2 corinthians
King James Version (KJV)

1. Paul Reconciles with the Corinthians (1:1-7:16)
a. Introduction (1:1-11)
i. Paul Greets the Corinthians (1:1-2)
ii. The God of All Comfort (1:3-11)
b. Paul’s Integrity (1:12-2:11)
i. Paul’s Changed Plans (1:12-2:4)
ii. Forgiveness for the Offender (2:5-11)
c. Paul’s Ministry (2:12-6:10)
i. Triumph in Christ (2:12-17)
ii. Ministers of a New Covenant (3:1-18)
iii. The Light of the Gospel (4:1-6)
iv. Treasure in Jars of Clay (4:7-18)
v. Our Eternal Dwelling (5:1-10)
vi. Ambassadors for Christ (5:11-21)
vii. Hardships and God’s Grace (6:1-10)
d. Paul’s Exhortation (6:11-7:16)
i. Open Your Hearts (6:11-13)
ii. Do Not Be Unequally Yoked with Unbelievers (6:14-18)
iii. Paul’s Joy in the Corinthians (7:1-16)
2. The Collection for Jerusalem (8:1-9:15)
a. Generosity Commended (8:1-15)
b. Titus Commended (8:16-24)
c. God Loves a Cheerful Giver (9:1-15)
3. Paul’s Final Challenge (10:1-13:14)
a. Paul’s Apostolic Authority (10:1-12:21)
i. Let Him Who Boasts Boast in the Lord (10:1-18)
ii. Paul and the False Apostles (11:1-15)
iii. Paul’s Suffering and Service (11:16-33)
iv. Paul’s Revelation (12:1-4)
v. Paul’s Thorn and God’s Grace (12:5-10)
vi. Concern for the Corinthians (12:11-21)
b. Examine Yourselves (13:1-10)
c. Benediction and Farewell (13:11-14)