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1 Maccabees 1:3chapter context similar meaning "And went through to the ends of the earth, and took spoils of many nations, insomuch that the earth was quiet before him; whereupon he was exalted and his heart was lifted up." 1 Maccabees 1:3 KJVcopy save
And went through to the ends of the earth, and took spoils of many nations, insomuch that the earth was quiet before him; whereupon he was exalted and his heart was lifted up.

2 Esdras 11:32chapter context similar meaning "But this head put the whole earth in fear, and bare rule in it over all those that dwelt upon the earth with much oppression; and it had the governance of the world more than all the wings that had been." 2 Esdras 11:32 KJVcopy save
But this head put the whole earth in fear, and bare rule in it over all those that dwelt upon the earth with much oppression; and it had the governance of the world more than all the wings that had been.

Ecclesiasticus 40:11chapter context similar meaning "All things that are of the earth shall turn to the earth again: and that which is of the waters doth return into the sea." Ecclesiasticus 40:11 KJVcopy save
All things that are of the earth shall turn to the earth again: and that which is of the waters doth return into the sea.

Ecclesiasticus 41:10chapter context similar meaning "All that are of the earth shall turn to earth again: so the ungodly shall go from a curse to destruction." Ecclesiasticus 41:10 KJVcopy save
All that are of the earth shall turn to earth again: so the ungodly shall go from a curse to destruction.

Judith 2:7chapter context similar meaning "And thou shalt declare unto that they prepare for me earth and water: for I will go forth in my wrath against them and will cover the whole face of the earth with the feet of mine army, and I will give them for a spoil unto them:" Judith 2:7 KJVcopy save
And thou shalt declare unto that they prepare for me earth and water: for I will go forth in my wrath against them and will cover the whole face of the earth with the feet of mine army, and I will give them for a spoil unto them:

2 Esdras 11:40chapter context similar meaning "And the fourth came, and overcame all the beasts that were past, and had power over the world with great fearfulness, and over the whole compass of the earth with much wicked oppression; and so long time dwelt he upon the earth with deceit." 2 Esdras 11:40 KJVcopy save
And the fourth came, and overcame all the beasts that were past, and had power over the world with great fearfulness, and over the whole compass of the earth with much wicked oppression; and so long time dwelt he upon the earth with deceit.

2 Esdras 16:21chapter context similar meaning "Behold, victuals shall be so good cheap upon earth, that they shall think themselves to be in good case, and even then shall evils grow upon earth, sword, famine, and great confusion." 2 Esdras 16:21 KJVcopy save
Behold, victuals shall be so good cheap upon earth, that they shall think themselves to be in good case, and even then shall evils grow upon earth, sword, famine, and great confusion.

2 Esdras 10:13chapter context similar meaning "But the earth not so: for the multitude present in it according to the course of the earth is gone, as it came:" 2 Esdras 10:13 KJVcopy save
But the earth not so: for the multitude present in it according to the course of the earth is gone, as it came:

Ecclesiasticus 49:14chapter context similar meaning "But upon the earth was no man created like Enoch; for he was taken from the earth." Ecclesiasticus 49:14 KJVcopy save
But upon the earth was no man created like Enoch; for he was taken from the earth.

Judith 13:18chapter context similar meaning "Then said Ozias unto her, O daughter, blessed art thou of the most high God above all the women upon the earth; and blessed be the Lord God, which hath created the heavens and the earth, which hath directed thee to the cutting off of the head of the chief of our enemies." Judith 13:18 KJVcopy save
Then said Ozias unto her, O daughter, blessed art thou of the most high God above all the women upon the earth; and blessed be the Lord God, which hath created the heavens and the earth, which hath directed thee to the cutting off of the head of the chief of our enemies.

2 Esdras 4:21chapter context similar meaning "For like as the ground is given unto the wood, and the sea to his floods: even so they that dwell upon the earth may understand nothing but that which is upon the earth: and he that dwelleth above the heavens may only understand the things that are above the height of the heavens." 2 Esdras 4:21 KJVcopy save
For like as the ground is given unto the wood, and the sea to his floods: even so they that dwell upon the earth may understand nothing but that which is upon the earth: and he that dwelleth above the heavens may only understand the things that are above the height of the heavens.

2 Esdras 13:30chapter context similar meaning "And he shall come to the astonishment of them that dwell on the earth." 2 Esdras 13:30 KJVcopy save
And he shall come to the astonishment of them that dwell on the earth.

Tobit 3:13chapter context similar meaning "And say, Take me out of the earth, that I may hear no more the reproach." Tobit 3:13 KJVcopy save
And say, Take me out of the earth, that I may hear no more the reproach.

2 Esdras 16:24chapter context similar meaning "There shall be no man left to till the earth, and to sow it" 2 Esdras 16:24 KJVcopy save
There shall be no man left to till the earth, and to sow it

Wisdom of Solomon 7:1chapter context similar meaning "I myself also am a mortal man, like to all, and the offspring of him that was first made of the earth," Wisdom of Solomon 7:1 KJVcopy save
I myself also am a mortal man, like to all, and the offspring of him that was first made of the earth,

2 Esdras 16:14chapter context similar meaning "Behold, the plagues are sent, and shall not return again, until they come upon the earth." 2 Esdras 16:14 KJVcopy save
Behold, the plagues are sent, and shall not return again, until they come upon the earth.

2 Esdras 5:48chapter context similar meaning "Then said he unto me, Even so have I given the womb of the earth to those that be sown in it in their times." 2 Esdras 5:48 KJVcopy save
Then said he unto me, Even so have I given the womb of the earth to those that be sown in it in their times.

2 Esdras 16:52chapter context similar meaning "For yet a little, and iniquity shall be taken away out of the earth, and righteousness shall reign among you." 2 Esdras 16:52 KJVcopy save
For yet a little, and iniquity shall be taken away out of the earth, and righteousness shall reign among you.

Baruch 3:37chapter context similar meaning "Afterward did he shew himself upon earth, and conversed with men." Baruch 3:37 KJVcopy save
Afterward did he shew himself upon earth, and conversed with men.

Ecclesiasticus 33:10chapter context similar meaning "And all men are from the ground, and Adam was created of earth:" Ecclesiasticus 33:10 KJVcopy save
And all men are from the ground, and Adam was created of earth:

Ecclesiasticus 17:1chapter context similar meaning "The Lord created man of the earth, and turned him into it again." Ecclesiasticus 17:1 KJVcopy save
The Lord created man of the earth, and turned him into it again.

2 Esdras 7:46chapter context similar meaning "I answered then and said, This is my first and last saying, that it had been better not to have given the earth unto Adam: or else, when it was given him, to have restrained him from sinning." 2 Esdras 7:46 KJVcopy save
I answered then and said, This is my first and last saying, that it had been better not to have given the earth unto Adam: or else, when it was given him, to have restrained him from sinning.

2 Esdras 10:9chapter context similar meaning "For ask the earth, and she shall tell thee, that it is she which ought to mourn for the fall of so many that grow upon her." 2 Esdras 10:9 KJVcopy save
For ask the earth, and she shall tell thee, that it is she which ought to mourn for the fall of so many that grow upon her.

2 Esdras 5:6chapter context similar meaning "And even he shall rule, whom they look not for that dwell upon the earth, and the fowls shall take their flight away together:" 2 Esdras 5:6 KJVcopy save
And even he shall rule, whom they look not for that dwell upon the earth, and the fowls shall take their flight away together:

Ecclesiasticus 16:29chapter context similar meaning "After this the Lord looked upon the earth, and filled it with his blessings." Ecclesiasticus 16:29 KJVcopy save
After this the Lord looked upon the earth, and filled it with his blessings.

Judith 2:9chapter context similar meaning "And I will lead them captives to the utmost parts of all the earth." Judith 2:9 KJVcopy save
And I will lead them captives to the utmost parts of all the earth.

Baruch 3:16chapter context similar meaning "Where are the princes of the heathen become, and such as ruled the beasts upon the earth;" Baruch 3:16 KJVcopy save
Where are the princes of the heathen become, and such as ruled the beasts upon the earth;

Baruch 3:20chapter context similar meaning "Young men have seen light, and dwelt upon the earth: but the way of knowledge have they not known," Baruch 3:20 KJVcopy save
Young men have seen light, and dwelt upon the earth: but the way of knowledge have they not known,

2 Esdras 11:41chapter context similar meaning "For the earth hast thou not judged with truth." 2 Esdras 11:41 KJVcopy save
For the earth hast thou not judged with truth.

Prayer of Azariah 1:52chapter context similar meaning "O let the earth bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever." Prayer of Azariah 1:52 KJVcopy save
O let the earth bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever.


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