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Ecclesiasticus 14:17chapter context similar meaning "All flesh waxeth old as a garment: for the covenant from the beginning is, Thou shalt die the death." Ecclesiasticus 14:17 KJVcopy save
All flesh waxeth old as a garment: for the covenant from the beginning is, Thou shalt die the death.

1 Maccabees 1:47chapter context similar meaning "Set up altars, and groves, and chapels of idols, and sacrifice swine's flesh, and unclean beasts:" 1 Maccabees 1:47 KJVcopy save
Set up altars, and groves, and chapels of idols, and sacrifice swine's flesh, and unclean beasts:

Ecclesiasticus 23:6chapter context similar meaning "Let not the greediness of the belly nor lust of the flesh take hold of me; and give not over me thy servant into an impudent mind." Ecclesiasticus 23:6 KJVcopy save
Let not the greediness of the belly nor lust of the flesh take hold of me; and give not over me thy servant into an impudent mind.

Wisdom of Solomon 8:18chapter context similar meaning "And great pleasure it is to have her friendship; and in the works of her hands are infinite riches; and in the exercise of conference with her, prudence; and in talking with her, a good report; I went about seeking how to take her to me." Wisdom of Solomon 8:18 KJVcopy save
And great pleasure it is to have her friendship; and in the works of her hands are infinite riches; and in the exercise of conference with her, prudence; and in talking with her, a good report; I went about seeking how to take her to me.

Judith 13:4chapter context similar meaning "So all went forth and none was left in the bedchamber, neither little nor great. Then Judith, standing by his bed, said in her heart, O Lord God of all power, look at this present upon the works of mine hands for the exaltation of Jerusalem." Judith 13:4 KJVcopy save
So all went forth and none was left in the bedchamber, neither little nor great. Then Judith, standing by his bed, said in her heart, O Lord God of all power, look at this present upon the works of mine hands for the exaltation of Jerusalem.

Ecclesiasticus 39:14chapter context similar meaning "And give ye a sweet savour as frankincense, and flourish as a lily, send forth a smell, and sing a song of praise, bless the Lord in all his works." Ecclesiasticus 39:14 KJVcopy save
And give ye a sweet savour as frankincense, and flourish as a lily, send forth a smell, and sing a song of praise, bless the Lord in all his works.

Ecclesiasticus 45:1chapter context similar meaning "And he brought out of him a merciful man, which found favour in the sight of all flesh, even Moses, beloved of God and men, whose memorial is blessed." Ecclesiasticus 45:1 KJVcopy save
And he brought out of him a merciful man, which found favour in the sight of all flesh, even Moses, beloved of God and men, whose memorial is blessed.

Wisdom of Solomon 2:4chapter context similar meaning "And our name shall be forgotten in time, and no man shall have our works in remembrance, and our life shall pass away as the trace of a cloud, and shall be dispersed as a mist, that is driven away with the beams of the sun, and overcome with the heat thereof." Wisdom of Solomon 2:4 KJVcopy save
And our name shall be forgotten in time, and no man shall have our works in remembrance, and our life shall pass away as the trace of a cloud, and shall be dispersed as a mist, that is driven away with the beams of the sun, and overcome with the heat thereof.

Wisdom of Solomon 14:5chapter context similar meaning "Nevertheless thou wouldest not that the works of thy wisdom should be idle, and therefore do men commit their lives to a small piece of wood, and passing the rough sea in a weak vessel are saved." Wisdom of Solomon 14:5 KJVcopy save
Nevertheless thou wouldest not that the works of thy wisdom should be idle, and therefore do men commit their lives to a small piece of wood, and passing the rough sea in a weak vessel are saved.

Ecclesiasticus 43:4chapter context similar meaning "A man blowing a furnace is in works of heat, but the sun burneth the mountains three times more; breathing out fiery vapours, and sending forth bright beams, it dimmeth the eyes." Ecclesiasticus 43:4 KJVcopy save
A man blowing a furnace is in works of heat, but the sun burneth the mountains three times more; breathing out fiery vapours, and sending forth bright beams, it dimmeth the eyes.

2 Maccabees 7:1chapter context similar meaning "It came to pass also, that seven brethren with their mother were taken, and compelled by the king against the law to taste swine's flesh, and were tormented with scourges and whips." 2 Maccabees 7:1 KJVcopy save
It came to pass also, that seven brethren with their mother were taken, and compelled by the king against the law to taste swine's flesh, and were tormented with scourges and whips.

Wisdom of Solomon 7:2chapter context similar meaning "And in my mother's womb was fashioned to be flesh in the time of ten months, being compacted in blood, of the seed of man, and the pleasure that came with sleep." Wisdom of Solomon 7:2 KJVcopy save
And in my mother's womb was fashioned to be flesh in the time of ten months, being compacted in blood, of the seed of man, and the pleasure that came with sleep.

Ecclesiasticus 14:18chapter context similar meaning "As of the green leaves on a thick tree, some fall, and some grow; so is the generation of flesh and blood, one cometh to an end, and another is born." Ecclesiasticus 14:18 KJVcopy save
As of the green leaves on a thick tree, some fall, and some grow; so is the generation of flesh and blood, one cometh to an end, and another is born.

2 Maccabees 6:18chapter context similar meaning "Eleazar, one of the principal scribes, an aged man, and of a well favoured countenance, was constrained to open his mouth, and to eat swine's flesh." 2 Maccabees 6:18 KJVcopy save
Eleazar, one of the principal scribes, an aged man, and of a well favoured countenance, was constrained to open his mouth, and to eat swine's flesh.

Ecclesiasticus 47:22chapter context similar meaning "But the Lord will never leave off his mercy, neither shall any of his works perish, neither will he abolish the posterity of his elect, and the seed of him that loveth him he will not take away: wherefore he gave a remnant unto Jacob, and out of him a root unto David." Ecclesiasticus 47:22 KJVcopy save
But the Lord will never leave off his mercy, neither shall any of his works perish, neither will he abolish the posterity of his elect, and the seed of him that loveth him he will not take away: wherefore he gave a remnant unto Jacob, and out of him a root unto David.

Tobit 3:2chapter context similar meaning "O Lord, thou art just, and all thy works and all thy ways are mercy and truth, and thou judgest truly and justly for ever." Tobit 3:2 KJVcopy save
O Lord, thou art just, and all thy works and all thy ways are mercy and truth, and thou judgest truly and justly for ever.

Tobit 12:11chapter context similar meaning "Surely I will keep close nothing from you. For I said, It was good to keep close the secret of a king, but that it was honourable to reveal the works of God." Tobit 12:11 KJVcopy save
Surely I will keep close nothing from you. For I said, It was good to keep close the secret of a king, but that it was honourable to reveal the works of God.

1 Esdras 4:39chapter context similar meaning "With her there is no accepting of persons or rewards; but she doeth the things that are just, and refraineth from all unjust and wicked things; and all men do well like of her works." 1 Esdras 4:39 KJVcopy save
With her there is no accepting of persons or rewards; but she doeth the things that are just, and refraineth from all unjust and wicked things; and all men do well like of her works.

Tobit 12:7chapter context similar meaning "It is good to keep close the secret of a king, but it is honourable to reveal the works of God. Do that which is good, and no evil shall touch you." Tobit 12:7 KJVcopy save
It is good to keep close the secret of a king, but it is honourable to reveal the works of God. Do that which is good, and no evil shall touch you.

Prayer of Azariah 1:4chapter context similar meaning "For thou art righteous in all the things that thou hast done to us: yea, true are all thy works, thy ways are right, and all thy judgments truth." Prayer of Azariah 1:4 KJVcopy save
For thou art righteous in all the things that thou hast done to us: yea, true are all thy works, thy ways are right, and all thy judgments truth.

2 Esdras 8:32chapter context similar meaning "For if thou hast a desire to have mercy upon us, thou shalt be called merciful, to us namely, that have no works of righteousness." 2 Esdras 8:32 KJVcopy save
For if thou hast a desire to have mercy upon us, thou shalt be called merciful, to us namely, that have no works of righteousness.

Ecclesiasticus 31:22chapter context similar meaning "My son, hear me, and despise me not, and at the last thou shalt find as I told thee: in all thy works be quick, so shall there no sickness come unto thee." Ecclesiasticus 31:22 KJVcopy save
My son, hear me, and despise me not, and at the last thou shalt find as I told thee: in all thy works be quick, so shall there no sickness come unto thee.

Ecclesiasticus 35:19chapter context similar meaning "Till he have rendered to every man according to his deeds, and to the works of men according to their devices; till he have judged the cause of his people, and made them to rejoice in his mercy." Ecclesiasticus 35:19 KJVcopy save
Till he have rendered to every man according to his deeds, and to the works of men according to their devices; till he have judged the cause of his people, and made them to rejoice in his mercy.

1 Esdras 8:86chapter context similar meaning "And all that is befallen is done unto us for our wicked works and great sins; for thou, O Lord, didst make our sins light," 1 Esdras 8:86 KJVcopy save
And all that is befallen is done unto us for our wicked works and great sins; for thou, O Lord, didst make our sins light,

1 Esdras 5:45chapter context similar meaning "And to give into the holy treasury of the works a thousand pounds of gold, five thousand of silver, and an hundred priestly vestments." 1 Esdras 5:45 KJVcopy save
And to give into the holy treasury of the works a thousand pounds of gold, five thousand of silver, and an hundred priestly vestments.

Judith 16:17chapter context similar meaning "Woe to the nations that rise up against my kindred! the Lord Almighty will take vengeance of them in the day of judgment, in putting fire and worms in their flesh; and they shall feel them, and weep for ever." Judith 16:17 KJVcopy save
Woe to the nations that rise up against my kindred! the Lord Almighty will take vengeance of them in the day of judgment, in putting fire and worms in their flesh; and they shall feel them, and weep for ever.

1 Maccabees 9:54chapter context similar meaning "Moreover in the hundred fifty and third year, in the second month, Alcimus commanded that the wall of the inner court of the sanctuary should be pulled down; he pulled down also the works of the prophets" 1 Maccabees 9:54 KJVcopy save
Moreover in the hundred fifty and third year, in the second month, Alcimus commanded that the wall of the inner court of the sanctuary should be pulled down; he pulled down also the works of the prophets

Tobit 3:11chapter context similar meaning "Then she prayed toward the window, and said, Blessed art thou, O Lord my God, and thine holy and glorious name is blessed and honourable for ever: let all thy works praise thee for ever." Tobit 3:11 KJVcopy save
Then she prayed toward the window, and said, Blessed art thou, O Lord my God, and thine holy and glorious name is blessed and honourable for ever: let all thy works praise thee for ever.

Prayer of Azariah 1:35chapter context similar meaning "O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever," Prayer of Azariah 1:35 KJVcopy save
O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever,

Wisdom of Solomon 13:10chapter context similar meaning "But miserable are they, and in dead things is their hope, who call them gods, which are the works of men's hands, gold and silver, to shew art in, and resemblances of beasts, or a stone good for nothing, the work of an ancient hand." Wisdom of Solomon 13:10 KJVcopy save
But miserable are they, and in dead things is their hope, who call them gods, which are the works of men's hands, gold and silver, to shew art in, and resemblances of beasts, or a stone good for nothing, the work of an ancient hand.


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