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Additions to Esther 13:13chapter context similar meaning "For I could have been content with good will for the salvation of Israel to kiss the soles of his feet." Additions to Esther 13:13 KJVcopy save
For I could have been content with good will for the salvation of Israel to kiss the soles of his feet.

Judith 7:6chapter context similar meaning "But in the second day Holofernes brought forth all his horsemen in the sight of the children of Israel which were in Bethulia," Judith 7:6 KJVcopy save
But in the second day Holofernes brought forth all his horsemen in the sight of the children of Israel which were in Bethulia,

Judith 13:7chapter context similar meaning "And approached to his bed, and took hold of the hair of his head, and said, Strengthen me, O Lord God of Israel, this day." Judith 13:7 KJVcopy save
And approached to his bed, and took hold of the hair of his head, and said, Strengthen me, O Lord God of Israel, this day.

Judith 12:8chapter context similar meaning "And when she came out, she besought the Lord God of Israel to direct her way to the raising up of the children of her people." Judith 12:8 KJVcopy save
And when she came out, she besought the Lord God of Israel to direct her way to the raising up of the children of her people.

1 Maccabees 9:20chapter context similar meaning "Moreover they bewailed him, and all Israel made great lamentation for him, and mourned many days, saying," 1 Maccabees 9:20 KJVcopy save
Moreover they bewailed him, and all Israel made great lamentation for him, and mourned many days, saying,

1 Maccabees 8:18chapter context similar meaning "And to intreat them that they would take the yoke from them; for they saw that the kingdom of the Grecians did oppress Israel with servitude." 1 Maccabees 8:18 KJVcopy save
And to intreat them that they would take the yoke from them; for they saw that the kingdom of the Grecians did oppress Israel with servitude.

1 Maccabees 13:4chapter context similar meaning "By reason whereof all my brethren are slain for Israel's sake, and I am left alone." 1 Maccabees 13:4 KJVcopy save
By reason whereof all my brethren are slain for Israel's sake, and I am left alone.

1 Maccabees 3:10chapter context similar meaning "Then Apollonius gathered the Gentiles together, and a great host out of Samaria, to fight against Israel." 1 Maccabees 3:10 KJVcopy save
Then Apollonius gathered the Gentiles together, and a great host out of Samaria, to fight against Israel.

2 Maccabees 10:38chapter context similar meaning "When this was done, they praised the Lord with psalms and thanksgiving, who had done so great things for Israel, and given them the victory." 2 Maccabees 10:38 KJVcopy save
When this was done, they praised the Lord with psalms and thanksgiving, who had done so great things for Israel, and given them the victory.

1 Maccabees 7:22chapter context similar meaning "And unto him resorted all such as troubled the people, who, after they had gotten the land of Juda into their power, did much hurt in Israel." 1 Maccabees 7:22 KJVcopy save
And unto him resorted all such as troubled the people, who, after they had gotten the land of Juda into their power, did much hurt in Israel.

1 Maccabees 7:5chapter context similar meaning "There came unto him all the wicked and ungodly men of Israel, having Alcimus, who was desirous to be high priest, for their captain:" 1 Maccabees 7:5 KJVcopy save
There came unto him all the wicked and ungodly men of Israel, having Alcimus, who was desirous to be high priest, for their captain:

1 Maccabees 4:31chapter context similar meaning "Shut up this army in the hand of thy people Israel, and let them be confounded in their power and horsemen:" 1 Maccabees 4:31 KJVcopy save
Shut up this army in the hand of thy people Israel, and let them be confounded in their power and horsemen:

1 Maccabees 3:15chapter context similar meaning "So he made him ready to go up, and there went with him a mighty host of the ungodly to help him, and to be avenged of the children of Israel." 1 Maccabees 3:15 KJVcopy save
So he made him ready to go up, and there went with him a mighty host of the ungodly to help him, and to be avenged of the children of Israel.

1 Maccabees 3:2chapter context similar meaning "And all his brethren helped him, and so did all they that held with his father, and they fought with cheerfulness the battle of Israel." 1 Maccabees 3:2 KJVcopy save
And all his brethren helped him, and so did all they that held with his father, and they fought with cheerfulness the battle of Israel.

2 Maccabees 1:26chapter context similar meaning "Receive the sacrifice for thy whole people Israel, and preserve thine own portion, and sanctify it." 2 Maccabees 1:26 KJVcopy save
Receive the sacrifice for thy whole people Israel, and preserve thine own portion, and sanctify it.

1 Maccabees 2:46chapter context similar meaning "And what children soever they found within the coast of Israel uncircumcised, those they circumcised valiantly." 1 Maccabees 2:46 KJVcopy save
And what children soever they found within the coast of Israel uncircumcised, those they circumcised valiantly.

1 Esdras 6:14chapter context similar meaning "And as for this house, it was builded many years ago by a king of Israel great and strong, and was finished." 1 Esdras 6:14 KJVcopy save
And as for this house, it was builded many years ago by a king of Israel great and strong, and was finished.

1 Esdras 5:71chapter context similar meaning "We ourselves alone will build unto the Lord of Israel, according as Cyrus the king of the Persians hath commanded us." 1 Esdras 5:71 KJVcopy save
We ourselves alone will build unto the Lord of Israel, according as Cyrus the king of the Persians hath commanded us.

1 Esdras 5:70chapter context similar meaning "Then Zorobabel and Jesus and the chief of the families of Israel said unto them, It is not for us and you to build together an house unto the Lord our God." 1 Esdras 5:70 KJVcopy save
Then Zorobabel and Jesus and the chief of the families of Israel said unto them, It is not for us and you to build together an house unto the Lord our God.

Judith 4:15chapter context similar meaning "And had ashes on their mitres, and cried unto the Lord with all their power, that he would look upon all the house of Israel graciously." Judith 4:15 KJVcopy save
And had ashes on their mitres, and cried unto the Lord with all their power, that he would look upon all the house of Israel graciously.

Ecclesiasticus 50:13chapter context similar meaning "So were all the sons of Aaron in their glory, and the oblations of the Lord in their hands, before all the congregation of Israel." Ecclesiasticus 50:13 KJVcopy save
So were all the sons of Aaron in their glory, and the oblations of the Lord in their hands, before all the congregation of Israel.

Ecclesiasticus 17:17chapter context similar meaning "For in the division of the nations of the whole earth he set a ruler over every people; but Israel is the Lord's portion:" Ecclesiasticus 17:17 KJVcopy save
For in the division of the nations of the whole earth he set a ruler over every people; but Israel is the Lord's portion:

Judith 14:5chapter context similar meaning "But before ye do these things, call me Achior the Ammonite, that he may see and know him that despised the house of Israel, and that sent him to us as it were to his death." Judith 14:5 KJVcopy save
But before ye do these things, call me Achior the Ammonite, that he may see and know him that despised the house of Israel, and that sent him to us as it were to his death.

1 Esdras 9:39chapter context similar meaning "And they spake unto Esdras the priest and reader, that he would bring the law of Moses, that was given of the Lord God of Israel." 1 Esdras 9:39 KJVcopy save
And they spake unto Esdras the priest and reader, that he would bring the law of Moses, that was given of the Lord God of Israel.

2 Esdras 2:10chapter context similar meaning "Thus saith the Lord unto Esdras, Tell my people that I will give them the kingdom of Jerusalem, which I would have given unto Israel." 2 Esdras 2:10 KJVcopy save
Thus saith the Lord unto Esdras, Tell my people that I will give them the kingdom of Jerusalem, which I would have given unto Israel.

1 Esdras 9:22chapter context similar meaning "And of the sons of Phaisur; Elionas, Massias Israel, and Nathanael, and Ocidelus and Talsas." 1 Esdras 9:22 KJVcopy save
And of the sons of Phaisur; Elionas, Massias Israel, and Nathanael, and Ocidelus and Talsas.

2 Esdras 8:16chapter context similar meaning "And for thine inheritance, for whose cause I mourn; and for Israel, for whom I am heavy; and for Jacob, for whose sake I am troubled;" 2 Esdras 8:16 KJVcopy save
And for thine inheritance, for whose cause I mourn; and for Israel, for whom I am heavy; and for Jacob, for whose sake I am troubled;

2 Esdras 3:34chapter context similar meaning "Weigh thou therefore our wickedness now in the balance, and their's also that dwell the world; and so shall thy name no where be found but in Israel." 2 Esdras 3:34 KJVcopy save
Weigh thou therefore our wickedness now in the balance, and their's also that dwell the world; and so shall thy name no where be found but in Israel.

1 Esdras 9:7chapter context similar meaning "So Esdras arose up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed the law in marrying strange wives, thereby to increase the sins of Israel." 1 Esdras 9:7 KJVcopy save
So Esdras arose up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed the law in marrying strange wives, thereby to increase the sins of Israel.

Baruch 3:1chapter context similar meaning "O Lord Almighty, God of Israel, the soul in anguish the troubled spirit, crieth unto thee." Baruch 3:1 KJVcopy save
O Lord Almighty, God of Israel, the soul in anguish the troubled spirit, crieth unto thee.


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