Judith 10:3chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And pulled off the sackcloth which she had on, and put off the garments of her widowhood, and washed her body all over with water, and anointed herself with precious ointment, and braided the hair of her head, and put on a tire upon it, and put on her garments of gladness, wherewith she was clad during the life of Manasses her husband." Judith 10:3 KJVcopysave
And pulled off the sackcloth which she had on, and put off the garments of her widowhood, and washed her body all over with water, and anointed herself with precious ointment, and braided the hair of her head, and put on a tire upon it, and put on her garments of gladness, wherewith she was clad during the life of Manasses her husband.
1 Esdras 4:17chapter contextsimilarmeaning"These also make garments for men; these bring glory unto men; and without women cannot men be." 1 Esdras 4:17 KJVcopysave
These also make garments for men; these bring glory unto men; and without women cannot men be.
Ecclesiasticus 42:13chapter contextsimilarmeaning"For from garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness." Ecclesiasticus 42:13 KJVcopysave
For from garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness.
Letter of Jeremiah 1:33chapter contextsimilarmeaning"The priests also take off their garments, and clothe their wives and children." Letter of Jeremiah 1:33 KJVcopysave
The priests also take off their garments, and clothe their wives and children.
1 Maccabees 10:62chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Yea more than that, the king commanded to take off his garments, and clothe him in purple: and they did so." 1 Maccabees 10:62 KJVcopysave
Yea more than that, the king commanded to take off his garments, and clothe him in purple: and they did so.
Letter of Jeremiah 1:58chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Whose gold, and silver, and garments wherewith they are clothed, they that are strong take, and go away withal: neither are they able to help themselves." Letter of Jeremiah 1:58 KJVcopysave
Whose gold, and silver, and garments wherewith they are clothed, they that are strong take, and go away withal: neither are they able to help themselves.
Additions to Esther 15:1chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And upon the third day, when she had ended her prayers, she laid away her mourning garments, and put on her glorious apparel." Additions to Esther 15:1 KJVcopysave
And upon the third day, when she had ended her prayers, she laid away her mourning garments, and put on her glorious apparel.
2 Esdras 2:39chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Which are departed from the shadow of the world, and have received glorious garments of the Lord." 2 Esdras 2:39 KJVcopysave
Which are departed from the shadow of the world, and have received glorious garments of the Lord.
Judith 14:16chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Therefore he cried with a loud voice, with weeping, and sighing, and a mighty cry, and rent his garments." Judith 14:16 KJVcopysave
Therefore he cried with a loud voice, with weeping, and sighing, and a mighty cry, and rent his garments.
1 Esdras 1:2chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Having set the priests according to their daily courses, being arrayed in long garments, in the temple of the Lord." 1 Esdras 1:2 KJVcopysave
Having set the priests according to their daily courses, being arrayed in long garments, in the temple of the Lord.
1 Maccabees 3:49chapter contextsimilarmeaning"They brought also the priests' garments, and the firstfruits, and the tithes: and the Nazarites they stirred up, who had accomplished their days." 1 Maccabees 3:49 KJVcopysave
They brought also the priests' garments, and the firstfruits, and the tithes: and the Nazarites they stirred up, who had accomplished their days.
Ecclesiasticus 45:8chapter contextsimilarmeaning"He put upon him perfect glory; and strengthened him with rich garments, with breeches, with a long robe, and the ephod." Ecclesiasticus 45:8 KJVcopysave
He put upon him perfect glory; and strengthened him with rich garments, with breeches, with a long robe, and the ephod.
Letter of Jeremiah 1:11chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Yea, they will give thereof to the common harlots, and deck them as men with garments, being gods of silver, and gods of gold, and wood." Letter of Jeremiah 1:11 KJVcopysave
Yea, they will give thereof to the common harlots, and deck them as men with garments, being gods of silver, and gods of gold, and wood.
Additions to Esther 14:2chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And laid away her glorious apparel, and put on the garments of anguish and mourning: and instead of precious ointments, she covered her head with ashes and dung, and she humbled her body greatly, and all the places of her joy she filled with her torn hair." Additions to Esther 14:2 KJVcopysave
And laid away her glorious apparel, and put on the garments of anguish and mourning: and instead of precious ointments, she covered her head with ashes and dung, and she humbled her body greatly, and all the places of her joy she filled with her torn hair.
Tobit 4:16chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Give of thy bread to the hungry, and of thy garments to them that are naked; and according to thine abundance give alms: and let not thine eye be envious, when thou givest alms." Tobit 4:16 KJVcopysave
Give of thy bread to the hungry, and of thy garments to them that are naked; and according to thine abundance give alms: and let not thine eye be envious, when thou givest alms.
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