2 timothy
King James Version (KJV)

1. Encouragement for Timothy (1:1-2:26)
a. Paul’s Greeting to Timothy (1:1-2)
b. Faithfulness under Persecution (1:3-12)
c. Holding to Sound Teaching (1:13-18)
d. Instructions for Timothy (2:1-26)
i. Grace and Perseverance (2:1-13)
ii. The Lord’s Approved Workman (2:14-26)
2. Warning of Difficulties Ahead (3:1-4:22)
a. Evil in the Last Days (3:1-9)
b. The Means to Overcome Apostasy (3:10-4:8)
i. All Scripture is God-Breathed (3:10-17)
ii. Preach the Word (4:1-8)
c. Personal Concerns (4:9-15)
d. The Lord Remains Faithful (4:16-18)
e. Final Greetings (4:19-22)