King James Version (KJV)

1. Personal: Authentication of the Message and the Messenger ( 1:1-2:21 )
a. Introduction ( 1:1-9 )
i. Paul’s Greeting to the Galatians ( 1:1-5 )
ii. No Other Gospel ( 1:6-9 )
b. Authentication of the Messenger ( 1:10-24 )
i. Gospel Not According to Man ( 1:10-12 )
ii. Former Life and Conversion ( 1:13-17 )
iii. Paul’s Reputation ( 1:18-24 )
1. In Jerusalem ( 1:18-20 )
2. The Churches in Judea ( 1:21-24 )
c. Authentication of the Message ( 2:1-21 )
i. The Council at Jerusalem ( 2:1-10 )
ii. Paul Confronts Cephas ( 2:11-21 )
2. Doctrinal: Justification ( 3:1-4:31 )
a. Faith and Belief ( 3:1-9 )
i. Who Has Bewitched You? ( 3:1-5 )
ii. The Faith of Abraham ( 3:6-9 )
b. Christ Has Redeemed Us ( 3:10-14 )
c. The Purpose of the Law ( 3:15-25 )
d. Sons through Faith in Christ ( 3:26-4:31 )
i. Sons of Abraham by Faith ( 3:26-29 )
ii. Sons and Heirs ( 4:1-7 )
iii. Paul’s Concern for the Galatians ( 4:8-20 )
iv. Hagar and Sarah: Sons of Promise vs. Sons of Flesh ( 4:21-31 )
3. Practical: A Life of Justification ( 5:1-6:18 )
a. Freedom in Christ ( 5:1-15 )
b. Walking by the Spirit ( 5:16-26 )
c. Carry One Another’s Burdens ( 6:1-10 )
d. Final Warnings and Blessings ( 6:11-18 )