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"CREATED" in the KJV Bible

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2 Esdras 8:3chapter context similar meaning "There be many created, but few shall be saved." 2 Esdras 8:3 KJVcopy save
There be many created, but few shall be saved.

Ecclesiasticus 1:9chapter context similar meaning "He created her, and saw her, and numbered her, and poured her out upon all his works." Ecclesiasticus 1:9 KJVcopy save
He created her, and saw her, and numbered her, and poured her out upon all his works.

Ecclesiasticus 17:1chapter context similar meaning "The Lord created man of the earth, and turned him into it again." Ecclesiasticus 17:1 KJVcopy save
The Lord created man of the earth, and turned him into it again.

Ecclesiasticus 24:9chapter context similar meaning "He created me from the beginning before the world, and I shall never fail." Ecclesiasticus 24:9 KJVcopy save
He created me from the beginning before the world, and I shall never fail.

Ecclesiasticus 33:10chapter context similar meaning "And all men are from the ground, and Adam was created of earth:" Ecclesiasticus 33:10 KJVcopy save
And all men are from the ground, and Adam was created of earth:

Ecclesiasticus 23:20chapter context similar meaning "He knew all things ere ever they were created; so also after they were perfected he looked upon them all." Ecclesiasticus 23:20 KJVcopy save
He knew all things ere ever they were created; so also after they were perfected he looked upon them all.

Ecclesiasticus 40:10chapter context similar meaning "These things are created for the wicked, and for their sakes came the flood." Ecclesiasticus 40:10 KJVcopy save
These things are created for the wicked, and for their sakes came the flood.

Wisdom of Solomon 2:23chapter context similar meaning "For God created man to be immortal, and made him to be an image of his own eternity." Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 KJVcopy save
For God created man to be immortal, and made him to be an image of his own eternity.

Ecclesiasticus 18:1chapter context similar meaning "He that liveth for ever Hath created all things in general." Ecclesiasticus 18:1 KJVcopy save
He that liveth for ever Hath created all things in general.

Ecclesiasticus 39:29chapter context similar meaning "Fire, and hail, and famine, and death, all these were created for vengeance;" Ecclesiasticus 39:29 KJVcopy save
Fire, and hail, and famine, and death, all these were created for vengeance;

2 Esdras 8:60chapter context similar meaning "But they which be created have defiled the name of him that made them, and were unthankful unto him which prepared life for them." 2 Esdras 8:60 KJVcopy save
But they which be created have defiled the name of him that made them, and were unthankful unto him which prepared life for them.

2 Esdras 5:44chapter context similar meaning "Then answered he me, and said, The creature may not haste above the maker; neither may the world hold them at once that shall be created therein." 2 Esdras 5:44 KJVcopy save
Then answered he me, and said, The creature may not haste above the maker; neither may the world hold them at once that shall be created therein.

Ecclesiasticus 38:4chapter context similar meaning "The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them." Ecclesiasticus 38:4 KJVcopy save
The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.

Wisdom of Solomon 10:1chapter context similar meaning "She preserved the first formed father of the world, that was created alone, and brought him out of his fall," Wisdom of Solomon 10:1 KJVcopy save
She preserved the first formed father of the world, that was created alone, and brought him out of his fall,

Ecclesiasticus 1:4chapter context similar meaning "Wisdom hath been created before all things, and the understanding of prudence from everlasting." Ecclesiasticus 1:4 KJVcopy save
Wisdom hath been created before all things, and the understanding of prudence from everlasting.

Ecclesiasticus 1:14chapter context similar meaning "To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and it was created with the faithful in the womb." Ecclesiasticus 1:14 KJVcopy save
To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and it was created with the faithful in the womb.

Ecclesiasticus 43:25chapter context similar meaning "For therein be strange and wondrous works, variety of all kinds of beasts and whales created." Ecclesiasticus 43:25 KJVcopy save
For therein be strange and wondrous works, variety of all kinds of beasts and whales created.

Ecclesiasticus 38:12chapter context similar meaning "Then give place to the physician, for the Lord hath created him: let him not go from thee, for thou hast need of him." Ecclesiasticus 38:12 KJVcopy save
Then give place to the physician, for the Lord hath created him: let him not go from thee, for thou hast need of him.

2 Esdras 5:49chapter context similar meaning "For like as a young child may not bring forth the things that belong to the aged, even so have I disposed the world which I created." 2 Esdras 5:49 KJVcopy save
For like as a young child may not bring forth the things that belong to the aged, even so have I disposed the world which I created.

2 Esdras 9:19chapter context similar meaning "For then every one obeyed: but now the manners of them which are created in this world that is made are corrupted by a perpetual seed, and by a law which is unsearchable rid themselves." 2 Esdras 9:19 KJVcopy save
For then every one obeyed: but now the manners of them which are created in this world that is made are corrupted by a perpetual seed, and by a law which is unsearchable rid themselves.

Wisdom of Solomon 1:14chapter context similar meaning "For he created all things, that they might have their being: and the generations of the world were healthful; and there is no poison of destruction in them, nor the kingdom of death upon the earth:" Wisdom of Solomon 1:14 KJVcopy save
For he created all things, that they might have their being: and the generations of the world were healthful; and there is no poison of destruction in them, nor the kingdom of death upon the earth:

2 Esdras 2:14chapter context similar meaning "Take heaven and earth to witness; for I have broken the evil in pieces, and created the good: for I live, saith the Lord." 2 Esdras 2:14 KJVcopy save
Take heaven and earth to witness; for I have broken the evil in pieces, and created the good: for I live, saith the Lord.

Ecclesiasticus 39:28chapter context similar meaning "There be spirits that are created for vengeance, which in their fury lay on sore strokes; in the time of destruction they pour out their force, and appease the wrath of him that made them." Ecclesiasticus 39:28 KJVcopy save
There be spirits that are created for vengeance, which in their fury lay on sore strokes; in the time of destruction they pour out their force, and appease the wrath of him that made them.

Ecclesiasticus 31:13chapter context similar meaning "Remember that a wicked eye is an evil thing: and what is created more wicked than an eye? therefore it weepeth upon every occasion." Ecclesiasticus 31:13 KJVcopy save
Remember that a wicked eye is an evil thing: and what is created more wicked than an eye? therefore it weepeth upon every occasion.

Wisdom of Solomon 13:3chapter context similar meaning "With whose beauty if they being delighted took them to be gods; let them know how much better the Lord of them is: for the first author of beauty hath created them." Wisdom of Solomon 13:3 KJVcopy save
With whose beauty if they being delighted took them to be gods; let them know how much better the Lord of them is: for the first author of beauty hath created them.

2 Esdras 9:13chapter context similar meaning "And therefore be thou not curious how the ungodly shall be punished, and when: but enquire how the righteous shall be saved, whose the world is, and for whom the world is created." 2 Esdras 9:13 KJVcopy save
And therefore be thou not curious how the ungodly shall be punished, and when: but enquire how the righteous shall be saved, whose the world is, and for whom the world is created.

Ecclesiasticus 40:1chapter context similar meaning "Great travail is created for every man, and an heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day that they go out of their mother's womb, till the day that they return to the mother of all things." Ecclesiasticus 40:1 KJVcopy save
Great travail is created for every man, and an heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day that they go out of their mother's womb, till the day that they return to the mother of all things.

Bel and the Dragon 1:5chapter context similar meaning "Who answered and said, Because I may not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who hath created the heaven and the earth, and hath sovereignty over all flesh." Bel and the Dragon 1:5 KJVcopy save
Who answered and said, Because I may not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who hath created the heaven and the earth, and hath sovereignty over all flesh.

Judith 16:14chapter context similar meaning "Let all creatures serve thee: for thou spakest, and they were made, thou didst send forth thy spirit, and it created them, and there is none that can resist thy voice." Judith 16:14 KJVcopy save
Let all creatures serve thee: for thou spakest, and they were made, thou didst send forth thy spirit, and it created them, and there is none that can resist thy voice.

Ecclesiasticus 38:1chapter context similar meaning "Honour a physician with the honour due unto him for the uses which ye may have of him: for the Lord hath created him." Ecclesiasticus 38:1 KJVcopy save
Honour a physician with the honour due unto him for the uses which ye may have of him: for the Lord hath created him.


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