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"PEACE" in the KJV Bible

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1 Maccabees 7:28chapter context similar meaning "Let there be no battle between me and you; I will come with a few men, that I may see you in peace." 1 Maccabees 7:28 KJVcopy save
Let there be no battle between me and you; I will come with a few men, that I may see you in peace.

Ecclesiasticus 6:6chapter context similar meaning "Be in peace with many: nevertheless have but one counsellor of a thousand." Ecclesiasticus 6:6 KJVcopy save
Be in peace with many: nevertheless have but one counsellor of a thousand.

Judith 3:1chapter context similar meaning "So they sent ambassadors unto him to treat of peace, saying," Judith 3:1 KJVcopy save
So they sent ambassadors unto him to treat of peace, saying,

Wisdom of Solomon 3:3chapter context similar meaning "And their going from us to be utter destruction: but they are in peace." Wisdom of Solomon 3:3 KJVcopy save
And their going from us to be utter destruction: but they are in peace.

1 Maccabees 10:4chapter context similar meaning "For said he, Let us first make peace with him, before he join with Alexander against us:" 1 Maccabees 10:4 KJVcopy save
For said he, Let us first make peace with him, before he join with Alexander against us:

1 Maccabees 6:58chapter context similar meaning "Now therefore let us be friends with these men, and make peace with them, and with all their nation;" 1 Maccabees 6:58 KJVcopy save
Now therefore let us be friends with these men, and make peace with them, and with all their nation;

Ecclesiasticus 13:18chapter context similar meaning "What agreement is there between the hyena and a dog? and what peace between the rich and the poor?" Ecclesiasticus 13:18 KJVcopy save
What agreement is there between the hyena and a dog? and what peace between the rich and the poor?

Ecclesiasticus 47:16chapter context similar meaning "Thy name went far unto the islands; and for thy peace thou wast beloved." Ecclesiasticus 47:16 KJVcopy save
Thy name went far unto the islands; and for thy peace thou wast beloved.

1 Maccabees 7:13chapter context similar meaning "Now the Assideans were the first among the children of Israel that sought peace of them:" 1 Maccabees 7:13 KJVcopy save
Now the Assideans were the first among the children of Israel that sought peace of them:

Ecclesiasticus 44:14chapter context similar meaning "Their bodies are buried in peace; but their name liveth for evermore." Ecclesiasticus 44:14 KJVcopy save
Their bodies are buried in peace; but their name liveth for evermore.

1 Maccabees 13:40chapter context similar meaning "And look who are meet among you to be in our court, let then be enrolled, and let there be peace betwixt us." 1 Maccabees 13:40 KJVcopy save
And look who are meet among you to be in our court, let then be enrolled, and let there be peace betwixt us.

1 Maccabees 11:66chapter context similar meaning "But they desired to have peace with him, which he granted them, and then put them out from thence, and took the city, and set a garrison in it." 1 Maccabees 11:66 KJVcopy save
But they desired to have peace with him, which he granted them, and then put them out from thence, and took the city, and set a garrison in it.

Tobit 10:6chapter context similar meaning "To whom Tobit said, Hold thy peace, take no care, for he is safe." Tobit 10:6 KJVcopy save
To whom Tobit said, Hold thy peace, take no care, for he is safe.

2 Maccabees 1:4chapter context similar meaning "And open your hearts in his law and commandments, and send you peace," 2 Maccabees 1:4 KJVcopy save
And open your hearts in his law and commandments, and send you peace,

Baruch 5:4chapter context similar meaning "For thy name shall be called of God for ever The peace of righteousness, and The glory of God's worship." Baruch 5:4 KJVcopy save
For thy name shall be called of God for ever The peace of righteousness, and The glory of God's worship.

Ecclesiasticus 28:13chapter context similar meaning "Curse the whisperer and doubletongued: for such have destroyed many that were at peace." Ecclesiasticus 28:13 KJVcopy save
Curse the whisperer and doubletongued: for such have destroyed many that were at peace.

Baruch 4:20chapter context similar meaning "I have put off the clothing of peace, and put upon me the sackcloth of my prayer: I will cry unto the Everlasting in my days." Baruch 4:20 KJVcopy save
I have put off the clothing of peace, and put upon me the sackcloth of my prayer: I will cry unto the Everlasting in my days.

Ecclesiasticus 50:23chapter context similar meaning "He grant us joyfulness of heart, and that peace may be in our days in Israel for ever:" Ecclesiasticus 50:23 KJVcopy save
He grant us joyfulness of heart, and that peace may be in our days in Israel for ever:

Ecclesiasticus 28:9chapter context similar meaning "A sinful man disquieteth friends, and maketh debate among them that be at peace." Ecclesiasticus 28:9 KJVcopy save
A sinful man disquieteth friends, and maketh debate among them that be at peace.

Ecclesiasticus 47:2chapter context similar meaning "As is the fat taken away from the peace offering, so was David chosen out of the children of Israel." Ecclesiasticus 47:2 KJVcopy save
As is the fat taken away from the peace offering, so was David chosen out of the children of Israel.

Ecclesiasticus 41:14chapter context similar meaning "My children, keep discipline in peace: for wisdom that is hid, and a treasure that is not seen, what profit is in them both?" Ecclesiasticus 41:14 KJVcopy save
My children, keep discipline in peace: for wisdom that is hid, and a treasure that is not seen, what profit is in them both?

1 Maccabees 14:11chapter context similar meaning "He made peace in the land, and Israel rejoiced with great joy:" 1 Maccabees 14:11 KJVcopy save
He made peace in the land, and Israel rejoiced with great joy:

1 Maccabees 10:47chapter context similar meaning "But with Alexander they were well pleased, because he was the first that entreated of true peace with them, and they were confederate with him always." 1 Maccabees 10:47 KJVcopy save
But with Alexander they were well pleased, because he was the first that entreated of true peace with them, and they were confederate with him always.

1 Maccabees 11:50chapter context similar meaning "Grant us peace, and let the Jews cease from assaulting us and the city." 1 Maccabees 11:50 KJVcopy save
Grant us peace, and let the Jews cease from assaulting us and the city.

1 Maccabees 10:66chapter context similar meaning "Afterward Jonathan returned to Jerusalem with peace and gladness." 1 Maccabees 10:66 KJVcopy save
Afterward Jonathan returned to Jerusalem with peace and gladness.

2 Maccabees 14:19chapter context similar meaning "Wherefore he sent Posidonius, and Theodotus, and Mattathias, to make peace." 2 Maccabees 14:19 KJVcopy save
Wherefore he sent Posidonius, and Theodotus, and Mattathias, to make peace.

1 Esdras 3:24chapter context similar meaning "O ye men, is not wine the strongest, that enforceth to do thus? And when he had so spoken, he held his peace." 1 Esdras 3:24 KJVcopy save
O ye men, is not wine the strongest, that enforceth to do thus? And when he had so spoken, he held his peace.

Judith 7:24chapter context similar meaning "God be judge between us and you: for ye have done us great injury, in that ye have not required peace of the children of Assur." Judith 7:24 KJVcopy save
God be judge between us and you: for ye have done us great injury, in that ye have not required peace of the children of Assur.

Ecclesiasticus 38:8chapter context similar meaning "Of such doth the apothecary make a confection; and of his works there is no end; and from him is peace over all the earth," Ecclesiasticus 38:8 KJVcopy save
Of such doth the apothecary make a confection; and of his works there is no end; and from him is peace over all the earth,

Judith 8:35chapter context similar meaning "Then said Ozias and the princes unto her, Go in peace, and the Lord God be before thee, to take vengeance on our enemies." Judith 8:35 KJVcopy save
Then said Ozias and the princes unto her, Go in peace, and the Lord God be before thee, to take vengeance on our enemies.


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