2 Maccabees 3:8chapter contextsimilarmeaning"So forthwith Heliodorus took his journey; under a colour of visiting the cities of Celosyria and Phenice, but indeed to fulfil the king's purpose." 2 Maccabees 3:8 KJVcopysave
So forthwith Heliodorus took his journey; under a colour of visiting the cities of Celosyria and Phenice, but indeed to fulfil the king's purpose.
2 Maccabees 3:16chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Then whoso had looked the high priest in the face, it would have wounded his heart: for his countenance and the changing of his colour declared the inward agony of his mind." 2 Maccabees 3:16 KJVcopysave
Then whoso had looked the high priest in the face, it would have wounded his heart: for his countenance and the changing of his colour declared the inward agony of his mind.
2 Esdras 6:44chapter contextsimilarmeaning"For immediately there was great and innumerable fruit, and many and divers pleasures for the taste, and flowers of unchangeable colour, and odours of wonderful smell: and this was done the third day." 2 Esdras 6:44 KJVcopysave
For immediately there was great and innumerable fruit, and many and divers pleasures for the taste, and flowers of unchangeable colour, and odours of wonderful smell: and this was done the third day.
2 Esdras 14:39chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Then opened I my mouth, and, behold, he reached me a full cup, which was full as it were with water, but the colour of it was like fire." 2 Esdras 14:39 KJVcopysave
Then opened I my mouth, and, behold, he reached me a full cup, which was full as it were with water, but the colour of it was like fire.
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