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2 Esdras 2:31chapter context similar meaning "Remember thy children that sleep, for I shall bring them out of the sides of the earth, and shew mercy unto them: for I am merciful, saith the Lord Almighty." 2 Esdras 2:31 KJVcopy save
Remember thy children that sleep, for I shall bring them out of the sides of the earth, and shew mercy unto them: for I am merciful, saith the Lord Almighty.

2 Esdras 16:32chapter context similar meaning "And the earth shall be laid waste, and the fields thereof shall wax old, and her ways and all her paths shall grow full of thorns, because no man shall travel therethrough." 2 Esdras 16:32 KJVcopy save
And the earth shall be laid waste, and the fields thereof shall wax old, and her ways and all her paths shall grow full of thorns, because no man shall travel therethrough.

Judith 2:19chapter context similar meaning "Then he went forth and all his power to go before king Nabuchodonosor in the voyage, and to cover all the face of the earth westward with their chariots, and horsemen, and their chosen footmen." Judith 2:19 KJVcopy save
Then he went forth and all his power to go before king Nabuchodonosor in the voyage, and to cover all the face of the earth westward with their chariots, and horsemen, and their chosen footmen.

Judith 11:1chapter context similar meaning "Then said Holofernes unto her, Woman, be of good comfort, fear not in thine heart: for I never hurt any that was willing to serve Nabuchodonosor, the king of all the earth." Judith 11:1 KJVcopy save
Then said Holofernes unto her, Woman, be of good comfort, fear not in thine heart: for I never hurt any that was willing to serve Nabuchodonosor, the king of all the earth.

Judith 11:8chapter context similar meaning "For we have heard of thy wisdom and thy policies, and it is reported in all the earth, that thou only art excellent in all the kingdom, and mighty in knowledge, and wonderful in feats of war." Judith 11:8 KJVcopy save
For we have heard of thy wisdom and thy policies, and it is reported in all the earth, that thou only art excellent in all the kingdom, and mighty in knowledge, and wonderful in feats of war.

2 Esdras 3:18chapter context similar meaning "And bowing the heavens, thou didst set fast the earth, movedst the whole world, and madest the depths to tremble, and troubledst the men of that age." 2 Esdras 3:18 KJVcopy save
And bowing the heavens, thou didst set fast the earth, movedst the whole world, and madest the depths to tremble, and troubledst the men of that age.

2 Esdras 5:1chapter context similar meaning "Nevertheless as coming the tokens, behold, the days shall come, that they which dwell upon earth shall be taken in a great number, and the way of truth shall be hidden, and the land shall be barren of faith." 2 Esdras 5:1 KJVcopy save
Nevertheless as coming the tokens, behold, the days shall come, that they which dwell upon earth shall be taken in a great number, and the way of truth shall be hidden, and the land shall be barren of faith.

1 Maccabees 9:13chapter context similar meaning "They also of Judas' side, even they sounded their trumpets also, so that the earth shook at the noise of the armies, and the battle continued from morning till night." 1 Maccabees 9:13 KJVcopy save
They also of Judas' side, even they sounded their trumpets also, so that the earth shook at the noise of the armies, and the battle continued from morning till night.

2 Esdras 15:20chapter context similar meaning "Behold, saith God, I will call together all the kings of the earth to reverence me, which are from the rising of the sun, from the south, from the east, and Libanus; to turn themselves one against another, and repay the things that they have done to them." 2 Esdras 15:20 KJVcopy save
Behold, saith God, I will call together all the kings of the earth to reverence me, which are from the rising of the sun, from the south, from the east, and Libanus; to turn themselves one against another, and repay the things that they have done to them.

Judith 10:19chapter context similar meaning "And they wondered at her beauty, and admired the children of Israel because of her, and every one said to his neighbour, Who would despise this people, that have among them such women? surely it is not good that one man of them be left who being let go might deceive the whole earth." Judith 10:19 KJVcopy save
And they wondered at her beauty, and admired the children of Israel because of her, and every one said to his neighbour, Who would despise this people, that have among them such women? surely it is not good that one man of them be left who being let go might deceive the whole earth.

Wisdom of Solomon 18:16chapter context similar meaning "And brought thine unfeigned commandment as a sharp sword, and standing up filled all things with death; and it touched the heaven, but it stood upon the earth." Wisdom of Solomon 18:16 KJVcopy save
And brought thine unfeigned commandment as a sharp sword, and standing up filled all things with death; and it touched the heaven, but it stood upon the earth.

Judith 7:4chapter context similar meaning "Now the children of Israel, when they saw the multitude of them, were greatly troubled, and said every one to his neighbour, Now will these men lick up the face of the earth; for neither the high mountains, nor the valleys, nor the hills, are able to bear their weight." Judith 7:4 KJVcopy save
Now the children of Israel, when they saw the multitude of them, were greatly troubled, and said every one to his neighbour, Now will these men lick up the face of the earth; for neither the high mountains, nor the valleys, nor the hills, are able to bear their weight.

Judith 11:16chapter context similar meaning "Wherefore I thine handmaid, knowing all this, am fled from their presence; and God hath sent me to work things with thee, whereat all the earth shall be astonished, and whosoever shall hear it." Judith 11:16 KJVcopy save
Wherefore I thine handmaid, knowing all this, am fled from their presence; and God hath sent me to work things with thee, whereat all the earth shall be astonished, and whosoever shall hear it.

1 Maccabees 8:4chapter context similar meaning "And that by their policy and patience they had conquered all the place, though it were very far from them; and the kings also that came against them from the uttermost part of the earth, till they had discomfited them, and given them a great overthrow, so that the rest did give them tribute every year:" 1 Maccabees 8:4 KJVcopy save
And that by their policy and patience they had conquered all the place, though it were very far from them; and the kings also that came against them from the uttermost part of the earth, till they had discomfited them, and given them a great overthrow, so that the rest did give them tribute every year:

2 Maccabees 14:15chapter context similar meaning "Now when the Jews heard of Nicanor's coming, and that the heathen were up against them, they cast earth upon their heads, and made supplication to him that had established his people for ever, and who always helpeth his portion with manifestation of his presence." 2 Maccabees 14:15 KJVcopy save
Now when the Jews heard of Nicanor's coming, and that the heathen were up against them, they cast earth upon their heads, and made supplication to him that had established his people for ever, and who always helpeth his portion with manifestation of his presence.

2 Maccabees 7:28chapter context similar meaning "I beseech thee, my son, look upon the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, and consider that God made them of things that were not; and so was mankind made likewise." 2 Maccabees 7:28 KJVcopy save
I beseech thee, my son, look upon the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, and consider that God made them of things that were not; and so was mankind made likewise.

2 Esdras 16:62chapter context similar meaning "Yea and the Spirit of Almighty God, which made all things, and searcheth out all hidden things in the secrets of the earth," 2 Esdras 16:62 KJVcopy save
Yea and the Spirit of Almighty God, which made all things, and searcheth out all hidden things in the secrets of the earth,

Judith 2:20chapter context similar meaning "A great number also sundry countries came with them like locusts, and like the sand of the earth: for the multitude was without number." Judith 2:20 KJVcopy save
A great number also sundry countries came with them like locusts, and like the sand of the earth: for the multitude was without number.

Additions to Esther 13:10chapter context similar meaning "For thou hast made heaven and earth, and all the wondrous things under the heaven." Additions to Esther 13:10 KJVcopy save
For thou hast made heaven and earth, and all the wondrous things under the heaven.

Ecclesiasticus 16:18chapter context similar meaning "Behold, the heaven, and the heaven of heavens, the deep, and the earth, and all that therein is, shall be moved when he shall visit." Ecclesiasticus 16:18 KJVcopy save
Behold, the heaven, and the heaven of heavens, the deep, and the earth, and all that therein is, shall be moved when he shall visit.

2 Esdras 16:23chapter context similar meaning "And the dead shall be cast out as dung, and there shall be no man to comfort them: for the earth shall be wasted, and the cities shall be cast down." 2 Esdras 16:23 KJVcopy save
And the dead shall be cast out as dung, and there shall be no man to comfort them: for the earth shall be wasted, and the cities shall be cast down.

2 Esdras 15:35chapter context similar meaning "They shall smite one upon another, and they shall smite down a great multitude of stars upon the earth, even their own star; and blood shall be from the sword unto the belly," 2 Esdras 15:35 KJVcopy save
They shall smite one upon another, and they shall smite down a great multitude of stars upon the earth, even their own star; and blood shall be from the sword unto the belly,

2 Esdras 11:16chapter context similar meaning "Hear thou that hast borne rule over the earth so long: this I say unto thee, before thou beginnest to appear no more," 2 Esdras 11:16 KJVcopy save
Hear thou that hast borne rule over the earth so long: this I say unto thee, before thou beginnest to appear no more,

2 Esdras 3:12chapter context similar meaning "And it happened, that when they that dwelt upon the earth began to multiply, and had gotten them many children, and were a great people, they began again to be more ungodly than the first." 2 Esdras 3:12 KJVcopy save
And it happened, that when they that dwelt upon the earth began to multiply, and had gotten them many children, and were a great people, they began again to be more ungodly than the first.

2 Esdras 13:4chapter context similar meaning "And whensoever the voice went out of his mouth, all they burned that heard his voice, like as the earth faileth when it feeleth the fire." 2 Esdras 13:4 KJVcopy save
And whensoever the voice went out of his mouth, all they burned that heard his voice, like as the earth faileth when it feeleth the fire.

Wisdom of Solomon 1:1chapter context similar meaning "Love righteousness, ye that be judges of the earth: think of the Lord with a good (heart,) and in simplicity of heart seek him." Wisdom of Solomon 1:1 KJVcopy save
Love righteousness, ye that be judges of the earth: think of the Lord with a good (heart,) and in simplicity of heart seek him.

1 Esdras 8:77chapter context similar meaning "And for our sins and our fathers' we with our brethren and our kings and our priests were given up unto the kings of the earth, to the sword, and to captivity, and for a prey with shame, unto this day." 1 Esdras 8:77 KJVcopy save
And for our sins and our fathers' we with our brethren and our kings and our priests were given up unto the kings of the earth, to the sword, and to captivity, and for a prey with shame, unto this day.

2 Esdras 15:37chapter context similar meaning "And there shall be great fearfulness and trembling upon earth: and they that see the wrath shall be afraid, and trembling shall come upon them." 2 Esdras 15:37 KJVcopy save
And there shall be great fearfulness and trembling upon earth: and they that see the wrath shall be afraid, and trembling shall come upon them.

Ecclesiasticus 43:17chapter context similar meaning "The noise of the thunder maketh the earth to tremble: so doth the northern storm and the whirlwind: as birds flying he scattereth the snow, and the falling down thereof is as the lighting of grasshoppers:" Ecclesiasticus 43:17 KJVcopy save
The noise of the thunder maketh the earth to tremble: so doth the northern storm and the whirlwind: as birds flying he scattereth the snow, and the falling down thereof is as the lighting of grasshoppers:

Ecclesiasticus 36:17chapter context similar meaning "O Lord, hear the prayer of thy servants, according to the blessing of Aaron over thy people, that all they which dwell upon the earth may know that thou art the Lord, the eternal God." Ecclesiasticus 36:17 KJVcopy save
O Lord, hear the prayer of thy servants, according to the blessing of Aaron over thy people, that all they which dwell upon the earth may know that thou art the Lord, the eternal God.


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