Zechariah 2:11 MEANING

Zechariah 2:11
Verse 11. - Many nations shall be joined (shall join themselves) to the Lord; "shall fly for refuge unto the Lord" (Septuagint). My people; unto me for a people; Septuagint, "shall be unto him for a people" (comp. Zechariah 8:20). No mere conversion of individuals among the heathen satisfies this promise. Whole nations shall become the Lord's people. That title shall be shared with Israel by countless multitudes (comp, Isaiah 2:2, 3; Isaiah 11:10; Micah 4:2; Zephaniah 2:11), I will dwell, etc. The promise of ver. 10 is repeated for assurance' sake. The LXX. has, "And they shall dwell in the midst of thee." Thou shalt know (as ver. 9).

2:10-13 Here is a prediction of the coming of Christ in human nature. Many nations in that day would renounce idolatry, and God will own those for his people who join him with purpose of heart. Glorious times are foretold as a prophecy of our Lord's coming and kingdom. God is about to do something unexpected, and very surprising, and to plead his people's cause, which had long seemed neglected. Silently submit to his holy will, and patiently wait the event; assured that God will complete all his work. He will ere long come to judgment, to complete the salvation of his people, and to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their sins.And many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day,.... The Gospel will be preached in all nations, and multitudes will be converted, and embrace and profess the Christian religion, and join themselves to the churches of Christ, which, in the New Testament, is expressed by being joined to the Lord, Acts 5:13 see Jeremiah 50:5,

and shall be my people; shall appear to be so, who before were not the people of God; did not profess themselves, and were not known to be, the people of God, though they secretly were in the counsel and covenant of God; but now, being called by grace, they become openly and manifestly his people, 1 Peter 2:10,

and I will dwell in the midst of thee; in the church, consisting of people of many nations, as well as of Jews:

and thou shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee; to the Jews, as well as to the Gentiles; See Gill on Zechariah 2:9.

Courtesy of Open Bible