2 Peter
King James Version (KJV)

Cain And Abel Offer Their Sacrifices Peter Denies Knowing Jesus Peter And John Cure A Lame Man Peter In The House Of Cornelius Peter Is Delivered From Prison Punishment For Offering Strange Fire Sinful Census, Punishment Naboth's Vineyard Healing Peter's Mother-In-Law Peter's Confession Of Christ Peter Heals The Crippled Beggar Peter's Vision Peter's Miraculous Escape From Prison Peter's Great Confession Visions Of Nebuchadnezzar And Their Results Contrast Of Their Present Factious State Parenthetic: How The Little Children May Know False Teachers Peter's Mother-In-Law Healed Peter Denies Christ Peter Visits Cornelius Peter Rescued From Prison Peter And John Heal A Beggar Both She And Adam Transgress The Divine Command, And Fall Into Sin God Arraigns Them Punishment Of Mankind Their First Clothing Their Expulsion From Paradise God Blesses Noah And His Sons, And Grants Them Flesh For Food Angel Shows Their Character And Condition Lot Is Warned, And In Vain Warns His Sons-In-Law Their Different Characters And Pursuits Hamor And Shechem Persuade Them To Accept It Sons Of Jacob Upon That Advantage Slay Them, And Spoil Their City He Is Falsely Accused By Her Joseph Interprets Their Dreams Joseph Interprets Them They Return With Grain, And Their Money Their Relation To Jacob They Discover Their Fears To The Steward Joseph Makes Them A Feast He Comforts Them In God's Providence Joseph Furnishes Then For Their Journey He Gives Them Habitation And Maintenance Their Cattle Their Lands, Except The Priests', To Pharaoh Jacob Strengthens Himself To Bless Them He Prophesies Their Return To Canaan Jacob Calls His Sons To Bless Them Their Blessing In Particular He Charges Them About His Burial