King James Version (KJV)

Jacob Prays For Protection Jesus Prays In The Garden House Upon The Sand And The Rock Psalm Of Deliverance Courage Of Esther Brings Deliverance Prays For Japheth, And Dies Isaac Prays For Rebekah, Being Barren He Prays For Deliverance Sons Of Jacob Upon That Advantage Slay Them, And Spoil Their City He Is Assured Of Israel's Deliverance Song Of Moses, Miriam, And Israel On Their Deliverance Moses Prays, And Sweetens The Waters By God's Direction Fearful Presence Of God Upon The Mount He Prays For The People Fire Comes From The Lord, Upon The Altar Moses Prays To Enter Into The Land Firstborn Is Not To Be Disinherited Upon Private Affection Tassels Upon The Vesture People Are Commanded To Write The Law Upon Stones He Exhorts Them To Set Their Hearts Upon It An Angel Sends Gideon For Their Deliverance Gideon Destroys Baal's Altar; Offers A Sacrifice Upon The Altar Jehovah-Shalom Upon Their Repentance He Pities Them His Strength Renewing, He Pulls Down The House Upon The Philistines And Dies Hannah In Grief Prays For A Child While Samuel Prays And Sacrifices, David Mourns And Prays For The Child While It Lives David Upon The News Flees From Jerusalem David's Psalm Of Thanksgiving For God's Deliverance And Blessings Joshua's Curse Upon Hiel The Builder Of Jericho He Burns Dead Men's Bones Upon The Altar Of Bethel, As Was Prophesied Molten Sea Upon Twelve Oxen Solomon's Prayer In The Consecration Of The Temple, Upon The Bronze Platform God Appearing To Solomon, Gives Him Promises Upon Condition Upon His Prayer To God He Is Released And Puts Down Idolatry He Prays Unto God, With Confession Of Sins Nehemiah, Understanding By Hanani The Misery Of Jerusalem, Mourns, Fasts, And Prays While The Enemies Scoff, Nehemiah Prays And Continues The Work Upon The Reading Of The Law, Separation Is Made From The Mixed Multitude Haman, Advanced By The King, And Despised By Mordecai, Seeks Revenge Upon The Jews David Prays For Audience David Prays, And Professes His Study In Prayer David, Professing His Faith, Prays To God To Guide Him David Prays Against The Malice Of His Enemies, Professing His Innocence He Prays That He May Have Cause To Praise Him He Prays For Remedy He Prays For Preventing Grace He Prays Against Them In Confidence Of His Hope David Prays For Grace He Prays In Great Distress