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"FOSTER CARE" in the KJV Bible

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Tobit 10:5chapter context similar meaning "Now I care for nothing, my son, since I have let thee go, the light of mine eyes." Tobit 10:5 KJVcopy save
Now I care for nothing, my son, since I have let thee go, the light of mine eyes.

Tobit 10:6chapter context similar meaning "To whom Tobit said, Hold thy peace, take no care, for he is safe." Tobit 10:6 KJVcopy save
To whom Tobit said, Hold thy peace, take no care, for he is safe.

Additions to Esther 16:8chapter context similar meaning "And we must take care for the time to come, that our kingdom may be quiet and peaceable for all men," Additions to Esther 16:8 KJVcopy save
And we must take care for the time to come, that our kingdom may be quiet and peaceable for all men,

2 Maccabees 15:19chapter context similar meaning "Also they that were in the city took not the least care, being troubled for the conflict abroad." 2 Maccabees 15:19 KJVcopy save
Also they that were in the city took not the least care, being troubled for the conflict abroad.

Wisdom of Solomon 6:15chapter context similar meaning "To think therefore upon her is perfection of wisdom: and whoso watcheth for her shall quickly be without care." Wisdom of Solomon 6:15 KJVcopy save
To think therefore upon her is perfection of wisdom: and whoso watcheth for her shall quickly be without care.

Ecclesiasticus 30:25chapter context similar meaning "A cheerful and good heart will have a care of his meat and diet." Ecclesiasticus 30:25 KJVcopy save
A cheerful and good heart will have a care of his meat and diet.

Ecclesiasticus 50:4chapter context similar meaning "He took care of the temple that it should not fall, and fortified the city against besieging:" Ecclesiasticus 50:4 KJVcopy save
He took care of the temple that it should not fall, and fortified the city against besieging:

Wisdom of Solomon 5:15chapter context similar meaning "But the righteous live for evermore; their reward also is with the Lord, and the care of them is with the most High." Wisdom of Solomon 5:15 KJVcopy save
But the righteous live for evermore; their reward also is with the Lord, and the care of them is with the most High.

Tobit 5:20chapter context similar meaning "Then said Tobit to her, Take no care, my sister; he shall return in safety, and thine eyes shall see him." Tobit 5:20 KJVcopy save
Then said Tobit to her, Take no care, my sister; he shall return in safety, and thine eyes shall see him.

Ecclesiasticus 31:2chapter context similar meaning "Watching care will not let a man slumber, as a sore disease breaketh sleep," Ecclesiasticus 31:2 KJVcopy save
Watching care will not let a man slumber, as a sore disease breaketh sleep,

Ecclesiasticus 7:24chapter context similar meaning "Hast thou daughters? have a care of their body, and shew not thyself cheerful toward them." Ecclesiasticus 7:24 KJVcopy save
Hast thou daughters? have a care of their body, and shew not thyself cheerful toward them.

Ecclesiasticus 31:1chapter context similar meaning "Watching for riches consumeth the flesh, and the care thereof driveth away sleep." Ecclesiasticus 31:1 KJVcopy save
Watching for riches consumeth the flesh, and the care thereof driveth away sleep.

Ecclesiasticus 32:1chapter context similar meaning "If thou be made the master of a feast, lift not thyself up, but be among them as one of the rest; take diligent care for them, and so sit down." Ecclesiasticus 32:1 KJVcopy save
If thou be made the master of a feast, lift not thyself up, but be among them as one of the rest; take diligent care for them, and so sit down.

1 Maccabees 6:10chapter context similar meaning "Wherefore he called for all his friends, and said unto them, The sleep is gone from mine eyes, and my heart faileth for very care." 1 Maccabees 6:10 KJVcopy save
Wherefore he called for all his friends, and said unto them, The sleep is gone from mine eyes, and my heart faileth for very care.

2 Maccabees 2:29chapter context similar meaning "For as the master builder of a new house must care for the whole building; but he that undertaketh to set it out, and paint it, must seek out fit things for the adorning thereof: even so I think it is with us." 2 Maccabees 2:29 KJVcopy save
For as the master builder of a new house must care for the whole building; but he that undertaketh to set it out, and paint it, must seek out fit things for the adorning thereof: even so I think it is with us.

2 Maccabees 15:18chapter context similar meaning "For the care that they took for their wives, and their children, their brethren, and folks, was in least account with them: but the greatest and principal fear was for the holy temple." 2 Maccabees 15:18 KJVcopy save
For the care that they took for their wives, and their children, their brethren, and folks, was in least account with them: but the greatest and principal fear was for the holy temple.

Wisdom of Solomon 7:23chapter context similar meaning "Kind to man, steadfast, sure, free from care, having all power, overseeing all things, and going through all understanding, pure, and most subtil, spirits." Wisdom of Solomon 7:23 KJVcopy save
Kind to man, steadfast, sure, free from care, having all power, overseeing all things, and going through all understanding, pure, and most subtil, spirits.

Ecclesiasticus 42:9chapter context similar meaning "The father waketh for the daughter, when no man knoweth; and the care for her taketh away sleep: when she is young, lest she pass away the flower of her age; and being married, lest she should be hated:" Ecclesiasticus 42:9 KJVcopy save
The father waketh for the daughter, when no man knoweth; and the care for her taketh away sleep: when she is young, lest she pass away the flower of her age; and being married, lest she should be hated:

1 Maccabees 9:58chapter context similar meaning "Then all the ungodly men held a council, saying, Behold, Jonathan and his company are at ease, and dwell without care: now therefore we will bring Bacchides hither, who shall take them all in one night." 1 Maccabees 9:58 KJVcopy save
Then all the ungodly men held a council, saying, Behold, Jonathan and his company are at ease, and dwell without care: now therefore we will bring Bacchides hither, who shall take them all in one night.

Wisdom of Solomon 3:9chapter context similar meaning "They that put their trust in him shall understand the truth: and such as be faithful in love shall abide with him: for grace and mercy is to his saints, and he hath care for his elect." Wisdom of Solomon 3:9 KJVcopy save
They that put their trust in him shall understand the truth: and such as be faithful in love shall abide with him: for grace and mercy is to his saints, and he hath care for his elect.

2 Maccabees 9:21chapter context similar meaning "As for me, I was weak, or else I would have remembered kindly your honour and good will returning out of Persia, and being taken with a grievous disease, I thought it necessary to care for the common safety of all:" 2 Maccabees 9:21 KJVcopy save
As for me, I was weak, or else I would have remembered kindly your honour and good will returning out of Persia, and being taken with a grievous disease, I thought it necessary to care for the common safety of all:

2 Maccabees 14:8chapter context similar meaning "First, verily for the unfeigned care I have of things pertaining to the king; and secondly, even for that I intend the good of mine own countrymen: for all our nation is in no small misery through the unadvised dealing of them aforersaid." 2 Maccabees 14:8 KJVcopy save
First, verily for the unfeigned care I have of things pertaining to the king; and secondly, even for that I intend the good of mine own countrymen: for all our nation is in no small misery through the unadvised dealing of them aforersaid.

Wisdom of Solomon 6:17chapter context similar meaning "For the very true beginning of her is the desire of discipline; and the care of discipline is love;" Wisdom of Solomon 6:17 KJVcopy save
For the very true beginning of her is the desire of discipline; and the care of discipline is love;

Wisdom of Solomon 15:9chapter context similar meaning "Notwithstanding his care is, not that he shall have much labour, nor that his life is short: but striveth to excel goldsmiths and silversmiths, and endeavoureth to do like the workers in brass, and counteth it his glory to make counterfeit things." Wisdom of Solomon 15:9 KJVcopy save
Notwithstanding his care is, not that he shall have much labour, nor that his life is short: but striveth to excel goldsmiths and silversmiths, and endeavoureth to do like the workers in brass, and counteth it his glory to make counterfeit things.

Ecclesiasticus 8:13chapter context similar meaning "Be not surety above thy power: for if thou be surety, take care to pay it." Ecclesiasticus 8:13 KJVcopy save
Be not surety above thy power: for if thou be surety, take care to pay it.

1 Maccabees 16:14chapter context similar meaning "Now Simon was visiting the cities that were in the country, and taking care for the good ordering of them; at which time he came down himself to Jericho with his sons, Mattathias and Judas, in the hundred threescore and seventeenth year, in the eleventh month, called Sabat:" 1 Maccabees 16:14 KJVcopy save
Now Simon was visiting the cities that were in the country, and taking care for the good ordering of them; at which time he came down himself to Jericho with his sons, Mattathias and Judas, in the hundred threescore and seventeenth year, in the eleventh month, called Sabat: