King James Version (KJV)

1. Introduction (1:1-11)
a. Greetings from Paul and Timothy (1:1-2)
b. Thanksgiving and Prayer (1:3-11)
2. Paul's Imprisonment (1:12-26)
a. Trial’s Advance the Gospel (1:12-20)
b. To Live Is Christ (1:21-26)
3. Following Jesus’ Example (1:27-2:18)
a. Worthy of the Gospel (1:27-30)
b. One in Christ (2:1-4)
c. The Mind of Christ (2:5-11)
d. Lights of the World (2:12-18)
4. Two Examples to Follow (2:19-30)
a. Timothy (2:19-24)
b. Epaphroditus (2:25-30)
5. Warnings against False Examples (3:1-21)
a. Righteousness through Faith in Christ (3:1-11)
b. Pressing on Toward the Goal (3:12-16)
c. Citizenship in Heaven (3:17-21)
6. Challenge to Live the Example (4:1-23)
a. Rejoice in the Lord (4:1-9)
b. The Generosity of the Philippians (4:10-20)
c. Final Greetings (4:21-23)