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"SERVANT" in the KJV Bible

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Prayer of Azariah 1:12chapter context similar meaning "And cause not thy mercy to depart from us, for thy beloved Abraham's sake, for thy servant Issac's sake, and for thy holy Israel's sake;" Prayer of Azariah 1:12 KJVcopy save
And cause not thy mercy to depart from us, for thy beloved Abraham's sake, for thy servant Issac's sake, and for thy holy Israel's sake;

Ecclesiasticus 33:25chapter context similar meaning "If thou set thy servant to labour, thou shalt find rest: but if thou let him go idle, he shall seek liberty." Ecclesiasticus 33:25 KJVcopy save
If thou set thy servant to labour, thou shalt find rest: but if thou let him go idle, he shall seek liberty.

Baruch 1:20chapter context similar meaning "Wherefore the evils cleaved unto us, and the curse, which the Lord appointed by Moses his servant at the time that he brought our fathers out of the land of Egypt, to give us a land that floweth with milk and honey, like as it is to see this day." Baruch 1:20 KJVcopy save
Wherefore the evils cleaved unto us, and the curse, which the Lord appointed by Moses his servant at the time that he brought our fathers out of the land of Egypt, to give us a land that floweth with milk and honey, like as it is to see this day.

2 Esdras 13:14chapter context similar meaning "Thou hast shewed thy servant these wonders from the beginning, and hast counted me worthy that thou shouldest receive my prayer:" 2 Esdras 13:14 KJVcopy save
Thou hast shewed thy servant these wonders from the beginning, and hast counted me worthy that thou shouldest receive my prayer:

1 Maccabees 4:30chapter context similar meaning "And when he saw that mighty army, he prayed and said, Blessed art thou, O Saviour of Israel, who didst quell the violence of the mighty man by the hand of thy servant David, and gavest the host of strangers into the hands of Jonathan the son of Saul, and his armourbearer;" 1 Maccabees 4:30 KJVcopy save
And when he saw that mighty army, he prayed and said, Blessed art thou, O Saviour of Israel, who didst quell the violence of the mighty man by the hand of thy servant David, and gavest the host of strangers into the hands of Jonathan the son of Saul, and his armourbearer;

1 Esdras 4:59chapter context similar meaning "And said, From thee cometh victory, from thee cometh wisdom, and thine is the glory, and I am thy servant." 1 Esdras 4:59 KJVcopy save
And said, From thee cometh victory, from thee cometh wisdom, and thine is the glory, and I am thy servant.

Ecclesiasticus 33:31chapter context similar meaning "If thou have a servant, entreat him as a brother: for thou hast need of him, as of thine own soul: if thou entreat him evil, and he run from thee, which way wilt thou go to seek him?" Ecclesiasticus 33:31 KJVcopy save
If thou have a servant, entreat him as a brother: for thou hast need of him, as of thine own soul: if thou entreat him evil, and he run from thee, which way wilt thou go to seek him?

Ecclesiasticus 37:11chapter context similar meaning "Neither consult with a woman touching her of whom she is jealous; neither with a coward in matters of war; nor with a merchant concerning exchange; nor with a buyer of selling; nor with an envious man of thankfulness; nor with an unmerciful man touching kindness; nor with the slothful for any work; nor with an hireling for a year of finishing work; nor with an idle servant of much business: hearken not unto these in any matter of counsel." Ecclesiasticus 37:11 KJVcopy save
Neither consult with a woman touching her of whom she is jealous; neither with a coward in matters of war; nor with a merchant concerning exchange; nor with a buyer of selling; nor with an envious man of thankfulness; nor with an unmerciful man touching kindness; nor with the slothful for any work; nor with an hireling for a year of finishing work; nor with an idle servant of much business: hearken not unto these in any matter of counsel.

1 Esdras 6:27chapter context similar meaning "And also he commanded that Sisinnes the governor of Syria and Phenice, and Sathrabuzanes, and their companions, and those which were appointed rulers in Syria and Phenice, should be careful not to meddle with the place, but suffer Zorobabel, the servant of the Lord, and governor of Judea, and the elders of the Jews, to build the house of the Lord in that place." 1 Esdras 6:27 KJVcopy save
And also he commanded that Sisinnes the governor of Syria and Phenice, and Sathrabuzanes, and their companions, and those which were appointed rulers in Syria and Phenice, should be careful not to meddle with the place, but suffer Zorobabel, the servant of the Lord, and governor of Judea, and the elders of the Jews, to build the house of the Lord in that place.

2 Esdras 5:45chapter context similar meaning "And I said, As thou hast said unto thy servant, that thou, which givest life to all, hast given life at once to the creature that thou hast created, and the creature bare it: even so it might now also bear them that now be present at once." 2 Esdras 5:45 KJVcopy save
And I said, As thou hast said unto thy servant, that thou, which givest life to all, hast given life at once to the creature that thou hast created, and the creature bare it: even so it might now also bear them that now be present at once.


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