King James Version (KJV)

Lot Is Warned, And In Vain Warns His Sons-In-Law Moses Vainly Attempts To Encourage The Israelites Treaty Of Peace Between Him And The Ammonites Is In Vain Preacher Shows That All Human Courses Are Vain He Rejects Their Vain Confidence, He Sends Him To Felix The Governor He Preaches Christ To The Governor And His Wife Governor Hopes For A Bribe, But In Vain Lest Their False Teachers Should Charge Him With Vain Glory, Blaming The Corinthians For Forcing Him To This Vain Boasting He Hopes To Send Timothy To Them, And Epaphroditus Also To Beware Of Philosophy, And Vain Traditions To Obey Governors Unless The Lord Builds The House, They Labor In Vain Who Build It. Paul's Hopes And Prayers For The Ephesians