King James Version (KJV)

8 Who smote the firstborn of Egypt, both of man and beast.
Judgments On The Cities Surrounding Palestine Elijah Denounces Judgments Against Ahab And Jezebel He Teaches God's Judgments To Be Not For The Righteous, But For The Wicked He Comforts Himself With God's Promises, And His Judgments On The Wicked Reverence Of God's Judgments Devotes Them To God's Judgments God's Former Favors Are Turned Into Judgments For His Judgments On The Wicked Church Rejoices At God's Judgments Upon Idolaters For His Judgments He Laments Her Judgments Bewailing Their Wickedness, He Denounces God's Judgments Judgments Which Shall Be For The Pride Of The Women His Judgments Upon Covetousness Executioners Of God's Judgments God's Judgments Shall Be Irresistible Judgments Upon Israel For Their Pride Doleful Judgments Of God Upon The Land God In His Judgments Shall Advance His Kingdom God's Judgments Against The Enemies Of The Church Judgments Wherewith God Revenges His Church Judgments On The Wicked, And Blessings On The Godly God's Severe Judgments Against The Wicked He Exhorts Judah To Repentance By Fearful Judgments Judgments Of God Upon The People, For Their Perverseness Prophet Laments The Judgments Of God Because Of Their Sins The Judgments For The Same He Exhorts To Prevent Their Future Judgments Utter Rejection And Manifold Judgments Of The People Judgments Threatened To Judah For Her Strange Revolt They Are Exhorted To Repent, For Fear Of Judgments, By Means Of Seduced Prophets Calls For Judgments Shows Their Judgments God's Judgments Against Them God Denounces Judgments On Israel, For Their Aggravated Impieties And Iniquities Judgments Of God Are Denounced Against The Priests, People, And Princes, Joel, Declaring Various Judgments Of God, Exhorts To Observe Them, He Prescribes A Solemn Fast To Deprecate Those Judgments God's Judgments Against The Enemies Of His People God's Judgments Upon Moab, Judgments Of The Grasshoppers, God's Severe Judgments Against Judah God's Judgments Are Unsearchable Saints Rejoice For The Judgments Of God Upon Her Unto Us A Child Is Born; Judgments Upon Israel God's Judgments Against His Enemies God's Judgments Against The Nations Rejection And Judgments To Come; Jeremiah's Prayer Judgments Against The Priests, People, And Princes For Their Manifold Sins