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Wisdom of Solomon 6:23chapter context similar meaning "Neither will I go with consuming envy; for such a man shall have no fellowship with wisdom." Wisdom of Solomon 6:23 KJVcopy save
Neither will I go with consuming envy; for such a man shall have no fellowship with wisdom.

Ecclesiasticus 13:17chapter context similar meaning "What fellowship hath the wolf with the lamb? so the sinner with the godly." Ecclesiasticus 13:17 KJVcopy save
What fellowship hath the wolf with the lamb? so the sinner with the godly.

Ecclesiasticus 13:1chapter context similar meaning "He that toucheth pitch shall be defiled therewith; and he that hath fellowship with a proud man shall be like unto him." Ecclesiasticus 13:1 KJVcopy save
He that toucheth pitch shall be defiled therewith; and he that hath fellowship with a proud man shall be like unto him.

Ecclesiasticus 13:2chapter context similar meaning "Burden not thyself above thy power while thou livest; and have no fellowship with one that is mightier and richer than thyself: for how agree the kettle and the earthen pot together? for if the one be smitten against the other, it shall be broken." Ecclesiasticus 13:2 KJVcopy save
Burden not thyself above thy power while thou livest; and have no fellowship with one that is mightier and richer than thyself: for how agree the kettle and the earthen pot together? for if the one be smitten against the other, it shall be broken.