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"GODS ORDER" in the KJV Bible

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Letter of Jeremiah 1:29chapter context similar meaning "Menstruous women and women in childbed eat their sacrifices: by these things ye may know that they are no gods: fear them not." Letter of Jeremiah 1:29 KJVcopy save
Menstruous women and women in childbed eat their sacrifices: by these things ye may know that they are no gods: fear them not.

Wisdom of Solomon 12:27chapter context similar meaning "For, look, for what things they grudged, when they were punished, that is, for them whom they thought to be gods; now being punished in them, when they saw it, they acknowledged him to be the true God, whom before they denied to know: and therefore came extreme damnation upon them." Wisdom of Solomon 12:27 KJVcopy save
For, look, for what things they grudged, when they were punished, that is, for them whom they thought to be gods; now being punished in them, when they saw it, they acknowledged him to be the true God, whom before they denied to know: and therefore came extreme damnation upon them.

2 Esdras 16:36chapter context similar meaning "Behold, the word of the Lord, receive it: believe not the gods of whom the Lord spake." 2 Esdras 16:36 KJVcopy save
Behold, the word of the Lord, receive it: believe not the gods of whom the Lord spake.

Letter of Jeremiah 1:46chapter context similar meaning "And they themselves that made them can never continue long; how should then the things that are made of them be gods?" Letter of Jeremiah 1:46 KJVcopy save
And they themselves that made them can never continue long; how should then the things that are made of them be gods?

Wisdom of Solomon 13:10chapter context similar meaning "But miserable are they, and in dead things is their hope, who call them gods, which are the works of men's hands, gold and silver, to shew art in, and resemblances of beasts, or a stone good for nothing, the work of an ancient hand." Wisdom of Solomon 13:10 KJVcopy save
But miserable are they, and in dead things is their hope, who call them gods, which are the works of men's hands, gold and silver, to shew art in, and resemblances of beasts, or a stone good for nothing, the work of an ancient hand.

Letter of Jeremiah 1:18chapter context similar meaning "And as the doors are made sure on every side upon him that offendeth the king, as being committed to suffer death: even so the priests make fast their temples with doors, with locks, and bars, lest their gods be spoiled with robbers." Letter of Jeremiah 1:18 KJVcopy save
And as the doors are made sure on every side upon him that offendeth the king, as being committed to suffer death: even so the priests make fast their temples with doors, with locks, and bars, lest their gods be spoiled with robbers.

Bel and the Dragon 1:27chapter context similar meaning "Then Daniel took pitch, and fat, and hair, and did seethe them together, and made lumps thereof: this he put in the dragon's mouth, and so the dragon burst in sunder: and Daniel said, Lo, these are the gods ye worship." Bel and the Dragon 1:27 KJVcopy save
Then Daniel took pitch, and fat, and hair, and did seethe them together, and made lumps thereof: this he put in the dragon's mouth, and so the dragon burst in sunder: and Daniel said, Lo, these are the gods ye worship.


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