King James Version (KJV)

46 Then there arose a reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest.
At Mizpeh He Commends His Parents Unto The King Of Moab He Commends Them Of Jabesh Gilead For Their King Of Israel David Professing His Humility David In His Prayer Commends Unto God The Reverent Care He Had For The Ark Exhorts His Disciples To Humility Commends The Poor Widow For Her Two Mites, Above All Commends Humility Reprimands Martha, And Commends Mary Her Sister Teaches Humility Jesus Commends The Poor Widow Jesus Washes The Disciples' Feet, And Exhorts Them To Humility And Charity He Commends His Mother To John Who Commends His Soul To Jesus, And Humbly Prays For Them Commends Them To God, Paul Commends His Calling To The Romans Commends Timothy Paul Exhorts Them To Unity, And To All Humbleness Of Mind, By The Example Of Christ's Humility Encourages Them To Receive Jesus Christ, And Commends His Own Ministry Exhorting To Charity, Humility, Commends The Holy Scriptures He Commends Gaius For His Piety, Christ's Example Of Humility, Lights In The World, Timothy And Epaphroditus