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2 Esdras 11:43chapter context similar meaning "Therefore is thy wrongful dealing come up unto the Highest, and thy pride unto the Mighty." 2 Esdras 11:43 KJVcopy save
Therefore is thy wrongful dealing come up unto the Highest, and thy pride unto the Mighty.

Ecclesiasticus 29:7chapter context similar meaning "Many therefore have refused to lend for other men's ill dealing, fearing to be defrauded." Ecclesiasticus 29:7 KJVcopy save
Many therefore have refused to lend for other men's ill dealing, fearing to be defrauded.

Ecclesiasticus 40:12chapter context similar meaning "All bribery and injustice shall be blotted out: but true dealing shall endure for ever." Ecclesiasticus 40:12 KJVcopy save
All bribery and injustice shall be blotted out: but true dealing shall endure for ever.

2 Maccabees 14:29chapter context similar meaning "But because there was no dealing against the king, he watched his time to accomplish this thing by policy." 2 Maccabees 14:29 KJVcopy save
But because there was no dealing against the king, he watched his time to accomplish this thing by policy.

Ecclesiasticus 41:18chapter context similar meaning "Of an offence before a judge and ruler; of iniquity before a congregation and people; of unjust dealing before thy partner and friend;" Ecclesiasticus 41:18 KJVcopy save
Of an offence before a judge and ruler; of iniquity before a congregation and people; of unjust dealing before thy partner and friend;

Wisdom of Solomon 16:2chapter context similar meaning "Instead of which punishment, dealing graciously with thine own people, thou preparedst for them meat of a strange taste, even quails to stir up their appetite:" Wisdom of Solomon 16:2 KJVcopy save
Instead of which punishment, dealing graciously with thine own people, thou preparedst for them meat of a strange taste, even quails to stir up their appetite:

2 Maccabees 14:8chapter context similar meaning "First, verily for the unfeigned care I have of things pertaining to the king; and secondly, even for that I intend the good of mine own countrymen: for all our nation is in no small misery through the unadvised dealing of them aforersaid." 2 Maccabees 14:8 KJVcopy save
First, verily for the unfeigned care I have of things pertaining to the king; and secondly, even for that I intend the good of mine own countrymen: for all our nation is in no small misery through the unadvised dealing of them aforersaid.

2 Esdras 6:32chapter context similar meaning "For thy voice is heard before the most High: for the Mighty hath seen thy righteous dealing, he hath seen also thy chastity, which thou hast had ever since thy youth." 2 Esdras 6:32 KJVcopy save
For thy voice is heard before the most High: for the Mighty hath seen thy righteous dealing, he hath seen also thy chastity, which thou hast had ever since thy youth.

Wisdom of Solomon 5:23chapter context similar meaning "Yea, a mighty wind shall stand up against them, and like a storm shall blow them away: thus iniquity shall lay waste the whole earth, and ill dealing shall overthrow the thrones of the mighty." Wisdom of Solomon 5:23 KJVcopy save
Yea, a mighty wind shall stand up against them, and like a storm shall blow them away: thus iniquity shall lay waste the whole earth, and ill dealing shall overthrow the thrones of the mighty.

Ecclesiasticus 28:21chapter context similar meaning "The death thereof is an evil death, the grave were better than it." Ecclesiasticus 28:21 KJVcopy save
The death thereof is an evil death, the grave were better than it.

2 Esdras 9:12chapter context similar meaning "The same must know it after death by pain." 2 Esdras 9:12 KJVcopy save
The same must know it after death by pain.

Ecclesiasticus 15:17chapter context similar meaning "Before man is life and death; and whether him liketh shall be given him." Ecclesiasticus 15:17 KJVcopy save
Before man is life and death; and whether him liketh shall be given him.

2 Esdras 3:10chapter context similar meaning "And it came to pass in every of them, that as death was to Adam, so was the flood to these." 2 Esdras 3:10 KJVcopy save
And it came to pass in every of them, that as death was to Adam, so was the flood to these.

Ecclesiasticus 11:28chapter context similar meaning "Judge none blessed before his death: for a man shall be known in his children." Ecclesiasticus 11:28 KJVcopy save
Judge none blessed before his death: for a man shall be known in his children.

2 Esdras 10:43chapter context similar meaning "And whereas she told thee of the death of her son, this is the solution:" 2 Esdras 10:43 KJVcopy save
And whereas she told thee of the death of her son, this is the solution:

Wisdom of Solomon 2:20chapter context similar meaning "Let us condemn him with a shameful death: for by his own saying he shall be respected." Wisdom of Solomon 2:20 KJVcopy save
Let us condemn him with a shameful death: for by his own saying he shall be respected.

Wisdom of Solomon 4:7chapter context similar meaning "But though the righteous be prevented with death, yet shall he be in rest." Wisdom of Solomon 4:7 KJVcopy save
But though the righteous be prevented with death, yet shall he be in rest.

Tobit 4:10chapter context similar meaning "Because that alms do deliver from death, and suffereth not to come into darkness." Tobit 4:10 KJVcopy save
Because that alms do deliver from death, and suffereth not to come into darkness.

Letter of Jeremiah 1:36chapter context similar meaning "They can save no man from death, neither deliver the weak from the mighty." Letter of Jeremiah 1:36 KJVcopy save
They can save no man from death, neither deliver the weak from the mighty.

Wisdom of Solomon 18:18chapter context similar meaning "And one thrown here, and another there, half dead, shewed the cause of his death." Wisdom of Solomon 18:18 KJVcopy save
And one thrown here, and another there, half dead, shewed the cause of his death.

Ecclesiasticus 48:14chapter context similar meaning "He did wonders in his life, and at his death were his works marvellous." Ecclesiasticus 48:14 KJVcopy save
He did wonders in his life, and at his death were his works marvellous.

Ecclesiasticus 48:13chapter context similar meaning "No word could overcome him; and after his death his body prophesied." Ecclesiasticus 48:13 KJVcopy save
No word could overcome him; and after his death his body prophesied.

Ecclesiasticus 34:12chapter context similar meaning "I was ofttimes in danger of death: yet I was delivered because of these things." Ecclesiasticus 34:12 KJVcopy save
I was ofttimes in danger of death: yet I was delivered because of these things.

2 Esdras 15:26chapter context similar meaning "For the Lord knoweth all them that sin against him, and therefore delivereth he them unto death and destruction." 2 Esdras 15:26 KJVcopy save
For the Lord knoweth all them that sin against him, and therefore delivereth he them unto death and destruction.

2 Esdras 8:38chapter context similar meaning "For indeed I will not think on the disposition of them which have sinned before death, before judgment, before destruction:" 2 Esdras 8:38 KJVcopy save
For indeed I will not think on the disposition of them which have sinned before death, before judgment, before destruction:

2 Maccabees 6:22chapter context similar meaning "That in so doing he might be delivered from death, and for the old friendship with them find favour." 2 Maccabees 6:22 KJVcopy save
That in so doing he might be delivered from death, and for the old friendship with them find favour.

Ecclesiasticus 30:17chapter context similar meaning "Death is better than a bitter life or continual sickness." Ecclesiasticus 30:17 KJVcopy save
Death is better than a bitter life or continual sickness.

2 Maccabees 13:7chapter context similar meaning "Such a death it happened that wicked man to die, not having so much as burial in the earth; and that most justly:" 2 Maccabees 13:7 KJVcopy save
Such a death it happened that wicked man to die, not having so much as burial in the earth; and that most justly:

Ecclesiasticus 39:29chapter context similar meaning "Fire, and hail, and famine, and death, all these were created for vengeance;" Ecclesiasticus 39:29 KJVcopy save
Fire, and hail, and famine, and death, all these were created for vengeance;

Ecclesiasticus 37:2chapter context similar meaning "Is it not a grief unto death, when a companion and friend is turned to an enemy?" Ecclesiasticus 37:2 KJVcopy save
Is it not a grief unto death, when a companion and friend is turned to an enemy?


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