King James Version (KJV)

1. Moses’ First Address: A Historical Summary (1:1-4:49)
a. Introduction (1:1-4)
b. The Summary of Events in the Wilderness (1:5-4:49)
i. The Call to Leave Sinai (Horeb) (1:5-8)
ii. Moses Appoints Leaders (1:9-18)
iii. The Twelve Spies (1:19-46)
1. Spies Sent Out (1:19-25)
2. Israel’s Rebellion (1:26-33)
3. Israel’s Penalty (1:34-40)
4. The Defeat at Hormah (1:41-46)
iv. The Journey from the Wilderness to the Plains of Moab (2:1-3:11)
1. The Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites (2:1-23)
2. The Defeat of Sihon (2:24-37)
3. The Defeat of Og (3:1-11)
v. In the Plains of Moab (3:12-4:49)
1. Land Division East of the Jordan (3:12-22)
2. Moses Forbidden to Cross the Jordan (3:23-29)
3. An Exhortation to Obedience (4:1-40)
4. The Cities of Refuge (4:41-43)
5. Conclusion (4:44-49)
2. Moses’ Second Address: The Terms of the Covenant (5:1-26:19)
a. The Basic Stipulations (5:1-11:32)
i. Remembering Mount Sinai (5:1-33)
1. The Covenant at Sinai (5:1-4)
2. The Ten Commandments (5:5-21)
3. Moses Mediates Between God and Israel (5:22-33)
ii. The Greatest Commandment (6:1-25)
iii. When You Go into the Land (7:1-10:11)
1. Do Not Assimilate into the Nations (7:1-11)
2. God will Fight for Israel (7:12-26)
3. Warning Against Becoming Proud (8:1-10:11)
a. God has Provided All (8:1-20)
b. Not Because of Your Righteousness (9:1-6)
c. Remember the Golden Calf (9:7-29)
d. The New Tablets of Stone (10:1-11)
iv. Call to Obedience (10:12-11:32)
b. The Specific Stipulations (12:1-26:19)
i. Israel’s Worship (12:1-16:17)
1. One Place for Worship (12:1-28)
2. Warning against Idolatry (12:29-13:18)
a. Do Not Inquire about Other Nations gods (12:29-32)
b. Idolaters to be Put to Death (13:1-11)
c. Idolatrous Cities to be Destroyed (13:12-18)
3. Clean and Unclean Animals (14:1-21)
4. Treatment of the Needy (14:22-15:23)
a. Tithing to the Tabernacle (14:22-29)
b. Cancel Depts in the Seventh Year (15:1-6)
c. Generosity in Lending and Giving (15:7-11)
d. Release of Hebrew Servants (15:12-18)
e. Firstborn Animals (15:19-23)
5. The Pilgrimage Festivals (16:1-17)
a. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (16:1-8)
b. The Feast of Weeks (16:9-12)
c. The Feast of Tabernacles (16:13-17)
ii. Israel’s Leaders (16:18-18:22)
1. Judges and Justice (16:18-20)
2. Forbidden Forms of Worship (16:21-17:7)
a. Forbidden Locations (16:21-22)
b. Detestable Sacrifices (17:1)
c. Purge the Idolater (17:2-7)
3. Courts of Law (17:8-13)
4. Guidelines for a King (17:14-20)
5. Provisions for Priests and Levites (18:1-8)
6. Sorcery Forbidden (18:9-14)
7. The Prophet like Moses (18:15-22)
iii. Civil Laws and Social Justice (19:1-26:19)
1. Cities of Refuge (19:1-14)
2. The Testimony of Two or Three Witnesses (19:15-21)
3. The Laws of Warfare (20:1-20)
4. Atonement for an Unsolved Murder (21:1-9)
5. Marrying a Captive Woman (21:10-14)
6. Inheritance Rights of the Firstborn (21:15-17)
7. A Rebellious Son (21:18-21)
8. Cursed is Anyone Hung on a Tree (21:22-23)
9. Various Laws (22:1-12)
10. Marriage Violations (22:13-30)
11. Exclusion from the Congregation (23:1-8)
12. Uncleanness in the Camp (23:9-14)
13. Miscellaneous Laws (23:15-25)
14. Marriage and Divorce Laws (24:1-5)
15. Additional Laws (24:6-22)
16. Fairness and Mercy (25:1-4)
17. Widowhood and Marriage (25:5-12)
18. Standard Weights and Measures (25:13-16)
19. Revenge on the Amalekites (25:17-19)
20. Offering Firstfruits and Tithes (26:1-15)
21. Call to Obedience (26:16-19)
3. Moses’ Third Address: A Look into the Future (27:1-34:12)
a. When You Enter the Land (27:1-28:68)
i. The Altar on Mount Ebal (27:1-10)
ii. Call and Response Curses (27:11-26)
iii. The Blessings of Obedience (28:1-14)
iv. The Curses of Disobedience (28:15-68)
b. The Covenant in Moab (29:1-30:20)
i. The Covenant with the Second Generation (29:1-29)
ii. The Promise of Restoration (30:1-10)
iii. The Choice of Life or Death (30:11-20)
c. The Future Leadership of Israel (31:1-30)
i. Joshua to Succeed Moses (31:1-8)
ii. The Reading of the Law (31:9-13)
iii. God Commissions Joshua (31:14-23)
iv. The Law Placed in the Ark of the Covenant (31:24-27)
v. Leadership Gathers to Hear the Song of Moses (31:28-30)
d. The Song of Moses (32:1-47)
e. The Death of Moses (32:48-34:12)
i. Moses’ Death Foretold (32:48-52)
ii. Moses Blesses the Twelve Tribes (33:1-29)
iii. The Death of Moses (34:1-12)