
Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother: Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
And last of all the woman died also.
Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God."
Two ways to read that..
If we are sick we go to a medical doctor of medicine. Not a witch doctor; not those who practice voodoo, etc. To do so, will invite demonic manifestation or death.
"The Jews seem early to have consulted the teraphim (q.v.) for "oracular answers ( Judg. 18:5, 6; Zech. 10:2). There is a" remarkable illustration of this divining by teraphim in Ezek. 21:19-22. We read also of the divining cup of Joseph ( Gen. 44:5). The magicians of Egypt are frequently referred to in the history of the Exodus. Magic was an inherent part of the ancient "Egyptian religion, and entered largely into their daily life." "All magical arts were distinctly prohibited under penalty of death in the Mosaic law. The Jews were commanded not to learn "the "abomination" of the people of the Promised Land (Lev." 19:31; Deut. 18:9-14). The history of Saul's consulting the witch of Endor ( 1 Sam. 28:3-20) gives no warrant for attributing supernatural power to magicians. From the first the witch is here only a bystander. The practice of magic lingered among the "people till after the Captivity, when they gradually abandoned" it. "It is not much referred to in the New Testament. The Magi mentioned in Matt. 2:1-12 were not magicians in the ordinary "sense of the word. They belonged to a religious caste, the" "followers of Zoroaster, the astrologers of the East. Simon, a" "magician, was found by Philip at Samaria ( Acts 8:9-24); and Paul" "and Barnabas encountered Elymas, a Jewish sorcerer, at Paphos" (13:6-12). At Ephesus there was a great destruction of magical "books ( Acts 19:18, 19)."
"Heb. hartumim, ( dan. 1:20) were sacred scribes who acted as" "interpreters of omens, or "revealers of secret things."
The Bible teaches Healing; not magic.
Its all added to and taken from as you can tell.
The vatican is a lucaferian organization.
Are they saying medicinal practices are magic?
It seems you have on your Apostle Thomas eyes that is good that is very good. By the way have you ever heard of the Slave Bible?
In African American History Sinful Slave owners removed several key books and Verses from the Bible; in Jeremiah regarding paying your slave when their bondage came to an end. The biggest Biblical Testament of all time, The Book of Exodus. I wonder why in the world would someone go to such lengths as too remove Moses from the Bible.
Perhaps it was God ending slavery who knows.
The thing is if people choose to remove Moses from the Bible then I certainly wouldn't put it past them too remove other Bible Books as well; yes this would include, Tobit.
Did you know up until 1885, the word Dragon was used 35, times throughout the Old Testament. As Christians is not our Bible a book of Faith? Then why did the church fathers commit such and egregious offense against God? Okay, you're probably wondering what's Dragons got to do with Tobit? 1885 the American Bible Society didn't understand Dragons because in their opinion Dragons didn't exist. They, never saw a living Dragon know one had. Is not our Bible a Book of Faith? We believe in God right? God created Us beginning with Adam right? Dragons were being discovered; their new names are Dinosaurs. So What's wrong with Tobit again?
We should not add to or take away as to preserve what is perfect and holy for future generations, man and his wisdom is folly to God.When God speaks it is therefore perfect and no need for change,yesterday,today,tomorrow and forever.Go by his standards and not your own or you may Cause others to stumble.
Here (below) they clearly cite verses 13-14 of Tobit 6. This means that these sadducees knew about this writing. Must have been MADE UP by someone with a desire to be "a prophet" if the sadducees were citing it in their "Temptation of Christ".
JESUS Confirms this with "ye do ERR" below (Verse 29)
Anyhow, everytime a REAL Angel Shows Up - man has difficulty standing up in their Presence, let alone having a nice chat over lunch, and calling the angel "brother". Also, The Angels generally keep their names Hidden, except for The Archangels, Michael & Gabriel.
azarias was NOT AN ANGEL - No -el suffix...
Not Holy Scripture - DEFINITELY - Amen †
† Matthew 22 : 23- 29 †
"The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,
Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother: Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
And last of all the woman died also.
Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God."
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