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TOBIT. Chapter 12(Original 1611 KJV Book of Tobit)
Viewing the 1611 King James Version of Tobit (Tobit) Chapter 12, also known as: TOBIT. , Tobit, Tob, Tb,.
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5 Tobit offereth halfe to the Angel for his paines; 6 But he calleth them both aside, and exhorteth them, 15 and telleth them that he was an Angel, 21 and was seene no more.
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1Then Tobit called his son Tobias, and said vnto him, My sonne, see that the man haue his wages, which went with thee, and thou must giue him more.
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2And Tobias said vnto him, O father, it is no harme to me to giue him halfe of those things which I haue brought.
3For he hath brought me againe to thee in safety, and made whole my wife, and brought mee the money, and likewise healed thee.
4Then the old man said: It is due vnto him.
5So he called the Angell, and he said vnto him, Take halfe of all that yee haue brought, and goe away in safety.
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6Then he tooke them both apart, and sayd vnto them, Blesse God, praise him, and magnifie him, and praise him for the things which he hath done vnto you in the sight of all that liue. It is good to praise God and exalt his name, & honorably to shew forth the works of God, therfore be not slacke to praise him.6
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7It is good to keepe close the secret of a King, but it is honorable to reueale the works of God: do that which is good, and no euill shall touch you.
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8Praier is good with fasting, and almes and righteousnesse: a little with righteousnes is better then much with vnrighteousnesse: it is better to giue almes then to lay vp gold.
9For almes doth deliuer from death, and shall purge away all sinne. Those that exercise almes, and righteousnesse, shall be filled with life.
10But they that sinne are enemies to their owne life.
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11Surely I will keep close nothing from you. For I said, it was good to keepe close the secret of a King, but that it was honorable to reueale the works of God.
12Now therefore, when thou didst pray, and Sara thy daughter in Law, I did bring the remembrance of your prayers before the holy one, and when thou didst bury the dead, I was with thee likewise.
13And when thou didst not delay to rise vp, and leaue thy dinner to go and couer the dead, thy good deede was not hidde from me: but I was with thee.13
14And now God hath sent mee to heale thee, & Sara thy daughter in law.
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15I am Raphael one of the seuen holy Angels, which present the prayers of the Saints, and which go in and out before the glory of the Holy one.
16Then they were both troubled, and fel vpon their faces: for they feared.
17But he said vnto them, feare not, for it shall go well with you, praise God therefore.
18For not of any fauour of mine, but by the will of our God I came, wherefore praise him for euer.
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19All these daies I did appeare vnto you, but I did neither eat nor drinke, but you did see a vision.19
20Now therefore giue God thanks: for I go vp to him þt sent me, but write all things which are done, in a booke.
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21And when they rose, they saw him no more.
22Then they confessed the great and wonderfull workes of God, and how the Angel of the Lord had appeared vnto them.
Original 1611 KJV Sidenote References for Tobit Chapter 12
6 Or, with honour.
13 Greek. to go and bury.
19 Gen.18.8. 19.3. Iudg.13. 16.
* Some content courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania