King James Version (KJV)

David Attacks The Ammonites Ammonite And Moabite Armies Are Destroyed War With Moab Incestuous Origin Of Moab And Ammon Sum Of All Israel Is Taken In The Plains Of Moab Nor With The Moabites Nor With The Ammonites Philistines And Ammonites Oppress Israel Treaty Of Peace Between Him And The Ammonites Is In Vain His Conquest Of The Ammonites Elimelech, Driven By Famine Into Moab, Dies There Mahlon And Chilion, Having Married Wives Of Moab, Die Also At Mizpeh He Commends His Parents Unto The King Of Moab David Subdues The Philistines And The Moabites Ammonites, Strengthened By The Syrians, Overcome By Joab And Abishai Moab Rebels Moabites, Deceived By The Colour Of The Water, Coming To Spoil, Are Overcome King Of Moab Sacrifices His Son, And Raises The Siege Moabites Invading The Land, Elisha's Bones Raise A Dead Man Original Of Israel And Judah's Genealogies Ammonites, Strengthened By The Syrians, Are Overcome By Joab And Abishai Jehoshaphat, Invaded By Moab, Proclaims A Fast Lamentable State Of Moab Moab Is Exhorted To Yield Obedience To The Throne Of David Moab Is Threatened For Her Pride Judgment Of Moab Purposes With The Residue To Flee Unto The Ammonites Restoration Of Moab Judgment Of The Ammonites Against The Ammonites God's Vengeance, For Their Insolence Against The Jews, Upon The Ammonites Upon Moab And Seir Upon Ammon God's Judgments Upon Moab, Of Moab And Ammon, Israelites Sin In Moab; Phinehas Intervenes Covenant Renewed In Moab Tola; Jair; Jephthah; Philistines And Ammonites Oppress Israel Saul Rescues Jabesh From The Ammonites; Saul Confirmed As King David Defeats The Philistines, Moabites, Syrians David Defeats Ammon And Aram Moab Rebels Against Israel Battle Against Ammon And Aram Manasseh's Wicked Reign In Judah; Ammon Follows Judgment On Moab Prophecy Of Calamity For Moab Prophecies Against Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Kedar And Hazor God's Vengeance Upon Ammon, Moab, Edom And Philistia