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2 Esdras 6:55chapter context similar meaning "All this have I spoken before thee, O Lord, because thou madest the world for our sakes" 2 Esdras 6:55 KJVcopy save
All this have I spoken before thee, O Lord, because thou madest the world for our sakes

2 Esdras 6:25chapter context similar meaning "Whosoever remaineth from all these that I have told thee shall escape, and see my salvation, and the end of your world." 2 Esdras 6:25 KJVcopy save
Whosoever remaineth from all these that I have told thee shall escape, and see my salvation, and the end of your world.

2 Esdras 16:39chapter context similar meaning "Even so shall not the plagues be slack to come upon the earth, and the world shall mourn, and sorrows shall come upon it on every side." 2 Esdras 16:39 KJVcopy save
Even so shall not the plagues be slack to come upon the earth, and the world shall mourn, and sorrows shall come upon it on every side.

Wisdom of Solomon 10:1chapter context similar meaning "She preserved the first formed father of the world, that was created alone, and brought him out of his fall," Wisdom of Solomon 10:1 KJVcopy save
She preserved the first formed father of the world, that was created alone, and brought him out of his fall,

Wisdom of Solomon 7:17chapter context similar meaning "For he hath given me certain knowledge of the things that are, namely, to know how the world was made, and the operation of the elements:" Wisdom of Solomon 7:17 KJVcopy save
For he hath given me certain knowledge of the things that are, namely, to know how the world was made, and the operation of the elements:

Wisdom of Solomon 2:24chapter context similar meaning "Nevertheless through envy of the devil came death into the world: and they that do hold of his side do find it." Wisdom of Solomon 2:24 KJVcopy save
Nevertheless through envy of the devil came death into the world: and they that do hold of his side do find it.

Wisdom of Solomon 5:20chapter context similar meaning "His severe wrath shall he sharpen for a sword, and the world shall fight with him against the unwise." Wisdom of Solomon 5:20 KJVcopy save
His severe wrath shall he sharpen for a sword, and the world shall fight with him against the unwise.

1 Maccabees 14:10chapter context similar meaning "He provided victuals for the cities, and set in them all manner of munition, so that his honourable name was renowned unto the end of the world." 1 Maccabees 14:10 KJVcopy save
He provided victuals for the cities, and set in them all manner of munition, so that his honourable name was renowned unto the end of the world.

Ecclesiasticus 43:6chapter context similar meaning "He made the moon also to serve in her season for a declaration of times, and a sign of the world." Ecclesiasticus 43:6 KJVcopy save
He made the moon also to serve in her season for a declaration of times, and a sign of the world.

2 Esdras 7:62chapter context similar meaning "I answered then, and said, I know, Lord, that the most High is called merciful, in that he hath mercy upon them which are not yet come into the world," 2 Esdras 7:62 KJVcopy save
I answered then, and said, I know, Lord, that the most High is called merciful, in that he hath mercy upon them which are not yet come into the world,

Wisdom of Solomon 9:3chapter context similar meaning "And order the world according to equity and righteousness, and execute judgment with an upright heart:" Wisdom of Solomon 9:3 KJVcopy save
And order the world according to equity and righteousness, and execute judgment with an upright heart:

2 Esdras 6:1chapter context similar meaning "And he said unto me, In the beginning, when the earth was made, before the borders of the world stood, or ever the winds blew," 2 Esdras 6:1 KJVcopy save
And he said unto me, In the beginning, when the earth was made, before the borders of the world stood, or ever the winds blew,

2 Esdras 3:9chapter context similar meaning "And again in process of time thou broughtest the flood upon those that dwelt in the world, and destroyedst them." 2 Esdras 3:9 KJVcopy save
And again in process of time thou broughtest the flood upon those that dwelt in the world, and destroyedst them.

2 Maccabees 8:18chapter context similar meaning "For they, said he, trust in their weapons and boldness; but our confidence is in the Almighty who at a beck can cast down both them that come against us, and also all the world." 2 Maccabees 8:18 KJVcopy save
For they, said he, trust in their weapons and boldness; but our confidence is in the Almighty who at a beck can cast down both them that come against us, and also all the world.

2 Esdras 3:34chapter context similar meaning "Weigh thou therefore our wickedness now in the balance, and their's also that dwell the world; and so shall thy name no where be found but in Israel." 2 Esdras 3:34 KJVcopy save
Weigh thou therefore our wickedness now in the balance, and their's also that dwell the world; and so shall thy name no where be found but in Israel.

Wisdom of Solomon 11:22chapter context similar meaning "For the whole world before thee is as a little grain of the balance, yea, as a drop of the morning dew that falleth down upon the earth." Wisdom of Solomon 11:22 KJVcopy save
For the whole world before thee is as a little grain of the balance, yea, as a drop of the morning dew that falleth down upon the earth.

2 Esdras 2:47chapter context similar meaning "So he answered and said unto me, It is the Son of God, whom they have confessed in the world. Then began I greatly to commend them that stood so stiffly for the name of the Lord." 2 Esdras 2:47 KJVcopy save
So he answered and said unto me, It is the Son of God, whom they have confessed in the world. Then began I greatly to commend them that stood so stiffly for the name of the Lord.

2 Esdras 2:36chapter context similar meaning "Flee the shadow of this world, receive the joyfulness of your glory: I testify my Saviour openly." 2 Esdras 2:36 KJVcopy save
Flee the shadow of this world, receive the joyfulness of your glory: I testify my Saviour openly.

2 Esdras 4:27chapter context similar meaning "And cannot comprehend the things that are promised to the righteous in time to come: for this world is full of unrighteousness and infirmities." 2 Esdras 4:27 KJVcopy save
And cannot comprehend the things that are promised to the righteous in time to come: for this world is full of unrighteousness and infirmities.

2 Esdras 5:49chapter context similar meaning "For like as a young child may not bring forth the things that belong to the aged, even so have I disposed the world which I created." 2 Esdras 5:49 KJVcopy save
For like as a young child may not bring forth the things that belong to the aged, even so have I disposed the world which I created.

2 Esdras 6:20chapter context similar meaning "And when the world, that shall begin to vanish away, shall be finished, then will I shew these tokens: the books shall be opened before the firmament, and they shall see all together:" 2 Esdras 6:20 KJVcopy save
And when the world, that shall begin to vanish away, shall be finished, then will I shew these tokens: the books shall be opened before the firmament, and they shall see all together:

2 Esdras 9:19chapter context similar meaning "For then every one obeyed: but now the manners of them which are created in this world that is made are corrupted by a perpetual seed, and by a law which is unsearchable rid themselves." 2 Esdras 9:19 KJVcopy save
For then every one obeyed: but now the manners of them which are created in this world that is made are corrupted by a perpetual seed, and by a law which is unsearchable rid themselves.

2 Esdras 5:24chapter context similar meaning "And of all lands of the whole world thou hast chosen thee one pit: and of all the flowers thereof one lily:" 2 Esdras 5:24 KJVcopy save
And of all lands of the whole world thou hast chosen thee one pit: and of all the flowers thereof one lily:

2 Esdras 4:24chapter context similar meaning "And we pass away out of the world as grasshoppers, and our life is astonishment and fear, and we are not worthy to obtain mercy." 2 Esdras 4:24 KJVcopy save
And we pass away out of the world as grasshoppers, and our life is astonishment and fear, and we are not worthy to obtain mercy.

Wisdom of Solomon 1:7chapter context similar meaning "For the Spirit of the Lord filleth the world: and that which containeth all things hath knowledge of the voice." Wisdom of Solomon 1:7 KJVcopy save
For the Spirit of the Lord filleth the world: and that which containeth all things hath knowledge of the voice.

Wisdom of Solomon 16:17chapter context similar meaning "For, which is most to be wondered at, the fire had more force in the water, that quencheth all things: for the world fighteth for the righteous." Wisdom of Solomon 16:17 KJVcopy save
For, which is most to be wondered at, the fire had more force in the water, that quencheth all things: for the world fighteth for the righteous.

2 Esdras 9:2chapter context similar meaning "Then shalt thou understand, that it is the very same time, wherein the Highest will begin to visit the world which he made." 2 Esdras 9:2 KJVcopy save
Then shalt thou understand, that it is the very same time, wherein the Highest will begin to visit the world which he made.

2 Esdras 4:11chapter context similar meaning "How should thy vessel then be able to comprehend the way of the Highest, and, the world being now outwardly corrupted to understand the corruption that is evident in my sight?" 2 Esdras 4:11 KJVcopy save
How should thy vessel then be able to comprehend the way of the Highest, and, the world being now outwardly corrupted to understand the corruption that is evident in my sight?

2 Esdras 15:5chapter context similar meaning "Behold, saith the Lord, I will bring plagues upon the world; the sword, famine, death, and destruction." 2 Esdras 15:5 KJVcopy save
Behold, saith the Lord, I will bring plagues upon the world; the sword, famine, death, and destruction.

Wisdom of Solomon 14:21chapter context similar meaning "And this was an occasion to deceive the world: for men, serving either calamity or tyranny, did ascribe unto stones and stocks the incommunicable name." Wisdom of Solomon 14:21 KJVcopy save
And this was an occasion to deceive the world: for men, serving either calamity or tyranny, did ascribe unto stones and stocks the incommunicable name.


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