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Yes, Adam was the 1st man, but, he was the 1st man that had breath in him. The other men were just existing. God is infinite, he can do whatever he want at any moment and time.
My comments about the Deity of Christ and how do we know that Christ is truly God the son without any doubt whatsoever.We know that Christ is truly God the Son by his seed. He is truly able to reproduce very God with his seed thats y he is saying to whom the word came ( his seed ) it made them Gods and the scripture cannot be broken . It was God Almighty his absolute father that said that everything has to multiply after its Kind and we see that Christ his absolute son is able to Multiply after the God kind Thats y he is saying that which is born of the spirit (His word/seed ) is Spirit as God is Spirit thus he able to reproduce very GOD WITH HIS WORD WHICH IS HIS SEED SOWN IN US. Jesus breathe on them and they received the H.G. YA GOTTA REALIZE THAT HIS BREATH WAS HIS WORD AND HIS WORD IS HIS SEED. thus he reproduces after the God kind which is the H.G. Receive ye the H.G. thus he WD HAVE TO BE GOD THE SON . And his word his seed cannot return unto him void it has to prosper in what it was sent to do a birth of Christ in us ( the new birth ) our salvation is by his word . He cd not reproduce, multiply after tHE GOD KIND if he were not GOD the son,Unto the son he says thy throne O GOD IS FOREVER OK GBU
Dear Xaviar & Chris, Just my thinking and thoughts about the other creation of people and Dinosaurs on Earth before
Adam and Eve. I believe they were destroyed before the Garden active. The massive comet/asteroid around 65
million years ago. Adam lived 930 years and Cain living 730 years....maybe Cain married a sister or another relative. because HERE IS THE WORD that has branded my brain. Genesis 1:28 God said (Replenish) the Earth. Meaning..
Fill up again or Restore. Then again to Noah and his sons after Flood...Replenish the Earth in Genesis 9:1. Just some of
the things I have thought about. we really won't know all these things until and IF God wants us to know in the end.
Yes, we get an indication of the physical Satan in Ezekiel 28:12-19. Though Ezekiel is directing his prophecy to the King of Tyrus, we understand that through the description of his wickedness, the picture of Satan (& specifically Satan's former position in Heaven as a 'cherub' & 'having being in the Garden of Eden') clearly show us a dual meaning to this prophecy. Yes, Satan had beauty & perfection (verses 12,13,17) & as a cherub, that position is normally associated in being in close proximity to God's Presence (as in the Tabernacle on Earth & over the Ark of the Covenant), & in relation to God's Holiness.
Why did Satan go bad? Verse 17 tells us that his heart "was lifted up because of his beauty". Not that he always admired himself 'in the mirror', but his heart was lifted up against the Most High, believing that he was as good or better than God. See Isaiah 14:12-15, & particularly, that he was perfect, Ezekiel 28:15 (sinless, as all the other heavenly beings), until his pride took over & he believed he was better than God. But the big question: how was it possible for Satan to sin, & can other heavenly beings likewise sin? It seems that even by being in the Holy Presence of God & finding complete delight in worshipping Him, there can still be that element of choice. For in his pride & estrangement from God, he also gathered to himself other 'defecting' angels (see 2 Peter 2:4; Revelation 12:7-9; Jude 1:6).
We see Jesus in His humanity, though pure & sinless, He was tempted of Satan (Matthew chapter 4). Jesus resisted Satan using God's Word against him. However, Satan was in the presence of God & His Word in Heaven, yet allowed the thought of grandeur to enter in & develop into sin ( James 1:15) & finally a full blown wickedness that saw him banished from God's Presence & ever since, working against God to bring & keep humanity in his solid grip. But the Cross of Jesus brings us release from that grip - if we can only trust Jesus for it.
My Grandaughter asked if Satan was a beautiful Angel in heaven at one time and in heaven there is no bad . How did Satan become to think he could be higher than God?
And this is Our Good News O' Israel; we who prescribed to God what we wanted from His Messiah, we who mistakenly proclaimed to the poor & needy an earthly translation of law upon God's eternal, we whose eyes remain closed...OUR CAPTIVITY IS OVER! Come & let us reason together as One Israel & go to The Lord Christ Jesus humbly seeking God's Freedom from Our Sins.
This scripture could be applied to any Christian going through a trial of life. We are all rescued by our God who fights battles that we ourselves could not hope to win. We delight in singing praises to our God and yet he shows the same delight in expressing his love for his children by singing praises to them ! In the final summation God's final word to his people is love. It is in that great love that he will rest and his children forever.
Donna, as with understanding any portion of Scripture, one needs to also learn something about the book one is reading & the times & situations that the book is written in. Zephaniah was a prophet of God, sent to help God's people (tribe of Judah) towards spiritual revival. You see, the people had become very wicked under the wicked kings of that day (Manasseh & Amon), & so Zephaniah came to call the people to repentance. After pronouncing God's Judgement on Judah & on the Gentile nations, the future promise to Judah was that if they turned back to the LORD, they would once again enjoy His Blessings. However, these blessings would not be fully realized by them, or even the Jews today, until Christ comes to reign on Earth in the Millennial period ( Zeph 3:11-20). The blessings? They would be purified (vv 10-13); Christ would be reigning in their midst (v 15); they would be secure (vv 16,17): how insecure Israel is today with enemies about her; her enemies would be punished (v 19: your query of this verse: God will drive out her enemies, bring Israel together again & receive the praise for dealing so with her enemies & for putting her to shame). What a joyful time for Israel again when they finally acknowledge Jesus Christ is indeed the Messiah they were looking for & the One they crucified over 2000 yrs ago. All the Muslim nations that are against her today (sons of Ishmael) will be left destitute & in judgement for how they have dealt with God's people in these days. I hope this short explanation has been helpful for you to understand this Book. God bless you as you read God's Holy Word.
Often, I see, people say this nation or that group is sinful. It's written we are members of the body of Christ. It is written it is better to put out your eye then for the whole body to go to the pit. To remove that member. As you read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, you'll see those verses. So, we need to look at the beams in our own eyes, before condemning a whole nation or body of a country.
Devour the proud with the fire of his fury. Establish the poor and afflicted to follow the Lord. We see that coming today. One God The Lord is Great and we are his people those that believe on Jesus. The pure language of Love. The great proud boasters full of self serving pride will be removed. The humble will be exalted.
For then I will change the language of the peoples to a pure language, So that all of them may call on the name of Jehovah, To serve him shoulder to shoulder.’
Religion was never meant to be divided. There is one God, and he intended for us to worship him in ONE accord, one language, so that all people on this earth can serve "Shoulder to Shoulder".
V. 9 (last half) - "..... that they may call upon the Name of the Lord, to serve Him with ONE consent." Acts 2:38; Acts 7:59 (and saying, Lord JESUS.....). Stephen called GOD - Jesus; just as Thomas did in Jn.28:20 - my LORD and my GOD; he said this to - Jesus. He was a Jew, just like Jesus; Jews did NOT believe in plural gods. Nor did Jesus rebuke Thomas.
Zephaniah 3 v 20 is a powerful verse that God is an unchangeable changer,that whatever unpleasant situation is around us,God will turn to testimonies without delay
Man says that the ten tribes are lost,but the bible says that they are beyond the rivers of Ethiopia. They are in Africa,plain and simple. Zephaniah 3 : 10. Isaiah 11: 11 . I thank GOD for telling us where the true Israelites are HALLELUYAH aLSO Isaiah 11 : 12 says Juda is dispersed to the four corners of the earth. The bible tells us where all twelve tribes are.
17 The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
Wow! Rejoice means spinning, jumping, dancing. God rejoices over us. He sings over us, He dances over us. Not only that he quiets us in His Love. God really does love us.
In 70AD when the Southern Kingom of Israel was forced out of Israel, they fled into Cush (what is moden day East, South and Central Africa) This entire land was the Land of Ethiopia - look up old maps of the continent. Way before Africanus named the land Africa it was CUSH & EGYPT. However these ISraelites fled and have since then been nourished and continue to live in Africa, and it is pretty clear that the Most High will himself bring these Israelites back to their homeland. This was previously the land of the Hamites and it will be given back to the Hamites as scripture tells us. Remember though that this is not just spiritual - it is a fact. The Israelites disobeyed God's laws and he punished them by sending them off to Captivity,losing their identiy (hence being called the lost sheep) and being tredded upon and being called all sorts of names as the prophets prohesied. In the end times, the Most High will redeem them when they start to turn back to him.(Imagine this! All this time I thought the Jews were white) The Twelve tribes of Israel are waking up and are scattered through out the whole earth ...I am reading scripture more and more these days to find out the fulfilment of these Prophecies.
Not Jews, but the Israelites, the daughters of Ethiopia is where you will locate her, beyond the rivers, Nile, his daughters, dispersed throughout the entire world. So misused and abused, she is still seeking the Father of Heavens, her arms are out to him, even today!
We are living in this sinful world and that men just do what they want. The Lord is not happy about it. He will clean up this world with fire and He will establish a new earth gathering both the remnants and the outcasts of Israel and Jesus will be the good shepherd. Praise His Holy Name. Thank you Jesus for Your death and we may have eternal life.
Dear Xaviar & Chris, Just my thinking and thoughts about the other creation of people and Dinosaurs on Earth before
Adam and Eve. I believe they were destroyed before the Garden active. The massive comet/asteroid around 65
million years ago. Adam lived 930 years and Cain living 730 years....maybe Cain married a sister or another relative. because HERE IS THE WORD that has branded my brain. Genesis 1:28 God said (Replenish) the Earth. Meaning..
Fill up again or Restore. Then again to Noah and his sons after Flood...Replenish the Earth in Genesis 9:1. Just some of
the things I have thought about. we really won't know all these things until and IF God wants us to know in the end.
Sister in Jesus Christ ( Yeshua )
Why did Satan go bad? Verse 17 tells us that his heart "was lifted up because of his beauty". Not that he always admired himself 'in the mirror', but his heart was lifted up against the Most High, believing that he was as good or better than God. See Isaiah 14:12-15, & particularly, that he was perfect, Ezekiel 28:15 (sinless, as all the other heavenly beings), until his pride took over & he believed he was better than God. But the big question: how was it possible for Satan to sin, & can other heavenly beings likewise sin? It seems that even by being in the Holy Presence of God & finding complete delight in worshipping Him, there can still be that element of choice. For in his pride & estrangement from God, he also gathered to himself other 'defecting' angels (see 2 Peter 2:4; Revelation 12:7-9; Jude 1:6).
We see Jesus in His humanity, though pure & sinless, He was tempted of Satan (Matthew chapter 4). Jesus resisted Satan using God's Word against him. However, Satan was in the presence of God & His Word in Heaven, yet allowed the thought of grandeur to enter in & develop into sin ( James 1:15) & finally a full blown wickedness that saw him banished from God's Presence & ever since, working against God to bring & keep humanity in his solid grip. But the Cross of Jesus brings us release from that grip - if we can only trust Jesus for it.
where Zephaniah outlines ...
II. THE GLORIOUS DAY (3:9-20): Zephaniah proclaims justice.
A. To the Gentiles (3:9): Their many languages will be unified and purified, thus allowing all people
to worship God together.
B. To the Jews (3:10-20)
1. Their regathering (3:10, 19-20a)
2. Their restoring (3:20b)
3. Their refining (3:11-13)
4. Their rejoicing (3:14-18): God himself will join in their happy song.
Religion was never meant to be divided. There is one God, and he intended for us to worship him in ONE accord, one language, so that all people on this earth can serve "Shoulder to Shoulder".
Wow! Rejoice means spinning, jumping, dancing. God rejoices over us. He sings over us, He dances over us. Not only that he quiets us in His Love. God really does love us.