Susanna 1:18chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And they did as she bade them, and shut the garden doors, and went out themselves at privy doors to fetch the things that she had commanded them: but they saw not the elders, because they were hid." Susanna 1:18 KJVcopysave
And they did as she bade them, and shut the garden doors, and went out themselves at privy doors to fetch the things that she had commanded them: but they saw not the elders, because they were hid.
Wisdom of Solomon 19:17chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Therefore even with blindness were these stricken, as those were at the doors of the righteous man: when, being compassed about with horrible great darkness, every one sought the passage of his own doors." Wisdom of Solomon 19:17 KJVcopysave
Therefore even with blindness were these stricken, as those were at the doors of the righteous man: when, being compassed about with horrible great darkness, every one sought the passage of his own doors.
Letter of Jeremiah 1:18chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And as the doors are made sure on every side upon him that offendeth the king, as being committed to suffer death: even so the priests make fast their temples with doors, with locks, and bars, lest their gods be spoiled with robbers." Letter of Jeremiah 1:18 KJVcopysave
And as the doors are made sure on every side upon him that offendeth the king, as being committed to suffer death: even so the priests make fast their temples with doors, with locks, and bars, lest their gods be spoiled with robbers.
Ecclesiasticus 14:23chapter contextsimilarmeaning"He that prieth in at her windows shall also hearken at her doors." Ecclesiasticus 14:23 KJVcopysave
He that prieth in at her windows shall also hearken at her doors.
1 Maccabees 1:55chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And burnt incense at the doors of their houses, and in the streets." 1 Maccabees 1:55 KJVcopysave
And burnt incense at the doors of their houses, and in the streets.
Susanna 1:20chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Behold, the garden doors are shut, that no man can see us, and we are in love with thee; therefore consent unto us, and lie with us." Susanna 1:20 KJVcopysave
Behold, the garden doors are shut, that no man can see us, and we are in love with thee; therefore consent unto us, and lie with us.
Wisdom of Solomon 6:14chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Whoso seeketh her early shall have no great travail: for he shall find her sitting at his doors." Wisdom of Solomon 6:14 KJVcopysave
Whoso seeketh her early shall have no great travail: for he shall find her sitting at his doors.
Susanna 1:17chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Then she said to her maids, Bring me oil and washing balls, and shut the garden doors, that I may wash me." Susanna 1:17 KJVcopysave
Then she said to her maids, Bring me oil and washing balls, and shut the garden doors, that I may wash me.
Bel and the Dragon 1:21chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And took the priests with their wives and children, who shewed him the privy doors, where they came in, and consumed such things as were upon the table." Bel and the Dragon 1:21 KJVcopysave
And took the priests with their wives and children, who shewed him the privy doors, where they came in, and consumed such things as were upon the table.
2 Maccabees 14:43chapter contextsimilarmeaning"But missing his stroke through haste, the multitude also rushing within the doors, he ran boldly up to the wall, and cast himself down manfully among the thickest of them." 2 Maccabees 14:43 KJVcopysave
But missing his stroke through haste, the multitude also rushing within the doors, he ran boldly up to the wall, and cast himself down manfully among the thickest of them.
1 Maccabees 4:57chapter contextsimilarmeaning"They decked also the forefront of the temple with crowns of gold, and with shields; and the gates and the chambers they renewed, and hanged doors upon them." 1 Maccabees 4:57 KJVcopysave
They decked also the forefront of the temple with crowns of gold, and with shields; and the gates and the chambers they renewed, and hanged doors upon them.
1 Esdras 4:49chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Moreover he wrote for all the Jews that went out of his realm up into Jewry, concerning their freedom, that no officer, no ruler, no lieutenant, nor treasurer, should forcibly enter into their doors;" 1 Esdras 4:49 KJVcopysave
Moreover he wrote for all the Jews that went out of his realm up into Jewry, concerning their freedom, that no officer, no ruler, no lieutenant, nor treasurer, should forcibly enter into their doors;
Additions to Esther 15:6chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Then having passed through all the doors, she stood before the king, who sat upon his royal throne, and was clothed with all his robes of majesty, all glittering with gold and precious stones; and he was very dreadful." Additions to Esther 15:6 KJVcopysave
Then having passed through all the doors, she stood before the king, who sat upon his royal throne, and was clothed with all his robes of majesty, all glittering with gold and precious stones; and he was very dreadful.
Susanna 1:36chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And the elders said, As we walked in the garden alone, this woman came in with two maids, and shut the garden doors, and sent the maids away." Susanna 1:36 KJVcopysave
And the elders said, As we walked in the garden alone, this woman came in with two maids, and shut the garden doors, and sent the maids away.