1 Esdras 8:91chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And as Esdras in his prayer made his confession, weeping, and lying flat upon the ground before the temple, there gathered unto him from Jerusalem a very great multitude of men and women and children: for there was great weeping among the multitude." 1 Esdras 8:91 KJVcopysave
And as Esdras in his prayer made his confession, weeping, and lying flat upon the ground before the temple, there gathered unto him from Jerusalem a very great multitude of men and women and children: for there was great weeping among the multitude.
2 Esdras 10:16chapter contextsimilarmeaning"For if thou shalt acknowledge the determination of God to be just, thou shalt both receive thy son in time, and shalt be commended among women." 2 Esdras 10:16 KJVcopysave
For if thou shalt acknowledge the determination of God to be just, thou shalt both receive thy son in time, and shalt be commended among women.
Judith 13:18chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Then said Ozias unto her, O daughter, blessed art thou of the most high God above all the women upon the earth; and blessed be the Lord God, which hath created the heavens and the earth, which hath directed thee to the cutting off of the head of the chief of our enemies." Judith 13:18 KJVcopysave
Then said Ozias unto her, O daughter, blessed art thou of the most high God above all the women upon the earth; and blessed be the Lord God, which hath created the heavens and the earth, which hath directed thee to the cutting off of the head of the chief of our enemies.
1 Esdras 5:42chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Their menservants and handmaids were seven thousand three hundred forty and seven: the singing men and singing women, two hundred forty and five:" 1 Esdras 5:42 KJVcopysave
Their menservants and handmaids were seven thousand three hundred forty and seven: the singing men and singing women, two hundred forty and five: