Zechariah Chapter 2 Discussion

  • Richard H Priday on Zechariah 2 - 1 year ago
    Zechariah 2:1-2 state:

    I lifted up mine eyes again, and looked, and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand. Then said I, Whither goest thou? And he said unto me, To measure Jerusalem, to see what is the breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof.

    These verses seem similar to Revelation 11:1-2 but in this case the city itself is being measured; not just the Temple.

    Verses 3-5 state: And, behold, the angel that talked with me went forth, and another angel went out to meet him,

    And said unto him, Run, speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein: For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her.

    This wall of fire seems to indicate conditions during the Millennium; but there are also some parallels to the conditions before the battle of Gog and Magog as Ezekiel 38:11 states "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates..." Some question if this is one event or also is indicative of the event at the END of the Millennium in Revelation 20 (or perhaps both).

    Verse 6 through 8 state: Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord. Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon. For thus saith the Lord of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

    This parallels verses such as Isaiah 49:12 "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim." Starting in verse 9 of that chapter we see captives being released; again likely an event after the Tribulation.
  • Vicki Newman on Zechariah 2 - 2 years ago
    I love to share inthe knowledge in which Father God has blessed each & everyone of us. Every

    Viewpoint is so special to me. I hear My Father

    GOD in all comments about the Word. I love to see so many people into the Word, like I've been .It's

    Truly beautiful. Vicki N.
  • Tim legarie on Zechariah 2 - 2 years ago
    Mathew Henry 1710 God will be a wall of fire around them,which can neither be broken or undermined,nor can it be assailed without danger to those who attack.(TL) This is a spirtual wall of fire that we need around ourselves,and our brethern,never to let burn out always keeping the embers alive,for a pillar of smoke at night.With God's watchmen,and angels on the wall.While we sleep in heavenly peace,unless called upon by our LORD.Who blesses us all.
  • Sharon Vanburen on Zechariah 2 - 3 years ago
    This chapter is so amazing. It let's the redeem know that the church was plan before the world began We must remember God knows the end before we began and he prepared us for eternal life with Him if we choose to abide in His word. There are many religion but there is only one church and one Kingdom of God. The only way we can enter the Kingdom is by the Body of Christ which is the true Church. And we must be Born again in the spirit and washed in the blood of Jesus who is our redeemer and Savior.
  • Owusu Wih Boafo on Zechariah 2:3 - 3 years ago
    Who is the another angel in Zechariah 2vrs 3?
  • David - In Reply on Zechariah 2 - 5 years ago
    John 1-1 says the word was God not is God. in heb.1 paul speaks of God begetting a Son.Why is it so hard to believe that God has a Son. He has said so and Jesus has said so are we supposed to believe that they are both lying to us. I would encourage those who really want to know the truth study what the King James Bible has to say about the Holy Ghost, it is a long study but worth it,
  • BSP on Zechariah 2 - 6 years ago
    Verse 5: Jehovah God promised to be like a protective wall of fire to his people.
  • BSP on Zechariah 2 - 7 years ago
    Verse 8: This shows how personally Jehovah God takes the mistreatment of his servants.
  • BSP on Zechariah 2 - 7 years ago
    Verse 13: When Jehovah God is taking action and instruction is being given, it is wise to be silent in order to benefit.
  • Angel on Zechariah 2 - 8 years ago
    Zachariah 2 has a lot of promises from God but it can only happen to the obedient children of God and not those that continues in their iniquities and refuse to surrender their life to Jesus. When you are in Jesus, God said he will build a wall of fire around you which speaks of protection from the devices of the enemy and you shall prosper on every side as he said i will spray you as the 4 wind
  • Shade on Zechariah 2 - 9 years ago
    Saw bold letter Zaccl 2 and read it as zachariah 2. It's very good to be reassured by the Lord that He determines our path, fights and wine our battles but most importantly that He reigns above all powers and principalities, that everlasting joy is promised and will be delivered to those who believe. Let's share this definite hope. He reigns, our Lord reigns.
  • Franz Banman on Zechariah 2:8 - 9 years ago
    It is wonderful to see that the one who says it the Sender , is also the sent one, also in verse 11.
  • Sara jadhav on Zechariah 2:8 - 9 years ago
    IT 's a awesome word of living Lord ,which encourage us in all the time of our troubles.I find great strenght n Confident while reading this Scripture.
  • Insight 777 on Zechariah 2 - 9 years ago
    Verse 8, it is my opinion that when the term, Lord of hosts, is used it is in reference to the Lord being in control of military action. The word Glory can have different meanings but when used with Lord of hosts then it means the glory of winning battles. The Lord will have the nations that attacked Israel, attacked in response and those leaders that oppose Israel will fail in their efforts with the people supporting them.
  • Pat H on Zechariah 2:8 - 9 years ago
    WOW what a blessed insight into the heart of god to know that his affections are so tied to his word and power to execute His determined course of action to relieve and deliver his own precious child from the continuing attacks from the enemy. I find great strength and confidence in reading this and will submit it to memory for my own times of meditation. It helps me to know that I am not alone and that god takes seriously those who willfully and maliciously trouble me, I need to know that he is faithful in fighting my battles.
  • Rev. Autrey on Zechariah 2 - 10 years ago
    (Verses 10-12) "The Lord says, "Shout and rejoyce, O Jerusalem, for I am coming to live among you. Many nations will join themselves to the Lord on that day, and they too, will be my people. I will live among you, and you will know that the Lord Almighty sent me to you."

    This is Jesus speaking of his birth on earth as a human. John ( John 1:14) says of this, "So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father. This means that when God came to the earth as the human Jesus, he called himself the Son of God ( Psalms 2:7). This was decided in eternity. But we know that Jesus was God because John said he was in the first verse, "And the Word was God."

    Consider this, if we claim that Jesus is not God, then what is the point of trying to obey him, or thinking that he can save us. Only God is able to save us and forgive our sins. Only God can take us to heaven. And only God has the power to change us into new people.

    Let's praise God as Jesus.
  • Joe on Zechariah 2:8 - 10 years ago
    Bible the book life
  • Debora on Zechariah 2 - 11 years ago
    Zechariah 2:11 - And many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people: And I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee.

    How awesome is that? What a glorious day that will be indeed! Blessed be the LORD'S name forever. Amen

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