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1 Esdras 9:47chapter context similar meaning "And all the people answered, Amen; and lifting up their hands they fell to the ground, and worshipped the Lord." 1 Esdras 9:47 KJVcopy save
And all the people answered, Amen; and lifting up their hands they fell to the ground, and worshipped the Lord.

2 Esdras 1:37chapter context similar meaning "I take to witness the grace of the people to come, whose little ones rejoice in gladness: and though they have not seen me with bodily eyes, yet in spirit they believe the thing that I say." 2 Esdras 1:37 KJVcopy save
I take to witness the grace of the people to come, whose little ones rejoice in gladness: and though they have not seen me with bodily eyes, yet in spirit they believe the thing that I say.

2 Esdras 2:42chapter context similar meaning "I Esdras saw upon the mount Sion a great people, whom I could not number, and they all praised the Lord with songs." 2 Esdras 2:42 KJVcopy save
I Esdras saw upon the mount Sion a great people, whom I could not number, and they all praised the Lord with songs.

2 Esdras 10:39chapter context similar meaning "He hath seen that thy way is right: for that thou sorrowest continually for thy people, and makest great lamentation for Sion." 2 Esdras 10:39 KJVcopy save
He hath seen that thy way is right: for that thou sorrowest continually for thy people, and makest great lamentation for Sion.

Ecclesiasticus 36:12chapter context similar meaning "O Lord, have mercy upon the people that is called by thy name, and upon Israel, whom thou hast named thy firstborn." Ecclesiasticus 36:12 KJVcopy save
O Lord, have mercy upon the people that is called by thy name, and upon Israel, whom thou hast named thy firstborn.

Ecclesiasticus 45:24chapter context similar meaning "Therefore was there a covenant of peace made with him, that he should be the chief of the sanctuary and of his people, and that he and his posterity should have the dignity of the priesthood for ever:" Ecclesiasticus 45:24 KJVcopy save
Therefore was there a covenant of peace made with him, that he should be the chief of the sanctuary and of his people, and that he and his posterity should have the dignity of the priesthood for ever:

2 Maccabees 2:7chapter context similar meaning "Which when Jeremy perceived, he blamed them, saying, As for that place, it shall be unknown until the time that God gather his people again together, and receive them unto mercy." 2 Maccabees 2:7 KJVcopy save
Which when Jeremy perceived, he blamed them, saying, As for that place, it shall be unknown until the time that God gather his people again together, and receive them unto mercy.

1 Maccabees 15:1chapter context similar meaning "Moreover Antiochus son of Demetrius the king sent letters from the isles of the sea unto Simon the priest and prince of the Jews, and to all the people;" 1 Maccabees 15:1 KJVcopy save
Moreover Antiochus son of Demetrius the king sent letters from the isles of the sea unto Simon the priest and prince of the Jews, and to all the people;

2 Esdras 15:1chapter context similar meaning "Behold, speak thou in the ears of my people the words of prophecy, which I will put in thy mouth, saith the Lord:" 2 Esdras 15:1 KJVcopy save
Behold, speak thou in the ears of my people the words of prophecy, which I will put in thy mouth, saith the Lord:

Ecclesiasticus 49:15chapter context similar meaning "Neither was there a young man born like Joseph, a governor of his brethren, a stay of the people, whose bones were regarded of the Lord." Ecclesiasticus 49:15 KJVcopy save
Neither was there a young man born like Joseph, a governor of his brethren, a stay of the people, whose bones were regarded of the Lord.

2 Maccabees 15:14chapter context similar meaning "Then Onias answered, saying, This is a lover of the brethren, who prayeth much for the people, and for the holy city, to wit, Jeremias the prophet of God." 2 Maccabees 15:14 KJVcopy save
Then Onias answered, saying, This is a lover of the brethren, who prayeth much for the people, and for the holy city, to wit, Jeremias the prophet of God.

2 Esdras 13:13chapter context similar meaning "And there came much people unto him, whereof some were glad, some were sorry, and some of them were bound, and other some brought of them that were offered: then was I sick through great fear, and I awaked, and said," 2 Esdras 13:13 KJVcopy save
And there came much people unto him, whereof some were glad, some were sorry, and some of them were bound, and other some brought of them that were offered: then was I sick through great fear, and I awaked, and said,

2 Esdras 1:11chapter context similar meaning "All the nations have I destroyed before them, and in the east I have scattered the people of two provinces, even of Tyrus and Sidon, and have slain all their enemies." 2 Esdras 1:11 KJVcopy save
All the nations have I destroyed before them, and in the east I have scattered the people of two provinces, even of Tyrus and Sidon, and have slain all their enemies.

1 Maccabees 2:38chapter context similar meaning "So they rose up against them in battle on the sabbath, and they slew them, with their wives and children and their cattle, to the number of a thousand people." 1 Maccabees 2:38 KJVcopy save
So they rose up against them in battle on the sabbath, and they slew them, with their wives and children and their cattle, to the number of a thousand people.

Susanna 1:50chapter context similar meaning "Wherefore all the people turned again in haste, and the elders said unto him, Come, sit down among us, and shew it us, seeing God hath given thee the honour of an elder." Susanna 1:50 KJVcopy save
Wherefore all the people turned again in haste, and the elders said unto him, Come, sit down among us, and shew it us, seeing God hath given thee the honour of an elder.

1 Maccabees 2:66chapter context similar meaning "As for Judas Maccabeus, he hath been mighty and strong, even from his youth up: let him be your captain, and fight the battle of the people." 1 Maccabees 2:66 KJVcopy save
As for Judas Maccabeus, he hath been mighty and strong, even from his youth up: let him be your captain, and fight the battle of the people.

1 Maccabees 5:60chapter context similar meaning "And so it was, that Joseph and Azaras were put to flight, and pursued unto the borders of Judea: and there were slain that day of the people of Israel about two thousand men." 1 Maccabees 5:60 KJVcopy save
And so it was, that Joseph and Azaras were put to flight, and pursued unto the borders of Judea: and there were slain that day of the people of Israel about two thousand men.

Wisdom of Solomon 4:15chapter context similar meaning "This the people saw, and understood it not, neither laid they up this in their minds, That his grace and mercy is with his saints, and that he hath respect unto his chosen." Wisdom of Solomon 4:15 KJVcopy save
This the people saw, and understood it not, neither laid they up this in their minds, That his grace and mercy is with his saints, and that he hath respect unto his chosen.

Judith 16:19chapter context similar meaning "Judith also dedicated all the stuff of Holofernes, which the people had given her, and gave the canopy, which she had taken out of his bedchamber, for a gift unto the Lord." Judith 16:19 KJVcopy save
Judith also dedicated all the stuff of Holofernes, which the people had given her, and gave the canopy, which she had taken out of his bedchamber, for a gift unto the Lord.

1 Esdras 5:46chapter context similar meaning "And so dwelt the priests and the Levites and the people in Jerusalem, and in the country, the singers also and the porters; and all Israel in their villages." 1 Esdras 5:46 KJVcopy save
And so dwelt the priests and the Levites and the people in Jerusalem, and in the country, the singers also and the porters; and all Israel in their villages.

1 Maccabees 9:35chapter context similar meaning "Now Jonathan had sent his brother John, a captain of the people, to pray his friends the Nabathites, that they might leave with them their carriage, which was much." 1 Maccabees 9:35 KJVcopy save
Now Jonathan had sent his brother John, a captain of the people, to pray his friends the Nabathites, that they might leave with them their carriage, which was much.

Judith 14:8chapter context similar meaning "Now therefore tell me all the things that thou hast done in these days. Then Judith declared unto him in the midst of the people all that she had done, from the day that she went forth until that hour she spake unto them." Judith 14:8 KJVcopy save
Now therefore tell me all the things that thou hast done in these days. Then Judith declared unto him in the midst of the people all that she had done, from the day that she went forth until that hour she spake unto them.

Judith 8:29chapter context similar meaning "For this is not the first day wherein thy wisdom is manifested; but from the beginning of thy days all the people have known thy understanding, because the disposition of thine heart is good." Judith 8:29 KJVcopy save
For this is not the first day wherein thy wisdom is manifested; but from the beginning of thy days all the people have known thy understanding, because the disposition of thine heart is good.

1 Esdras 1:4chapter context similar meaning "And said, Ye shall no more bear the ark upon your shoulders: now therefore serve the Lord your God, and minister unto his people Israel, and prepare you after your families and kindreds," 1 Esdras 1:4 KJVcopy save
And said, Ye shall no more bear the ark upon your shoulders: now therefore serve the Lord your God, and minister unto his people Israel, and prepare you after your families and kindreds,

Judith 14:9chapter context similar meaning "And when she had left off speaking, the people shouted with a loud voice, and made a joyful noise in their city." Judith 14:9 KJVcopy save
And when she had left off speaking, the people shouted with a loud voice, and made a joyful noise in their city.

1 Maccabees 5:6chapter context similar meaning "Afterward he passed over to the children of Ammon, where he found a mighty power, and much people, with Timotheus their captain." 1 Maccabees 5:6 KJVcopy save
Afterward he passed over to the children of Ammon, where he found a mighty power, and much people, with Timotheus their captain.

1 Maccabees 12:35chapter context similar meaning "After this came Jonathan home again, and calling the elders of the people together, he consulted with them about building strong holds in Judea," 1 Maccabees 12:35 KJVcopy save
After this came Jonathan home again, and calling the elders of the people together, he consulted with them about building strong holds in Judea,

Ecclesiasticus 16:17chapter context similar meaning "Say not thou, I will hide myself from the Lord: shall any remember me from above? I shall not be remembered among so many people: for what is my soul among such an infinite number of creatures?" Ecclesiasticus 16:17 KJVcopy save
Say not thou, I will hide myself from the Lord: shall any remember me from above? I shall not be remembered among so many people: for what is my soul among such an infinite number of creatures?

Prayer of Manasseh 1:1chapter context similar meaning "O Lord, Almighty God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and of their righteous seed; who hast made heaven and earth, with all the ornament thereof; who hast bound the sea by the word of thy commandment; who hast shut up the deep, and sealed it by thy terrible and glorious name; whom all men fear, and tremble before thy power; for the majesty of thy glory cannot be borne, and thine angry threatening toward sinners is importable: but thy merciful promise is unmeasurable and unsearchable; for thou art the most high Lord, of great compassion, longsuffering, very merciful, and repentest of the evils of men. Thou, O Lord, according to thy great goodness hast promised repentance and forgiveness to them that have sinned against thee: and of thine infinite mercies hast appointed repentance unto sinners, that they may be saved. Thou therefore, O Lord, that art the God of the just, hast not appointed repentance to the just, as to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, which have not sinned against thee; but thou hast appointed repentance unto me that am a sinner: for I have sinned above the number of the sands of the sea. My transgressions, O Lord, are multiplied: my transgressions are multiplied, and I am not worthy to behold and see the height of heaven for the multitude of mine iniquities. I am bowed down with many iron bands, that I cannot lift up mine head, neither have any release: for I have provoked thy wrath, and done evil before thee: I did not thy will, neither kept I thy commandments: I have set up abominations, and have multiplied offences. Now therefore I bow the knee of mine heart, beseeching thee of grace. I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and I acknowledge mine iniquities: wherefore, I humbly beseech thee, forgive me, O Lord, forgive me, and destroy me not with mine iniquites. Be not angry with me for ever, by reserving evil for me; neither condemn me to the lower parts of the earth. For thou art the God, even the God of them that repent; and in me thou wilt shew all thy goodness: for thou wilt save me, that am unworthy, according to thy great mercy. Therefore I will praise thee for ever all the days of my life: for all the powers of the heavens do praise thee, and thine is the glory for ever and ever. Amen." Prayer of Manasseh 1:1 KJVcopy save
O Lord, Almighty God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and of their righteous seed; who hast made heaven and earth, with all the ornament thereof; who hast bound the sea by the word of thy commandment; who hast shut up the deep, and sealed it by thy terrible and glorious name; whom all men fear, and tremble before thy power; for the majesty of thy glory cannot be borne, and thine angry threatening toward sinners is importable: but thy merciful promise is unmeasurable and unsearchable; for thou art the most high Lord, of great compassion, longsuffering, very merciful, and repentest of the evils of men. Thou, O Lord, according to thy great goodness hast promised repentance and forgiveness to them that have sinned against thee: and of thine infinite mercies hast appointed repentance unto sinners, that they may be saved. Thou therefore, O Lord, that art the God of the just, hast not appointed repentance to the just, as to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, which have not sinned against thee; but thou hast appointed repentance unto me that am a sinner: for I have sinned above the number of the sands of the sea. My transgressions, O Lord, are multiplied: my transgressions are multiplied, and I am not worthy to behold and see the height of heaven for the multitude of mine iniquities. I am bowed down with many iron bands, that I cannot lift up mine head, neither have any release: for I have provoked thy wrath, and done evil before thee: I did not thy will, neither kept I thy commandments: I have set up abominations, and have multiplied offences. Now therefore I bow the knee of mine heart, beseeching thee of grace. I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and I acknowledge mine iniquities: wherefore, I humbly beseech thee, forgive me, O Lord, forgive me, and destroy me not with mine iniquites. Be not angry with me for ever, by reserving evil for me; neither condemn me to the lower parts of the earth. For thou art the God, even the God of them that repent; and in me thou wilt shew all thy goodness: for thou wilt save me, that am unworthy, according to thy great mercy. Therefore I will praise thee for ever all the days of my life: for all the powers of the heavens do praise thee, and thine is the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

1 Maccabees 7:18chapter context similar meaning "Wherefore the fear and dread of them fell upon all the people, who said, There is neither truth nor righteousness in them; for they have broken the covenant and oath that they made." 1 Maccabees 7:18 KJVcopy save
Wherefore the fear and dread of them fell upon all the people, who said, There is neither truth nor righteousness in them; for they have broken the covenant and oath that they made.


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