An earnest temper; may be enlightened (Num. 25:11-13; 2 Cor. "7:11; 9:2), or ignorant and misdirected (Rom. 10:2; Phil. 3:6)." "As a Christian grace, it must be grounded on right principles" and directed to right ends (Gal. 4:18). It is sometimes ascribed to God (2 Kings 19:31; Isa. 9:7; 37:32; Ezek. 5:13). A sect of Jews which originated with Judas the Gaulonite (Acts "5:37). They refused to pay tribute to the Romans, on the ground" that this was a violation of the principle that God was the only "king of Israel. They rebelled against the Romans, but were soon" "scattered, and became a lawless band of mere brigands. They were" "afterwards called Sicarii, from their use of the sica, i.e., the" Roman dagger.